42 research outputs found

    Sistem Perbenihan Padi Dan Karakteristik Produsen Benih Padi Di Jawa Timur

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    EnglishRice seed is a promising business. Partnership between rice seed producers and seed growers is profitable to both parties and enhances production scale. This study was conducted in November 2013 in Mojokerto and Banyuwangi Regencies, East Java Province. Results of the study showed that rice seed producers in East Java were able to supply more than the rice farmers' dema nd in the province. Some of the rice seed production was sold to other provinces. Partnership between producers and growers are intended to reduce risks. Furthermore, growers received soft loans fr om producer, attained higher yield, and better selling price. It is necessary to improve role of Food Crops and Horticulture Seed Control Agency (UPT PSBT PH) to oversee rice seed production and its distribution. Crops Seed Controller (PBT) enhancement will improve role of UPT PSBTPH. IndonesiaProduksi benih padi merupakan bisnis yang relatif menjanjikan. Kemitraan antara produsen dan penangkar benih padi menguntungkan kedua belah pihak dan dapat meningkatkan skala produksi. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan November 2013 di Kabupaten Mojokerto dan Kabupaten Banyuwangi, Provinsi Jawa Timur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa produsen benih di Jawa Timur mampu menghasilkan benih padi untuk mencukupi kebutuhan petani di provinsi tersebut, bahkan sebagian dijual ke luar provinsi. Umumnya produsen benih bermitra dengan penangkar benih untuk mengurangi risiko kerugian. Penangkar benih diuntungkan karena mendapat bantuan pinjaman dari produsen sehingga dapat menghasilkan calon benih padi dengan produktivitas tinggi dan harga jual yang lebih baik dari gabah konsumsi. Peranan Balai Pengawasan dan Sertifikasi Benih (BPSB) atau Unit Pengelola Teknis Pengawasan dan Sertifikasi Benih Tanaman Pangan dan Hortikultura (UPT PSBTPH) perlu ditingkatkan dalam mengawasi produksi benih sejak di lapang, setelah panen hingga pengolahan benih dan peredaran di pasar. Penambahan Pengawas Benih Tanaman (PBT) dapat meningkatkan peran BPSB

    Pendeteksi Tingkat Kebisingan Berbasis Internet Of Things sebagai Media Kontrol Kenyamanan Ruangan Perpustakaan

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    The library is a place that is used as a study and reading room, so that a comfortable place is needed from disturbances in the library building. Based on the decision of the Minister of Environment in 1996, the standard noise for library environments ranged from 45 to 55 dB. but in fact there is often a commotion caused by visitors. in this study a noise level detection system was created where the noise detection system is expected to be used as a media for comfort control in the library room. The noise level detector uses a sound sensor that is connected to Arduino.The system will be equipped with a warning system in the form of Buzzer and Warning Text sounds that will be displayed on the P10 LED Panel and equipped with Internet of Things technology that allows the supervisor or guard of the library to monitor the noise of the library room real time via Web Server. The test results show that this tool can detect noise levels in the range of at least 41 dB and a maximum of 69 dB with a deviation of 0.6 and an average error of 1.0%. the average sound intensity measured in the library room is 56.24 dB. The average percentage of the success of the system against Buzzer and Warning text warnings is equal to 97.3% and the average percentage of the success of sending data to the web server in the noise level detector is 95

    Model Fisik Sub Surface Flow Constructed Wetland untuk Pengolahan Air Limbah Musala Al-Jazari Fakultas Teknik Universitas Riau

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    Musala Al-Jazari is located in the Faculty of Engineering, University of Riau. Activity in musala every day produces a wastewater effluent. Wastewater directly discharged and allowed to seep in flooded soil without first processing that can affect groundwater quality. One of the appropriate technology is simple, inexpensive and easy in operation and maintenance system to reduce pollutants in wastewater was constructed wetland. The purpose of this study is to plan physical model of Sub Surface Flow Constructed Wetland (SSF-Wetland) field scale, determine the effectiveness of SSF-wetland in reducing water waste and calculate budget construction costs SSF-Wetland. Research using medium black soil and water jasmine plants (Alisma plantago). Water quality parameters tested were pH, Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and Total Suspended Solid (TSS). The results of the study resulted in the highest efficiency value of 78.07% reduction in COD, TSS of 78.72% and an increase in the pH value of 27.59%. From planning SSF-Wetland obtained the total planned budget of Rp. 6,574,527.16. Overall the results showed that the constructed wetland besides being able to improve the quality of waste water can also beautify the area musala

