16 research outputs found

    Obtencao de filmes dieletricos para aplicacoes oticas com monitoracao otica de espessura

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    Foi construído um sistema ótico para controlar a espessura de filmes finos num evaporador de alto vácuo. Foi medida a reflexão "in situ" de um filme fino depositado num substrato apropriado. O cálculo da transmissividade e refletividade de filmes dielétricos, divisores de feixes e filtros também é descrito. O problema inverso, que é obter um filme com propiedades de reflexão e/ou transmissão pré-determinadas também é analisado. Também são dados programas que calculam as propriedades de um filme fino e os desenham. Finalmente é descrita a fabricação de espelhos dielétricos para um Fabry-Per,ot e um divisor de feixe no evaporador de alto vácuo.An optical monitoring system was built to control the thickness of thin film in a high vacuum evaporator. In this system we measured the in-situ reflection from a thin film deposited on an appropriate substrate. The calculation of the transmission and reflection from a multilayer thin film as used in dielectric mirrors, beam splitlers and filters is also described. The inverse problem, that is to obtain a film with predetermined reflection and trasmissiom, is also studied. Computer program for calculating thin film and designing them are also given. Finally we describe the fabrication of Fabry-Perot dielectric mirrors and a beam-splitter in our high vacuum evaporator

    Super rogue wave generation in the linear regime

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    Extreme or rogue waves are large and unexpected waves appearing with higher probability than predicted by Gaussian statistics. Although their formation is explained by both linear and nonlinear wave propagation, nonlinearity has been considered a necessary ingredient to generate super rogue waves, i.e., an enhanced wave amplification, where the wave amplitudes exceed by far those of ordinary rogue waves. Here we show, experimentally and theoretically, that optical super rogue waves emerge in the simple case of linear light diffraction in one transverse dimension. The underlying physics is a long-range correlation on the random initial phases of the light waves. When subgroups of random phases appear recurrently along the spatial phase distribution, a more ordered phase structure greatly increases the probability of constructive interference to generate super rogue events (non-Gaussian statistics with superlong tails). Our results consist in a significant advance in the understanding of extreme waves formation by linear superposition of random waves, with applications in a large variety of wave systems

    Probing the reciprocal lattice associated with a triangular slit to determine the orbital angular momentum for a photon

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    The orbital angular momentum conservation of light reveals different diffraction patterns univocally dependent on the topological charge of the incident light beam when passing through a triangular aperture. It is demonstrated that these patterns, which are accessed by observing the far-field measurement of the diffracted light, can also be obtained using few photon sources. In order to explain the observed patterns, we introduce an analogy of this optical phenomenon with the study of diffraction for the characterization of the crystal structure of solids. We demonstrate that the finite pattern can be associated with the reciprocal lattice obtained from the direct lattice generated by the primitive vectors composing any two of the sides of the equilateral triangular slit responsible for the diffraction. Using the relation that exists between the direct and reciprocal lattices, we provide a conclusive explanation as to why the diffraction pattern of the main maxima is finite. This can shed a new light on the investigation of crystallographic systems

    Gold nanoparticles inhibit steroid-insensitive asthma in mice preserving histone deacetylase 2 and NRF2 pathways

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    Background: Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) can inhibit pivotal pathological changes in experimental asthma, but their effect on steroid-insensitive asthma is unclear. The current study assessed the effectiveness of nebulized AuNPs in a murine model of glucocorticoid (GC)-resistant asthma. Methods: A/J mice were sensitized and subjected to intranasal instillations of ovalbumin (OVA) once a week for nine weeks. Two weeks after starting allergen stimulations, mice were subjected to Budesonide or AuNP nebulization 1 h before stimuli. Analyses were carried out 24 h after the last provocation. Results: We found that mice challenged with OVA had airway hyperreactivity, eosinophil, and neutrophil infiltrates in the lung, concomitantly with peribronchiolar fibrosis, mucus production, and pro-inflammatory cytokine generation compared to sham-challenged mice. These changes were inhibited in mice treated with AuNPs, but not Budesonide. In the GCresistant asthmatic mice, oxidative stress was established, marked by a reduction in nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (NRF2) levels and catalase activity, accompanied by elevated values of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), phosphoinositide 3-kinases δ (PI3Kδ) expression, as well as a reduction in the nuclear expression of histone deacetylase 2 (HDAC2) in the lung tissue, all of which sensitive to AuNPs but not Budesonide treatment. Conclusion: These findings suggest that AuNPs can improve GC-insensitive asthma by preserving HDAC2 and NRF2

