8 research outputs found

    Perbedaan Survival Pasien Rujukan Dan Non Rujukan Dengan Cedera Kepala Di Instalasi Gawat Darurat (Igd) RSUD Dr. Saiful Anwar Malang

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    Banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi survival pasien cedera kepala. Manajemen awal cedera kepala dan sistem rujukan yang tepat menjadi aspek penentu survival pasien cedera kepala. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui perbedaan survival antara pasien rujukan dan non rujukan dengan cedera kepala berdasarkan rentang waktu pra rumah sakit di Instalasi Gawat Darurat (IGD) RSUD dr. Saiful Anwar Malang. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan observasional analitik dengan metode Cohort Restropective dengan mengobservasi catatan rekam medis pasien cedera kepala rujukan dan non rujukan di IGD RSUD dr Saiful Anwar selama 2 tahun terakhir, jumlah sample 96 terdiri dari 48 pasien rujukan dan 48 pasien non rujukan yang diperoleh dengan teknik purposive sampling. Penelitian membandingkan survival pasien rujukan dan non rujukan secara umum dan berdasarkan rentang waktu pra rumah sakit, saat tiba di IGD RSUD dr Saiful Anwar, dengan uji analisis survival Kaplan Meiner, uji Log Rank dan Mann Whitney untuk melihat perbandingan grafik Kaplan Meiner. Hasil uji analisis Mann Whitney menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan survival antara pasien rujukan dan non rujukan p= 0,337, sedangkan pada uji analisis survival Kaplan Meiner dan uji Log Rank menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan signifikan pada grafik Kaplan Meiner dalam mempengaruhi survival terutama pada rentang waktu pra rumah sakit. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa secara umum tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan survival pasien rujukan dan non rujukan dalam 24 jam sejak tiba di IGD RSUD dr. Saiful Anwar, namun jika dilihat dari rentang waktu pra rumah sakit terdapat perbedaan yang berhubungan dengan survival pasien rujukan dan non rujukan saat tiba di IGD RSUD dr. Saiful Anwar. Dengan demikian diperlukan tatalaksana awal pasien cedera kepala yang cepat dan tepat dan meminimalkan Golden Hours untuk meningkatkan survival

    Pengaruh Foreign Direct Investment, Nilai Tukar Dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Terhadap Ekspor (Studi Pada Nilai Ekspor Non Migas Indonesia Periode Tahun 2005-2015)

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    This research aimed to determine the factors that may affect the Non Oil Exports Indonesia. The independent variable in this study is the Value of FDI inflow in Indonesia, Exchange Rate against the US Dollar and Indonesia's GDP with the dependent variable is Indonesian Non Oil Export Value. This type of research is explanatory research with quantitative approach using Multiple linear regression analysis. The focus of this research is the Export Value of Non-Oil Indonesia in 2005-2015. The results showed that The results of simultaneous test (F test) showed that the value of Foreign FDI inflow in Indonesia, Rupiah Exchange Rate against the US Dollar and GDP Indonesia significant effect simultaneously. While the results of the partial test (t test), showed that the value of FDI inflow in Indonesia does not significantly influence to the Indonesian Non Oil Export Value. Variable Exchange Rate Rupiah against the US Dollar significant negative effect while variable Indonesia's GDP significant positive significantly partially on Export Value of Non-Oil Indonesia

    Optimalisasi Waktu Dan Biaya Proyek Dengan Analisa Crash Program

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    Optimization of time and cost is effort to use short time with minimum cost for reaching a job with good results and profits while still concern with quality of project. Crash Program analysis using addition of working hours, is intended to decrease working hours but it is still keeping the productivity number. The direct cost of the project will increase with the addition of working hours, but inversely proportional to the indirect cost of the project. Therefore, the purpose of this final project is to get optimization point between time and cost of the project, in order to get minimum cost to shorten project implementation time. Crash Program is one of scheduling method to shorten project implemention time. By using this program, earned critical path of a project to decide an acitivity that the implementation time can be shortened

    Fresh Chili Agribusiness: Opportunities and Problems in Indonesia

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    The National Socioeconomic Survey (SUSENAS) conducted in Indonesia in September 2021 found that the average consumption of red chili per month was 0.15 kilograms (kg) per capita per month. The average consumption of fresh chili per month is 40.90 thousand tons, and the cumulative total reached 490.83 thousand tons in 2021. Uneven chili production across time and region makes prices fluctuate, which affects inflation by 0.01–0.07%. Another problem is the imbalance of supply and demand between time and region, which impacts farmers’ welfare. Setting planting time and location and improving distribution can solve these problems. The application of technology that can extend the life of fresh chilies for one month is a solution for chili distribution from farmers to areas with high demand. One-wave roasting and drying technology can extend chilies’ freshness for six months. By producing chilies that have a shelf life of more than three months, it is possible to store them in warehouses using the warehouse receipt system. The application of the warehouse receipt system to chili commodities is also an alternative to solving postharvest problems. The distribution and application of technology that can extend the life of chili can increase its economic value and make chili not a commodity that contributes to Indonesian inflation

    Financial Analysis of Liquid Organic Fertilizer of the Harapan Maju Farmer Group in Mobui Village as A Social Forestry Business Development

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    Community Forest (CF) is a sustainable forest management scheme that involves local community in order to increase the level of community welfare. It is necessary to develop several business activities that are able to support forest ecology and improve the living standard of the community. These activities include making organic liquid fertilizer (POC). The purpose of this research is to analyze the business feasibility and business continuity of POC of farmer group Harapan Maju CF in the Mobui Village, Kembayan District, Sanggau Regency, West Kalimantan. Data were collected through interviews with the management of the joint business group (KUB) of Mobui Majua covering fixed and variable costs based on market prices. In this research, some assumptions that are in line with field conditions are used for financial and sustainability analysis of POC production. The result shows that the activity of making POC by Mobui Majua CF is financially feasible with a positive Net Present Value (NPV), Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) of 1.56, Return on Investment (ROI) of 55.67%, and Payback Period (PP) in 7.5 months. Human resources skill and capability, proper marketing strategy, effective institution and raw material supply certainty are influencing factors for the POC business sustainabilit