13 research outputs found

    The Practice of Dorothy Heathcote as a Pedagogy of Resistance

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    Educational Drama pioneer, Dorothy Heathcote, worked in new and innovative ways which were, even in the progressive times in which she was working, considered against the grain. This chapter examines her practice as a pedagogy of resistance and goes onto explore how, with the use of technology, Drama Education students carry on this resistant practice in new and challenging contexts. Heathcote's 'Rolling Role' model is explored by the students as a way of discovering their own resistant practice and re-discovering the freedom to learn for themselves and their pupils

    Nuevo materialismo, etnografía, y Práctica social comprometida: pliegues espacio-tiempo y la agencia de la materia

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    This article is an investigation of the agency of matter and an exposition of the new materialist methods I have been developing as part of a muti-sited trans-national ethnography that features socially engaged arts practices alongside more traditional ethnographic and qualitative techniques. I think through the agency of matter and consider the temporality of matter as part of its agency, understanding these agents as constitutive features of the research assemblage. Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork from the United Kingdom, I examine how matter’s space-time can impact processes of making the social. I develop theoretical resources for moving the field forward. sEste artículo es una investigación sobre la agencia de la materia y una exposición de los nuevos métodos materialistas que he venido desarrollando como parte de una etnografía multisituada y transnacional que se distingue por las prácticas de arte socialmente comprometidas entre técnicas etnográficas más tradicionales y cualitativas. Creo que, a través de la agencia de la materia, y considerando la temporalidad de la materia como parte de su agencia, se pueden comprender sus agentes como características constitutivas de la investigación de recopilación. Recurriendo al trabajo de campo etnográfico en el Reino Unido, investigo cómo la materia del espacio-tiempo puede impactar sobre los procesos del hacer social. Desarrollo recursos teóricos para hacer avanzar al campo. 

    Nuevo materialismo, etnografía, y Práctica social comprometida: pliegues espacio-tiempo y la agencia de la materia

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    This article is an investigation of the agency of matter and an exposition of the new materialist methods Ihave been developing as part of a muti-sited trans-national ethnography that features socially engaged arts practices alongside more traditional ethnographic and qualitative techniques. I think through the agency of matter and consider the temporality of matter as part of its agency, understanding these agents as constitutive features of the research assemblage. Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork from the United Kingdom, I examine how matter’s space-time can impact processes of making the social. I develop theoretical resources for moving the field forward.Este trabalho é uma investigação sobre a agência da matéria e uma exposição dos novos métodos materialistas que venho desenvolvendo como parte de uma etnografia com múltiplas localizações e transnacional que se diferencia pelas práticas de arte socialmente comprometidas entre as técnicas etnográficas mais tradicionais e qualitativas. Penso que, através da agência da matéria e considerando a temporalidade da matéria como parte de sua agência, podem se compreender seus agentes como características constitutivas da investigação e recopilação. Apelando ao trabalho de campo etnográfico no Reino Unido, investigo como a matéria do espaço-tempo pode impactar sobre os processos do hábito social. Desenvolvo recursos para fazer que o campo avance.Este artículo es una investigación sobre la agencia de la materia y una exposición de los nuevos métodos materialistas que he venido desarrollando como parte de una etnografía multisituada y transnacional que se distingue por las prácticas de arte socialmente comprometidas entre técnicas etnográficas más tradicionales y cualitativas. Creo que, a través de la agencia de la materia, y considerando la temporalidad de la materia como parte de su agencia, se pueden comprender sus agentes como características constitutivas de la investigación de recopilación. Recurriendo al trabajo de campo etnográfico en el Reino Unido, investigo cómo la materia del espacio-tiempo puede impactar sobre los procesos del hacer social. Desarrollo recursos teóricos para hacer avanzar al campo

    Little Public Spheres

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    In this article I develop the concept of little public spheres in order to understand young people’s arts practice as a mode of civic participation and public pedagogy. Little publics are multiple and of diverse political orientation. Depending on the investments that constitute the little public sphere in question, little publics can be spaces very much aligned to social norms and hegemonic agendas. Alternatively, little public shperes can be spaces of resistance; or conflicted social and political sites brought together around shared aesthetic or intellectual concerns that unite communities. They are as heterogeneous as young people

