963 research outputs found
In this paper, we compare revealed and stated preference methods for anglers' preferences for various fisheries management measures. Using random utility models of recreation demand, we compare the use of stated and revealed preference methodologies for analyzing fisheries management options. We compare parameter and welfare estimates from the two models.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,
Demand and Price Analysis,
A Spatial Model of Dolphin Avoidance in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean
This paper examines the impact of dolphin-safe eco-labeling and how it fundamentally altered the spatial distribution of fishing effort and fishermen's willingness to pay to avoid dolphins. To do this, a dynamic discrete choice econometric model is applied to the Eastern Tropical Pacific tuna fishery. This econometric approach combines a dynamic programming component with the static discrete site choice model. This estimator couples the current period projected profits associated with fishing a specific site with the value of all future location choices on the cruise, assuming choices are made optimally. The key feature of this model is that it recovers behavioral parameters and solves the dynamic programming problem recursively. The dynamic site choice model reveals a markedly higher impact on producers as compared to the commonly used static model following the labeling regime. Further, in all but a few cases the common practice in dynamic choice models of setting discount factors equal to one is rejected.Environmental Economics and Policy,
Stated preference methods for environmental management : recreational summer flounder angling in the northeastern United States
Environmental managers are becoming increasingly aware that environmental policies must be crafted in a way that incorporates the human dimensions of the ecosystem. Failure to incorporate stakeholder preferences into management measures can lead to policies that fail because people’s preferences, motivations, and behavior concerning their use of the environment were not properly considered even if defensible natural science approaches were incorporated in the management decision. In this paper, we present a new method for quantifying angler preferences for fisheries management. The method, called the Stated Preference Discrete Choice Technique (SPDC) (Louviere et. al) is a particular form of conjoint analysis, which has broad application to measuring preferences for all sorts of goods including both market and non- market goods. The method has been used applied in a wide variety of settings (for example, appliance choice (Ben-Akiva et al.), yogurt (Guadagni et al.), and light-rail transportation (Preston), and environmental valuation (Adamowicz et al.)). For resource managers, the method provides useful information about new policies, non-observable ranges for management tools, and policies having multiple attributes
Explaining the Allocation of Bilateral and Multilateral Environmental Aid to Developing Countries
In this paper we examine how international development assistance for environmental purposes is allocated to developing countries. In particular, we investigate whether there are patterned differences between environmental aid for international public goods projects versus environmental projects having more localized impacts. We empirically investigate these questions using project project level development assistance data.International Development,
The Economic Value of Marine Recreational Fishing: Analysis of the MRFSS 1998 Pacific Add-on
Marine Recreational Fishing Statistics Survey (MRFSS) economic add-on data has been collected since 1994. The data are comprised of two geographically identical datasets for the Southeast region (1997, 2000), five identical datasets for the Northeast region (1994, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2000), and one dataset for the Pacific region (1998). Measures of the economic value of fishing sites and harvest have been derived from demand models estimated with data from the Northeast and the Southeast regions. In this paper we present a demand model estimated for the Pacific region (i.e., west coast). For consistency, the model is based on the 1994 and 1997 studies. Measures of the economic value of fishing sites and harvest are developed. We demonstrate how the model can be used for fisheries management decisions.
Angler Heterogeneity and the Species-Specific Demand for Marine Recreational Fishing
In this study we assess the viability of single-species recreation demand models given commonly available data sets. Using the 2000 MRFSS southeast intercept data combined with the economic add-on, we determine that the MRFSS data will support only a few species-specific recreation demand models. Considering species of management interest in the southeast, we focus on dolphin, king mackerel, red snapper and red drum. We examine single-species recreational fishing behavior using random utility models of demand. We explore mixed logit (i.e., random parameter) logit and finite mixture (i.e., latent class logit) models for dealing with angler heterogeneity. We compare these to the commonly used conditional and nested logit models in terms of the value of catching (and keeping) one additional fish. Mixed logit models illustrate that the value of catch can be highly heterogeneous and, in some cases, can include both positive and negative values. The finite mixture model generates value estimates that were some times strikingly different than conditional, nested and mixed logit models. Preference heterogeneity is significant within the MRFSS data. We find evidence that single-species models outperform multiple species models and recreational values differ. Key Words: marine recreational fishing, single-species demand, preference heterogeneity models
In this paper, we present a spatial model of fishing that can be used to assess some of the economic welfare losses to producers from setting aside essential fish habitat (EFH) areas. The paper demonstrates how spatially explicit behavioral models of fishing are estimated, how these models can be used to measure welfare losses to fishermen, and how these models can then, in turn, be used to simulate fishing behavior. In developing the spatial model of fishing behavior, the work incorporates ideas of congestion and information effects, and we show a modification of standard welfare measures that accounts for these spillover effects. Using this methodology, these effects are traced through to the policy simulations, where we demonstrate how these welfare and predicted shares need to be modified to account for spillover effects from fleet activity.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,
Valuing Historical and Open Space Amenities with Hedonic Property Valuation Models
Impacts of historic and cultural amenities on property values and the economy have not been widely studied in part because of problems isolating statistical effects using nonmarket valuation and lack of study areas. Three jurisdictions in Virginia containing major historic sites provide a unique setting in which to isolate the effects of historical amenities on residential property values using revealed preferences and quantify their economic benefits. We find that historic areas provide both open space and historic amenities. Furthermore, being adjacent to a historical area is not a positive benefit on average, perhaps because of activity and congestion associated with tourism. Residing close to such areas is valuable to buyers
Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,
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