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    Psychologically, the rate of parental divorce has a negative contribution to child development. Not all children from divorced families have poor psychological well-being. Some children quickly move on with their family conditions so that it does not really affect their psychological well-being. There are at least three factors related to the psychological well-being of children with divorced parents, namely social support, coping strategies and reliance. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of social support and coping strategies on the psychological well-being of adolescents whose parents divorced through resilience as a mediator. The subjects of this study were 362 (three hundred and sixty two) adolescents who attend school in Bekasi City and Regency which were taken by quota sampling. The data collection technique used six instruments to reveal the characteristics of the subject and family, psychological well-being, social support, coping strategies and resilience. Analysis of individual characteristics using descriptive analysis and a measurement model calledpath analysiswith the help of the SPSS version 23 computer software program

    Pembinaan Kesehatan Mental dan Reproduksi Bagi Remaja Masjid AMIN, Sleman, Yogyakarta: Mental and Reproductive Health Development for Youth AMIN, Sleman, Special Region of Yogyakarta

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    Adolescence and early adulthood are transitional periods that vulnerable to mental and reproductive health disorders. This community service aimed to provide education about mental and reproductive health to increase knowledge and prevent both health problems in partners. A cycle of action research method was conducted by involved partners to determine the priority of the problems and how to solve them. Eighteen participants were involved with mental and reproductive health education session. As a result, there was an improvement of the mean score of participants' knowledge from 9,11 become 11,50 (maximum score=15) [p=0,001] and indicators achievement of the activeness of participants in participating in this community service activity. In conclusion, the educational session helped increase participants' mental and reproductive health knowledge. Multisectoral participation is needed to assist youth in implementing healthy lifestyle behaviors to maintain mental and sexual health.   ABSTRAK Kelompok usia remaja dan dewasa awal merupakan masa transisi yang rentan dengan masalah kesehatan mental dan reproduksi. Tujuan dari pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah memberikan edukasi mengenai kesehatan mental dan reproduksi untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan mencegah kedua masalah kesehatan tersebut pada mitra. Pendekatan yang dilakukan pada pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah satu siklus action research di mana tim pengabdian melibatkan mitra dalam penentuan prioritas masalah yang diselesaikan serta bagaimana cara menyelesaikannya. Sesi edukasi dilakukan terhadap 18  orang anggota organisasi remaja AMIN tersebut. Hasil pengabdian ini adalah meningkatnya rerata skor pengetahuan remaja mengenai kesehatan mental dan reproduksi dari 9,11 menjadi 11,50 (skor maksimal 15) [p=0,001], serta tercapainya indikator keaktifan partisipan dalam berpartisipasi pada kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini. Sebagai kesimpulan, sesi edukasi bermanfaat meningkatkan pengetahuan partisipan tentang kesehatan mental dan reproduksi. Dibutuhkan peran serta multisektor untuk mendampingi remaja dalam menerapkan perilaku hidup sehat untuk menjaga kesehatan mental dan seksual