35 research outputs found

    Struktur Belitan Stator dan Rotor Bermagnet Permanen Fluks Radial untuk Alternator Fase Tunggal

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    Pemanfaatan kembali rangka dan inti stator bekas dari motor induksi fase-tiga (3Φ) melalui pengkondisian ulang terhadap rangka dan inti stator untuk perolehan alternator fase-tunggal. Pengkondisian ulang terhadap inti stator dgunakan untuk pembentukan belitan stator pada inti stator. Pembentukan belitan stator dipengaruhi oleh jumlah alur pada stator, luas masing-masing alur, pemilihan luas penampang dan tipe kawat email untuk kumparan, dan cara penggulungan kumparan dan penentuan jumlah kutub. Struktur belitan stator digunakan untuk pabrikasi struktur rotor dengan magnet permanen fluks radial. Keberadaan struktur belitan stator dan rotor dengan magnet permanen fluks radial pada alternator fase-tunggal digunakan sebagai dasar perhitungan untuk perolehan daya elektris teoritis yang dihasilkan alternator fase-tunggal. Keberadaan struktur rotor dengan magnet permanen fluks radial pada alternator fase-tunggal digunakan sebagai dasar perhitungan daya mekanis teoritis yang diperlukan dari penggerak mulan. Struktur belitan stator terbentuk oleh enam grup kumparan (koil) tipe jerat (lap winding) satu lapis pada rentang 6 (enam) aluran yang terhubung seri. Struktur rotor berbentuk silinder berongga berdimensi 60 mm, 30 mm, dan 85 mm yang dilengkapi dengan 12 buah magnet permanen. Nilai daya elektris teoritis yang dihasilkan alternator sebesar 81 VA, sedangkan daya mekanis teoritis yang diperlukan dari penggerak mula sebesar 350 watt. Kata

    Mendorong Reformasi Parlemen melalui Kekuatan Civil Society di Indonesia

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    Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan telaah kritis terhadap reposisi pelembagaan oposisi di parlemen berikut penguatan fungsi kontrol terhadap parlemen itu sendiri oleh masyarakat sipil. Dinamika sistem politik pasca orde baru mendesak terciptanya tatanan mekanisme checks and balances yang mampu mengakomodir peliknya persoalan tata kelola kebijakan publik dalam sistem presidensial dengan parlemen multi parpol ini. Tulisan ini dengan studi deskriptif analitis. Sumber data diperoleh dari referensi tentang partai politik dan pemilu serta relasi kuasa antar kekuatan politik. Tulisan ini mengambil setting celah parlemen yang membutuhkan kehadiran lembaga kontrol terhadap fungsi penyeimbang kekuasaan eksekutif sebagai konsekuensi dari pengejawantahan kewenangan yang cenderung dilematis. Penulis menyimpulkan bahwa jejaring masyarakat sipil dapat menjadi alternatif dominan untuk menjalankan peran pengawasan terhadap kinerja legislatif di parlemen. Ketika eksekutif secara konstitusional tak terlalu mampu mengimbangi fungsi pengawasan parlemen, maka reposisi organisasi masyarakat sipil yang dianggap sebagai representasi utuh dan ideal dari kepentingan masyarakat banyak, menjadi pilihan terbaik untuk meredam menguatnya demokrasi kolusif. Sinkronisasi regulasi, niat baik dari partai politik, peran control masyarakat civil, dan sinergisasi cara pandang terhadap konsekuensi sistem multipartai yang tumbuh menjadi dasar demokratisasi yang lebih maju

    KEDAWUNG (Parkia Timoriana) DAN KERABATNYA DI JAWA; PETIR (P. Intermedia) DAN PETAI (P. Speciosa) [Kedawung (Parkia Timoriana) and Its Related Species in Java; Petir (P. Intermedia) and Petai (P. Speciosa)]

