51 research outputs found

    The Tenure Process: A Descriptive Study of Selected Texas Universities

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    Few things in the professional life of university faculty are more important than the tenure process. Achieving tenure provides the faculty member with the confidence that his or her position with the university will be secure for life. There are exceptions; criminal behavior and elimination of the program come to mind, but tenure allows the faculty member to research controversial areas without the potential for political repercussions that could jeopardize employment. According to the American Association of University Professors: The principal purpose of tenure is to safeguard academic freedom, which is necessary for all who teach and conduct research in higher education. When faculty members can lose their positions because of their speech or publications research findings, they cannot properly fulfill their core responsibilities to advance and transmit knowledge. (2018

    Superintendent emotional intelligence as a factor in bond election outcomes

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze superintendent emotional intelligence as a factor associated with bond election outcomes

    Principal perceptions of strategies to increase effectiveness of educational non-governmental organizations in southern Belize.

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    Collaborations among schools and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are common in developing countries. These partnerships have the potential to provide effective support for educational initiatives. This study used survey methodology to determine characteristics of NGOs that increased effectiveness as determined by experienced principals (n=15) within a region of Belize. The survey used open-ended questions, and these responses were disaggregated in order to determine themes. These principals wrote that effective NGOs built strong relationships with the schools, aligned efforts with the school’s mission, and assisted with providing resources

    Book Review: Monkey Girl: Evolution, Education, Religion and the Battle for America’s Soul by Edward Humes

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    Monkey Girl reviews the intelligent design movement by reporting on the Kitzmiller v. Dover trial in which Judge John Jones ruled on both the religiosity and scientific merits of an adopted school policy promoting this hypothesis

    International Partnerships: A Model for Educational Organizations

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    Opportunities exist for faculty and students within educational leadership preparation programs to participate in international initiatives within developing countries. One way to do this is through collaboration with organizations that already have an established presence in the country. Working within these organizations provides opportunities for learning and research for the educational leadership program. If done well, such work also helps host organizations meet their mission and goals. An understanding of effective behaviors in international partnerships may benefit educational leadership programs that develop these types of service opportunities. The behaviors mirror the scholar-practitioner philosophy, of which some prominent educational leadership programs adhere, through addressing pragmatic needs within a local context

    Preparation Issues in Educational Leadership

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    Educational leaders have chosen to belong to one of the most important and influential professions. Not only do educators have an important impact on others, but there is a need to have a practical understanding of instruction, curriculum, and psychology. Leaders in all disciplines often relate to previous educational relationships in discussions about important moments in their lives. These relationships matter, and they provide foundational experiences for each of us

    Improved Professional Development Through Teacher Leadership

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    Research suggests the need to provide leadership opportunities for teachers within school settings in order to increase professional collaboration and community. This research explored one rural district’s professional development model, which was evaluated to determine its potential in developing teacher leaders. This district’s professional development model utilized their exemplary teachers to develop other teachers through formal presentations that were traditionally taught by non-district experts. This study utilized a practitioner research methodology to determine effectiveness of using teachers as leaders. Data were collected to determine the impact on the teacher leaders and the effectiveness of the presentations as perceived by the overall teaching faculty. The results suggest an overall positive experience for teachers, as well as an increase in collaboration. In addition, teacher presenters believed their participation in staff development increased faculty effectiveness and increased the perception of the teacher presenters as leaders within the district

    Preparation Issues in Educational Leadership

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    Educational leaders have chosen to belong to one of the most important and influential professions. Not only do educators have an important impact on others, but there is a need to have a practical understanding of instruction, curriculum, and psychology. Leaders in all disciplines often relate to previous educational relationships in discussions about important moments in their lives. These relationships matter, and they provide foundational experiences for each of us

    Educational Leadership in a Mayan Village in Southern Belize: Challenges Faced by a Mayan Woman Principal

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    A Mayan woman principal taking a position in a historically paternalistic village in Southern Belize faces inevitable challenges due to the cultural structure of the village. In this case, the challenges go beyond cultural norms. Mrs. Po, a Mopan woman leading a school in a Kekchi village, faces challenges related to her role as a teaching principal in a multigrade school, her lack of leadership preparation, the remoteness of the village, and the language barrier, among others. The reader is encouraged to ponder the myriad of issues that impact the principal’s efforts to improve the education system while working in a village where the community struggles to perceive the value of education

    Controlling Hispanic dropouts: A leader’s responsibility

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    The Hispanic population is increasing in the United States and especially in Texas. As the population grows, so does the number of students enrolled in our public schools, and Hispanic students are already the majority in some states. Thus, one would expect a high increase of Hispanic graduates, but this is not the case. Surprisingly, Hispanic students are dropping out of school at an alarming rate. Why are these students dropping out of school? What can educational leaders do to prevent this phenomenon? Qualitative research methods were used to analyze the reasons 21 Hispanic students dropped out of school in an urban high school. The research suggests that the perceived inability of teachers and educational leaders to effectively communicate with the students may have been a dropout factor
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