    Corporeal and sonic diagrams for cinematic ethics in Rolf de Heer’s Dance Me to My Song

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    Rolf De Heer’s 1997 Australian feature film Dance Me to My Song was devised with the late Heather Rose, a person with Cerebral Palsy. The film also features a central performance by Heather (as the character of Julia) and is clearly about ‘her world’. The ethic of engagement exemplified by this film resonates with what Gerard Goggin has termed an ‘ethics of listening’ that entails ‘listening-as-ifdisability-mattered’. This article takes up Deleuze’s concepts of the diagram in order to argue that Dance Me to My Song is a valuable, although at times problematic, cinematic framing of disability. Deleuze’s two concepts of the diagram offer a useful frame through which to consider the film, because respectively they map the potentiality of social relations and act as a means of erasing cliche´. The film is a raw, visceral text, rich in diegetic sound intended to ‘fold’ the experiences of the protagonist into the subjectivity of the spectator/ aurator. This folding blurs and re-aligns relationships between disabled and nondisabled bodies and can be seen as a step towards erasing cliche´s attached to the disabled body. The disabled/able boundary is further blurred through ambiguous representation of Julia’s carer, Madeline, as potentially disabled. The characters in the film perform a diagrammatic function of shaping possible relations between bodies and erasing cliche´. Building on the platform provided by Dance Me to My Song, I contend that when cinema engages with the disabled body and soundscapes associated with the disabled body through an ‘ethics of listening’, new sonic and filmic bodies can be ! and are ! create

    Introduction: Making, Matter and Pedagogy

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    Practices, teaching and art production practices are modes of thought already in the act. Contemporary arts practices call us to think anew, through remaking the world materially and relationally. Building on this ethos of practice as thought already in the act, this collection from practitioner arts educators and cultural theorists responds to increased attention being paid to matter and creativity in social sciences and humanities research, often referred to as new materialism. This collections calls for an embodied, affective, relational understanding of the research process where an intersection of making and thinking is important. In this collection, we show that the way making impacts on thinking is a material pedagogy


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    Digital community making through a live entanglement of the self and social media, offers up new pathways for thinking through human and nonhuman divides. Queer activism and feminist art on Instagram has made way for a reframing of what constitutes a ‘digital community’ (boyd 2011, Baym 2015, Oakley 2018). This paper thinks through the materiality of this feminist activist art community through the method of ‘Instagram live interviewing’. Drawing from a larger project that aims to understand the ways activist art practice on Instagram subverts heterosexual norms and patriarchal representation, we argue that the ‘live’ nature (Back, 2012) of the Instagram live interview (Hickey-Moody and Willcox, 2019) mobilizes a new type of queer materiality. By applying Karen Barad’s (2007) feminist new materialist theory of ‘intra-action’ to Rosi Braidotti's thinking about posthuman experience as intra-acting with aspects of the world that she classifys as non-human (2013), we reconceptualize some of the literature around digital community making to account for the needs of those often left out of heteronormative and mainstream narratives. This entanglement of liveness and intra-action in our methodology explores the feeling of ‘community’ as being a feeling that is central to human subjectivity and experience. Through a lens of queer materiality, we suggest that community can therefore be produced by more-than-human assemblages, and argue that a more nuanced account of digital community making which accounts for live Instagram intra-actions, and human to nonhuman relationality is needed

    “‘(Hetero)sexing the Child: Hans, Alice and The Repressive Hypothesis’

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    Exploring central aspects of the role of sexuality in Deleuze's philosophy For Deleuze, sexuality is a force that can capture as well as liberate life. Its flows tend to be repressed and contained in specific forms at the same time as they retain revolutionary potential. There is immense power in the thousand sexes of desiring-machines and sexuality is seen as a source of becoming. This book gathers prominent Deleuze scholars to explore the restricting and liberating forces of sexuality in relation to a spread of central themes in Deleuze's philosophy, including politics, psychoanalysis, and friendship as well as specific topics such as the body-machine, disability, feminism, and erotics. Key features * the first and only book-length study on sex in Deleuz

    Debilities: Sensing Bodies and Worlds

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    A Conversation with Jasbir Puar (Rutgers University), Yasmin Gunaratnam (Goldsmiths) and Anna Hickey-Moody (Goldsmiths), chaired by Sara Ahmed (Goldsmiths