129 research outputs found

    Implementasi Perda No 14 Tahun 2011 Tentang Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah (Rtrw) Kota Semarang (Studi Kasus Pembatasan Lahan Untuk Perumahan Di Atas Perbukitan)

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    Semarang population growth increasing impact the growing need for housing . Housing is comfortable , safe and free society yearning flood the city, so that the hills become an alternative development of new settlements . Housing in the hills now have proliferated , it has become a new problem for the hills designated as a buffer zone of Semarang . Thus, in Regulation No. 14 of 2011 are mentioned in Article 119 of the restriction of land for housing in the hills . The purpose of this study is to investigate the implementation of Regulation No. 14 Year 2011 about Spatial Plan of the city, as well as to determine the factors that hinder the implementation of the policy . The formulation of the problem in this research is about how the implementation of the Regulation No. 14 of 2011 and what are the factors that hinder the implementation of the regulation. This study used a qualitative research method because that will be examined are many phenomena that occur at the sites as well as an analysis of the relationship between the observed phenomenon . With this type of research is expected to get an overview of descriptive analysis in a systematic , factual and accurate information on the facts and the relationship between the phenomenon under study . Determination of the informants in this study using purposive sampling where the determination of informants chosen with special consideration of the researcher. The results of this research is the implementation of spatial planning policy has shifted very significant because most of Semarang space development policy is not in accordance with the land designated function . Interactions were constructed by policy makers actually prefer the interests of the public rather than the use of space that is expected to be affected by the use or management of space . While the factors that hinder the implementation of the Regulation on spatial planning is the lack of public interest a government priority ; existence of private parties that violate applicable laws ; yet supports adequate resources ; lack of concrete measures from the government to crack down on violations ; law is an advanced rules and procedures are already in the previous period so as to improve the system is not an easy thing

    Plant Watering System Based on the Internet of Thing

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    Salah satu aspek dalam sebuah kegiatan pertanian adalah sistem penyiraman tanaman. Akan tetapi sistem penyiraman yang telah ada saat ini masih menggunakan prinsip berjalan secara stand alone. Dari proses kerja sistem penyiraman secara standalone saat ini masih menyisakan permasalahan yaitu setiap penyiraman tidak terdapat informasi yang diberikan kepada petani. Informasi penyiraman sangat penting untuk mengetahui apakan sistem tersebut telah bekerja dengan baik atau tidak. Maka oleh sebab itu diperlukan sebuah sistem penyiraman otomatis yang dapat memberikan informasi penyiraman secara jarak jauh melalui internet dengan menggunakan konsep Internet of Things (IoTs). Tujuan artikel ini adalah membahas perancangan prototipe sebuah sistem penyiraman otomatis berbasis internet of things (IoTs). Prototipe dibangun menggunakan mikrokontroler Arduino Uno, Sensor Kelembaban tanah, pompa air dan ethernet shield. Dari perancangan ini menghasilkan sistem informasi penyiraman air secara real time yang dapat mengirimkan informasi penyiraman air jarak jauh berbasis web

    Pengaruh Jarak terhadap Kualitas Gambar dalam Pengiriman Citra Digital melalui Jaringan Wireless pada Kamera Ls Y201

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    Digital image was needed us a medium of information that can be transmitted by cable or wireless media. To obtain digital images must use a tool such as a camera. Users can use the camera to get a digital image with the remote sensing method on an object in a particular place. In the daily activities, users can take advantages of the digital image (pictures or video) that are useful for media documentation, monitoring system in somewhere and others. The design of this tool using LS_Y201camera to capture a digital image and wireless as a data transmission media. In this case a wireless media use Ultra High Frequency transmitter and receiver that support for remote sensing. Users run the tool through an application that is connected with a wireless media. This application is designed byDelphi7. Applications and wireless camera was made for simulation media of remote sensing and monitoring system in the blank spot area. The test result of applications and tools that use the Ultra High Frequency (wireless), can be viewed from a computer interface. In this case, the signal strength ofthe transmitter greatly affect the maximum distance that can be taken to make capture process. The test results are as follows: the best results at a distance of 10 meters = 011110102 (12210); distance of 20 meters = 011100112 (11510); distance of 30 meters = 011110102 (12210); distance of 40 meters =011011112 (11110); distance of 50 meters = 011100102 (11410). So the best distance to digital images transmission through a wireless networks are at a distance of 40 meters

    Implementasi Kebijakan Tentang Pengendalian Lingkungan Hidup Di Taman Margasatwa Kota Semarang