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    Kedawung is a member of the plant genus of Parkia (Mimosaceae). It has important value as traditional medicine and currently has been included in the Indonesian list of endangered medicinal plant species. There are two closely related species to Kedawung in Java: P. intermedia and P. speciosa. Parkia intermedia has long been assumed to be a hybrid between P. speciosa and P. timoriana. The species has leaflets linear-oblong and obtuse apex in mature foliage resemble P. speciosa, but has more numerous leaflets, linear-falcate, and acute apex in its juvenile leaflets similar to P. timoriana. Thus Hopkins (1992) included Petir as uncertain species. The aim of this study was to assess its current existing populations, to clarify the taxonomic status and to evaluate the similarity between kedawung and its related species. Exploration, morphology and leaf anatomical studies, as well as phenetic analysis have been conducted. The results indicated that morphology and leaf anatomical characters can be used to distinguish P. timoriana, P. intermedia and P. speciosa as different species, and P. intermedia was more closely related to P. speciosa than to P. timoriana

    Analisis Implementasi Pengawasan Ekspor Impor Barang Pada Kppbc Tipe Madya Pabean Juanda

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    Indonesia one of the countries do export, import activities. In exporting / importing goods activity required controling. Institution that possesses of this is KPPBC Tipe Madya Pabean Juanda. The kind of research is descriptive qualitative approach. The result of this research shows implementation of controls export import of goods on KPPBC Tipe Madya Pabean Juanda are compliance with laws and customs regulations. Factors inhibiting the implementation of export controls of imported goods is an imbalance in the workload to be borne by the officer carrying out surveillance in the field, Factors inhibiting the implementation of controls export import of goods coming from service users (exporters,importers, PPJK) is if there are exporters or PPJK are still new and do not understand about customs procedures and is the uncertainty regarding the specifications listed in the customs documents. Factors supporting the implementation of export controls of imported goods originating from KPPBC Tipe Madya Pabean Juanda is conducive working environment, adequate infrastructure, and this agreement by KPPBC Tipe Madya Pabean Juanda while factors supporting the implementation of export import goods control from community is the lack of information related to indications of violations of customs of society

    Pengaruh Penambahan Bahan Stabilisasi Merk ”X” Terhadap Nilai California Bearing Ratio (CBR)

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    Nilai CBR suatu bahan merupakan hal yang sangat diperhitungkan pada kontruksi baik jalan ataupun konstruksi lainnya. Penggunaan tanah yang distabilisasi untuk digunakan sebagai bahan konstruksi merupakan sebuah alternatif. Salah satu caranyaberupa meningkatkan kerapatan tanah dengan cara pemadatan dan mencampur dengan bahan stabilisasi tambahan untuk meningkatkan sifat-sifat tanah.Bahan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah bahan stabilisasi merk “X” yang diproduksi Chemilink Technologies Group yang merupakan bahan polimer dalam bentuk serbuk. Bahan ini dapat merubah sifat fisis dan mekanis tanah seperti meningkatkan konsistensi tanah, meningkatkan kepadatan tanah, meningkatkan kekuatan tanah, dsb. Tanah yang digunakan adalah tanah yang tidak dapat digunakan untuk timbunan jalan menurut spesifikasi umum PU yang berasal dari Jalan Raya Caruban – Ngawi, Desa Purworejo, Kecamatan Pilang Kenceng, Kabupaten Madiun.Setelah dicampurkan bahan stabilisasi dengan variasi kadar 2.50%, 3.00%, 3.25%, 3.50%, 4.00% dan 4.50% terjadi Perubahan pada nilai batas atterberg yaitu penurunan PI seiring bertambahnya kadar bahan stabilisasi. Pada tanah asli PI sebesar 48,01% dan Perubahan terbesar pada kadar 4.5% sebesar 29.86%. Lalu pada specific gravity juga terjadi peningkatan, dari Gs tanah asli sebesar 2.62 menjadi 2.701 pada kadar bahan stabilisasi 4.5%. Kemudian pada uji pemadatan tidak ada korelasi pasti pada nilai OMC namun terjadi peningkatan pada nilai berat isi kering maksimum akibat reaksi bahan stabilisasi yang memecahkan gumpalan-gumpalan lempung sehingga tercapai kepadatan yang lebih. Pada uji CBR terjadi peningkatan nilai CBR akibat penambahan bahan stabilisasi, peningkatan jumlah tumbukan, dan penambahan lama waktu curing. Didapatkan korelasi antara jumlah tumbukan peningkatan CBR bahwa peningkatan nilai CBR pada tumbukan 56 dan 65 lebih baik dibanding 10 dan 30 tumbukan. Kemudian pada tumbukan 56 dan 65 terlihat korelasi yang jelas akibat lama waktu curing yaitu semakin lama waktu curing maka CBR yang didapat lebih tinggi. Dan nilai CBR yang melebihi nilai CBR agregat A terjadi pada kadar bahan stabilisasi 4.0% dan 4.5% pada waktu curing 7 hari baik 56 maupun 65 tumbukan yaitu untuk 4.0% sebesar 98.659% dan 97.920% lalu 4.5% sebesar 100.924% dan111.530%