    Obtencao de filmes dieletricos para aplicacoes oticas com monitoracao otica de espessura

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    Foi construído um sistema ótico para controlar a espessura de filmes finos num evaporador de alto vácuo. Foi medida a reflexão "in situ" de um filme fino depositado num substrato apropriado. O cálculo da transmissividade e refletividade de filmes dielétricos, divisores de feixes e filtros também é descrito. O problema inverso, que é obter um filme com propiedades de reflexão e/ou transmissão pré-determinadas também é analisado. Também são dados programas que calculam as propriedades de um filme fino e os desenham. Finalmente é descrita a fabricação de espelhos dielétricos para um Fabry-Per,ot e um divisor de feixe no evaporador de alto vácuo.An optical monitoring system was built to control the thickness of thin film in a high vacuum evaporator. In this system we measured the in-situ reflection from a thin film deposited on an appropriate substrate. The calculation of the transmission and reflection from a multilayer thin film as used in dielectric mirrors, beam splitlers and filters is also described. The inverse problem, that is to obtain a film with predetermined reflection and trasmissiom, is also studied. Computer program for calculating thin film and designing them are also given. Finally we describe the fabrication of Fabry-Perot dielectric mirrors and a beam-splitter in our high vacuum evaporator

    Nonlocal nonlinear optical response of ionic liquids under violet excitation

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    The nonlocal nonlinearity under violet excitation of ionic liquids was investigated using the Z-scan technique. The bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl) imide (Tf2N−) was employed as anionic part, while the cationic part consisted of four different imidazolium (CMI, with = 4, 6, 8, and 10) derivatives. The thermooptical coefficients, nonlinear refractive indexes of thermal origin, and degree of nonlocality were obtained for laser excitation tuned at 410 nm. Our results indicate that ionic liquids can be exploited as very efficient nonlinear media with large nonlocal character under violet excitation

    Influence of impurities on the luminescence of Er3+ doped BaTiO3 nanophosphors

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    The influence of the presence of barium carbonate (BaCO3) phase on the luminescence properties of barium titanate nanocrystals (BaTiO3) powders was investigated. Structural and optical characterizations of erbium (Er3+) doped BaTiO3 synthesized by the sol-emulsion-gel were performed. Using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and X-ray powder diffraction, we identified the presence of impurities related to BaCO3 and quantified its fraction. It was observed that the presence of BaCO3 phase, even at low levels, depletes significantly the infrared-to-visible upconverted luminescence efficiency of the produced nanopowders

    Super rogue wave generation in the linear regime

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    Extreme or rogue waves are large and unexpected waves appearing with higher probability than predicted by Gaussian statistics. Although their formation is explained by both linear and nonlinear wave propagation, nonlinearity has been considered a necessary ingredient to generate super rogue waves, i.e., an enhanced wave amplification, where the wave amplitudes exceed by far those of ordinary rogue waves. Here we show, experimentally and theoretically, that optical super rogue waves emerge in the simple case of linear light diffraction in one transverse dimension. The underlying physics is a long-range correlation on the random initial phases of the light waves. When subgroups of random phases appear recurrently along the spatial phase distribution, a more ordered phase structure greatly increases the probability of constructive interference to generate super rogue events (non-Gaussian statistics with superlong tails). Our results consist in a significant advance in the understanding of extreme waves formation by linear superposition of random waves, with applications in a large variety of wave systems

    Nonlocal nonlinear optical response of ionic liquids under violet excitation

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    The nonlocal nonlinearity under violet excitation of ionic liquids was investigated using the Z-scan technique. The bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl) imide (Tf2N−) was employed as anionic part, while the cationic part consisted of four different imidazolium (CMI, with = 4, 6, 8, and 10) derivatives. The thermooptical coefficients, nonlinear refractive indexes of thermal origin, and degree of nonlocality were obtained for laser excitation tuned at 410 nm. Our results indicate that ionic liquids can be exploited as very efficient nonlinear media with large nonlocal character under violet excitation