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    In reducing environmental pollution, Semarang municipality has made a local regulation number 13 on the year of 2006 on environmental control. It was intent to environmental control for reducing its pollutions that caused by organic wastes as wellas inorganic one. Because, it can have a effect negatively for human and animals who are getting in, and the gases those are coming from decomposition, combustion or evendisposal process interfere health as well. The office of technical implementing got target for realizing environmental wildlife park which to be clean an health.The reasearch used a descriptive qualitative method that lovated on the area of Semarang wildlife park and focus on its policy implementation of environmental control. There were two data sources such primary and secondary. Its instruments usedas research instrument, interview guide, and informant. The way how to determine its technique that applied snowball sampling while collecting data using interview, observation, and library reasearch to get the whole data. Afterwards this analysis usingthe technique of domain and taxonomic data analizes.There were four phenomena which observed on this study. They were implementation policy by the factors of communications, resources, and stances. From the research, policy implementation has been running well. Where as communication and stances had been done very good, that by socializing those policy and supported its regulations as well. However this needed more staffs to fulfill this kind of implementations. This regulations was very substantial for producing environmentallyare clean and free of contaminations

    Pengaruh Bauran Pemasaran Berwawasan Green Marketing Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian (Survei Pada Pembeli Yang Menghuni Perumahan Ijen Nirwana Malang)

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    This type of research is an explanatory quantitative approach. This research carried out in Housing Ijen Nirwana Malang Jl. Ijen Malang Block A No. 16 Malang. Methods of data collection using the questionnaire. The sample in this study were 75 respondents. The sampling technique used was simple random sampling. Descriptive data analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that: The effect of Marketing Mix insightful Green Marketing which consists of variables Product, Price, Place, and Promotion have simultaneously influence on purchase decision is significant. The effect of variable products to the buying decision is significant. The effect of the variable purchase price the Decision is significant. The effect of on Purchase Decision Points variable is significant. Effect of Promotion of the Purchase Decision variables are significant. For Management Perumahan Ijen Nirwana Malang should further improve what is the slogan in offering housing to consumers which is about greening. More particularly on the products offered, the beauty of the place to be created around the greening of the housing, the price is adjusted to the condition of existing homes in the housing and the promotion of further improved to meet all space is still empt

    The Risk of Varicose Veins in Standing Female Workers

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    Background: Varicose veins often occur in employees who have to work in a position of standing work. The purpose of this study to determine risk factors for varicose veins and leg or foot among women workers.Methods: In this cross-sectional study in January-March 2010 the samples were selected purposively who met inclusion criteria among female workers who work in the position of standing work. Data were collected by interview, physical examination and observation of the position of standing work. To determine the dominant factors for varicose veins, data processing was using relative risk approach. Results: A number 111 out of 152 employees worked in a lot of work standing position participated the study, and who had varicose veins and leg or foot as was 52.3% (53 people). The majority of respondents aged 18-35 years, had total work period of 3-17 years, and worked in a lot of work standing position. Those who had a family history of varicose veins were 13.5%, taking oral contraceptive were 11.71%, has a habit of exercise (18.0%), and high heels (11.7%). Age, use of oral contraceptives, use of high heels, exercise habits, work standing position, place of work, and working period did not associate with varicose veins. Employees who had than did not have family history of varicose veins had 69% higher risk of suffering from varicose veins [relative risk (RR) = 1.69, P = 0.121].Conclusion: Employees who had family history of varicose veins had higher risk suffering varicose veins. (Health Science Indones 2013;1:47-50

    Implementasi Perda Nomor 3 Tahun 2010 Tentang Penanggulangan Hiv/aids Di Kabupaten Semarang

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    This research while such the number of the HIV/AIDS in district Semarang are increasing. Lack of health facilities associated could have an impact on the to the reproductive age. The formulation problems this research include: how the implementation of those two years about 3 2010 HIV/AIDS in district Semarang? , what many factor are affecting the implementation of local regulations?. Research purposes to know the legislation number 3 years 2010 about HIV/AIDS in district Semarang. Research purposes to know the legislation number 3 years 2010 about HIV/AIDS in district Semarang. A literature study underlying this research using the theory George Edward III. The methodology used by the methodology qualitative .Analysis by using taxonomic analysis techniques and analysis of cultural theme . The result showed that the implementation of HIV/AIDS in district Semarang not optimally .This was apparent from the three phases which includes prevention , treatment , and rehabilitation. It is proven with increased rates of the HIV/AIDS , the number of health facilities inadequate to include the whole the district Semarang , and the availability of human resources not enough. Ineffective HIV/AIDS because the sectoral ego between government agencies and across the private sector , the stigma negative for the HIV/AIDS , and the culture permissiveness in society about. Based on the research done is recommended deprive sectoral ego happened , improve public education for HIV/AIDS , and improve health facilities and the quality of human resources
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