    Penerapan Responsive Web Design Dalam Perancangan Sistem Modul Online Adaptif

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    Dewasa ini akses sebuah aplikasi web dapat melalui smartphone maupun tablet, sehingga terdapat tuntutan aplikasi web yang biasanya diakses melalui komputer, tetap responsif terhadap ukuran layar smartphone maupun tablet. Teknik tersebut dinamakan responsive web design, sebuah teknik yang digunakan desainer website untuk memberikan pengalaman visual yang elegan tanpa mempedulikan ukuran browser yang digunakan dan batasan apapun tentang cara mengakses perangkat tersebut. Berbagai sistem berbasis web lambat laun mulai menerapkan responsive web design termasuk sistem pembelajaran. Sebuah sistem pembelajaran rata-rata didesain sama untuk semua siswa yang mengikutinya. Hal ini tentu saja oleh siswa dirasa tidak cukup untuk memahami materi yang tersedia di sistem pembelajaran, mengingat gaya belajar setiap siswa berlainan. Sistem modul online adaptif diharapkan mampu menyediakan sumber pembelajaran yang disesuaikan dengan gaya belajar siswa. Sistem tersebut juga mampu mengakomodir lingkungan pembelajaran sesuai dengan gaya belajar siswa. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu sebuah sistem modul online adaptif yang dapat mengakomodir pembelajaran sesuai dengan gaya belajar siswa dan dapat diakses dimanapun, kapanpun, dan menggunakan perangkat genggam apapun sehingga diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi pada bidang pendidikan sekaligus personalisasi gaya belajar siswa

    Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan, Motivasi, dan Disiplin Kerja terhadap Kinerja Pegawai (Studi pada Pegawai Seksi Pkc di Kantor Pengawasan dan Pelayanan Bea dan Cukai Tipe Madya Pabean Tanjung Perak Surabaya)

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    Research aimed to analyze and to explain the simultaneous and partial effect of leadership style, motivation and work discipline on the performance of PKC Section employees at The Office of Customs Supervision and Service, Medium Level, Customs Region of Tanjung Perak Surabaya. Type of research was explanatory research. Hypothesis testing had produced several results which meant that there was a simultaneous and partial effect of leadership style (X­1), motivation (X­2), and work discipline (X­3) on employee performance (Y). This research was suggested that PKC Section at The Office of Customs Supervision and Service, Medium Level, Customs Region of Tanjung Perak Surabaya, should consider research variables in making policies and decisions in order to improve employee performance. Employees must show their discipline in executing SLA and 5R and keep their promises in delivering the service. Leaders should control the duty report and the work schedule of the employees, and also evaluate whether there was problems impairing work accomplishment. Leaders were also required to foster good relationship with subordinates in order to produce harmonious encounter and better cooperation, to facilitate the accomplishment of work and function of employees in PKC Sectio