    Pengaruh Pemakaian Agregat Kasar Dari Limbah Amp Terhadap Kuat Tekan Beton Fc\u27 18,5 Mpa

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melihat pengaruh uji kuat tekan pada beton normal dengan menggunakan agregat limbah AMP (asphal mixing plant) pada bahan pengganti agregat kasar dimana pada 0% dijadikan beton kontrol dan pada persentase 10%, 20% dan 30%. Adapun rancangan adukan beton menggunakan metode DOE (Development of Environment) yang umum dipakai. Setelah melalui penelitian pada pengujian kuat tekan yang dilaksanakan pada umur 7,14, dan 28 hari, persentase penggunaan agregat limbah AMP (asphal mixing plant) yang mengalami peningkatan kuat tekan yang signifikan ada

    Pemodelan Pertumbuhan Tata Ruang Kota Semarang Berdasarkan Aspek Ekonomi Menggunakan Konsep Analisis Spasial Citra Satelit Resolusi Tinggi

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    Semarang city has a total area of 373,70 km2. Semarang is administratively divided into 16 districts and 177 village, Semarang have astronomical positions between lines 6o50 '- 7o10' south latitude and line 109o35 '- 110o50' east longitude. As the capital of Central Java province, Semarang is a city that is growing economically. Indirectly, the economic development in the city of Semarang influences the spatial growth of the city.The purpose of this research is to create a growth model spatial map of Semarang by using the concept of spatial analysis. Data used in the form of raster data. Namely, Landsat 2002, 2007, 2013, and 2015 along with attribute data of Semarang City with shapefile format. The data in this study were processed using supervised classification method combined with multi-criteria evaluation methods.The results of this study showed that the spatial growth occurs towards the south in the period 2002-2007, and spatial growth occurred in the east in the period 2007-2013, and growth in all directions in the period 2013-2015. Then, seen from the pattern of distribution of economic centers, in the period 2002, 2013, and 2015, the distribution pattern economic centers in the District of Central Semarang and South Semarang shows the distribution pattern clustered, while in the period 2007 distribution pattern economic centers in the District Central Semarang showed clumped distribution pattern while South Semarang exhibit a random pattern on the economic center of the upper classes, while other classes have clumped pattern.

    Analisis Sifat Fisik dan Mekanik Kayu Kelapa Sawit Hasil Kompregnasi Melamine Formaldehyde

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    During the past time the utilization of palm oil tree only limited to producing fruit to produce oil with all their derivatives, as well as the utilization of husk and midrib. Stem, as the biggest mass palm oil tree has not been used commercially due to its lack of quality. One effort in improving quality of palm oil wood is compregnation. Compregnation interpreted as an effort of putting the chemicals into wood structure using prresure. Chemicals that can penetrate into wood structure in this case is melamine formaldehyde resin. The result of research showed that compregnation palm oil wood by melamine formaldehyde increased the specific of gravity of wood from 0,32 before compregnation to 0,48, 0,58 and 0,65 for 50%, 75% and 100% concentrate. Moisture content decreased from 12,05% before compregnation to 10,67 at 100% concentrate. MOR increased from 64,58 kg/cm2 before compregnation to 131,54 kg/cm2, 188,94 kg/cm2 and 361,14 kg/cm2 each for 50%, 75% and 100% concentrate

    Analisis Dan Simulasi Video Watermarking Menggunakan Metode Dual Tree Complex Wavelet Transform (DT-CWT) Dan Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)

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    Video piracy is the act of obtaining, copying, and selling or distributing videos that already had the copyright without the consent of the copyright owner. Watermarking is a process which embeds an additional information in the host video signal so that the embedded watermark cannot be seen and difficult to be erased or altered. Video watermarking in this journal used a mp4 format video and two different watermark images. Host video frames are divided into two equal lots, some of the frames are embedded by watermark image 1, and the others are embedded by watermark images 2. The methods used are Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform (DTCWT) and Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). The two watermarks are embedded and extracted in each subband at a depth level 1 to level 4 DTCWT - SVD with the aim of seeking the best subband and the best level for embedding and extracting. In the extraction testing, watermarked video is given several attacks before extraction process. Based on the MOS and PSNR value the DTCWT-SVD level for embedding process is level 4, and based on the MOS and MSE value, the best extraction images are produced from the level 3. The best subband for embedding watermark are the subbands with three parts such as {1,5}{1,1}{1,2} and {1,5}{1,2}{1,2}