4 research outputs found

    Rancang Bangun Jaringan Ad Hoc Berbasis Radio Paket Pada Kanal Frekuensi Tinggi Untuk Layanan Data Telemedika

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    Sistem layanan data telemedika konvensional di Indonesia selama ini masih dilakukan secara manual yaitu paper based document. Dengan adanya teknologi berbasis radio paket yang gratis ini dapat membantu tim medis puskesmas mengirim pesan ke pusat informasi (dinas kesehatan setempat) lalu dikirim ulang ke puskesmas lainnya secara cepat untuk kebutuhan pengiriman data berukuran kecil berupa teks. Untuk merealisasikan sistem layanan data telemedika bagi puskesmas di daerah terpencil, maka digunakan sistem komunikasi ad hoc. Oleh karena itu dirancang protokol ad hoc yang sesuai karakteristik komunikasi paket radio beserta interface layanan data telemedika dalam bentuk program laporan rekam medis wabah mingguan. Dilakukan pengujian kanal HF Surabaya dan Lawang dengan mengirim sinyal carrier dengan daya 49,03 dBm sehingga level SNR audio yang diterima sebesar -4,293 dB. Dan juga dilakukan pengujian protokol mode point-to-point dan ad hoc pada kanal VHF di sekitar kampus ITS Surabaya berupa mekanisme route discovery, route cache, pengiriman data telemedika dan ACK/NAK serta pengiriman variasi jumlah karakter U. Dari pengujian kanal VHF tersebut diperoleh batas maksimal pengiriman pesan kontinyu setiap 3 detik dengan payload 140 karakter U untuk 3 node adalah 158 Byte tiap pengiriman pesan

    Faktor Risiko Infeksi Haemophilus Vaginalis Pengunjung Klinik Kanker di Surabaya

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    Lnfeksi Haemophilus vaginalis merupakan salah satu penyakit menular seksual yang sering dialami oleh para wanita. Kejadian penyakit ini cukup tinggi. Menurut Klein (1994) 40% dari kunjungan penyakit menular seksual di institusi pelayanan kesehatan merupakan penderita infeksi Haemophilus vaginalis, disebutkan pula bahwa penyakit tersebut belum sepenuhnya dapat difahami. Dari hasil kajian di salah satu klinik yayasan kanker di Surabaya, pada tahun 1999 ditemukan 6,2% pengunjung yang mengidap Haemophilus vaginalis. Bila dilihat proporsinya nampak tidak terlalu besar, tetapi bila dilihat jumlahnya nampak cukup besar, yaitu sebanyak 1.544 orang penderita. Dengan besarnya jumlah penderita infeksi Haemophilus vaginalis tersebut dapat berakibat terjadinya komplikasi kepada pengidapnya. Menurut Schullman (2000), komplikasi akibat menderita Haemophilus vaginalis adalah radang panggul, infeksi kongenital bahkan dapat meyebabkan kematian janin. Oleh karena itu diperlukan kajian tentang faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penyakit Haemophilus vaginalis. Keywords: Risk factors, Haemophilus vaginalis infection, kanker Haemophilus vaginalis infection is a sexual transmitted disease in women. In the public health services, the proportional rate was 40% (Klein, 1994). Preliminary study in the one of the cancer clinic in Surabaya showed that 1.544 women (6.2%) infected by Haemophilus vaginalis. So, need a study to assess the risk factor of Haemophylus vaginalis infection.This was a case control study. The case was all of the women who had Pap's smear examination in the one of cancer clinic in Surabaya at 2001 with Haemophillus vaginalis infection (47 women). Ratio case and control was 1:1. Control was conducted with matching in age and parity, used simple random sampling. Independent variables were woman characteristic (age, education level, income, job status, parity, and IUD client), level of knowledge and personal hygiene. Collecting data used intenview and tracer of the secondary data. To analyzed used OR with 95% CI.The risk factors of Haemophylus vaginalis infection were junior high school education level or lower (OR = 2.88), low income (OR = 17.32) and IUD client (OR = 4.29). The age above > 40 years old, job status, parity (> 3 children), the low level of knowledge and personal hygiene had no statistically significant.Knowledge about the risk factors can used to control the disease. Need the early detection in women with risk factors such as lower education level, low income and IUD Client. Key words: Risk factors, Haemophilus vaginalis infectio

    Koefisien Kesepakatan Pemeriksaan Sediaan Dahak Penderita Tb Paru di Jawa Timur, Tahun 2004

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    Pulmonary TB diagnosis in adult (> = 15 years old) used sputum examination to identify M. tuberculosis. The results of the examination depend on quality of the sputum and quality of the resources (microscope, reagents and the laborant). Quality control of the result of the sputum examination used cross check activity between the result of the sputum examination in Public Health Center (Puskesmas) or hospital and the referral laboratory. The alternative method to asses the quality of the result of the examination was assessment of the reability. The objective of the study was to asses the reability the result of the sputum examination in the pulmonary tuberculosis control program in East Java Province.This was a descriptive study with secondary data. The data was been taken from the crosscheck activity were been reported from referral laboratory in six district and one pulmonary tuberculosis hospital to East Java Provincial Health Office from January to April 2004. The numbers of the slides were 2.090. Assessments of the reability used inter observer agreement with Kappa Cohen coefficient (K).Total error rate was 2.39%. The smallest error was the result examination in Trenggalek district and the biggest was the Banyuwangi district inter observer agreement was very god (K=0.92). Inter observer agreement between laboratory of the pulmonary tuberculosis hospital and the referral laboratory was poor (K=0.46). But, inter observer agreement in Trenggalek district was very good (K=093)