    Pengaruh Bea Masuk dan Pajak dalam Rangka Impor (Bm dan Pdri) terhadap Total Penerimaan (Studi pada Kantor Pengawasan dan Pelayanan Bea dan Cukai Tipe Madya Cukai Malang Periode Tahun 2011-2015)

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    On the basis of this research is the number of postal items abroad are not completed during the last 5 years continues to increase, while revenues Medium Customs and Excise Office Malang has increased. This type of research is explanatory research with quantitative approach. This research uses monthly data from 2011 until 2015 with a sample of 60 pieces of time series data. Sources of the data used in this research is secondary data obtained from the Kantor Pos Lalu Bea Malang and Medium Customs and Excise office Malang. The data analysis technique used for this research is multiple linear regression analysis with independent variable is Import Duties and Tax in Terms of Import, and the dependent variable is Total Revenue of Medium Customs and Excise Office Malang. The results of this research explains that the variable Import Duties and Tax in Terms of Import partially have a significant effect on Total Revenue. Results of the research simultaneously explains that Import Duties and Tax in Terms of Import have a significant effect by 31%

    Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor and Brain-Derived Neurotropic Factor Levels in Ischemic Stroke Subject

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    BACKGROUND: Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and brain-derived neurotropic factor (BDNF) present during early neuronal development and play important roles in the process of neurorepairing includes angiogenesis, neurogenesis and neuronal plasticity after ischemic stroke. In this study, we observed VEGF and BDNF levels of subjects with ischemic stroke in different onset time.METHODS: A cross sectional study was designed. Study subjects were 51 ischemic stroke subjects, aged 30-80 years old, recruited from Gatot Subroto Army Central Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia. Ischemic stroke was diagnosed by neurologist, based on clinical examination and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) result. Subjects were divided into 3 groups based on onset time of stroke: 30 days (Group C). VEGF and BDNF levels from serum were measured using lumine Magpix. The data was analyzed for comparison and correlation.RESULTS: VEGF and BDNF levels of group B and C were significantly different with p=0.034 and p=0.007, respectively. Group B had the highest VEGF levels, whereas Group C had the highest BDNF level. VEGF and BDNF levels in each group were not significantly correlated.CONCLUSION: Each stage of time after ischemic stroke has different recovery activities like angiogenesis, neurogenesis and plasticity. Angiogenesis process was optimum in 7-30 days after onset. in more than 30 days onset, Low VEGF with high BDNF have important role in a long period of time after the onset of stroke in the regeneration and repair, such as maintaining neuronal survival and plasticity

    Relation Between the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia and the Legislators According to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia

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    This research aims to analyze and to describe the relation between the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia (CC) with the People Representatives' Council and the President of the Republic of Indonesia as legislators by looking on implementation of CC's decision through the legislation in the period 2004-2015. Using doctrinal research, it can be seen how the constitutional mandate in the CC's decision are implemented by the legislator through the legislation. The results are: (a) legal opinions of the CC's decision have a binding power; (b) a constitutional mandate in the legal opinion is intended as guidance for the legislators regarding what the 1945 Constitution requires; (c) directives to the legislator in the legal opinions should be implemented because it is the implementation of the principle of checks and balances according to the 1945 Constitution, (d) implementation of the CC's decisions through legislation does not have standard mechanism and does not become the priority of legislation, and (e) relation between the CC with the legislators can not be categorized in black and white in cooperative or confrontative, but shows ups and downs between cooperative and confrontative relations. Cooperative relations are realized when the constitutional mandate is formulated strongly so it is implemented by the legislator as the formula. Relationships tend to be cooperative in the implementation of the constitutional mandate of the decision, but not a priority of legislation. Meanwhile, the confrontative relations is seen from the constitutional mandate of the CC decisions which are not implemented