4 research outputs found

    Karakteristik Radio Cinta Ayu Senada (CAS) FM

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    Referring to its understanding in The Encyclopedia of Americana International, radio is a communication tool that uses electromagnetic waves that propagate through space at the speed of light. Electromagnetic waves used in radio communications are similar to light and heat waves, but have a lower frequency. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The type of data used is secondary data. Secondary data obtained from books, theses, journals, articles and the internet. This study aims to analyze the characteristics of CAS FM radio. The characteristics of radio include sound, transmission, contain interference, create listeners' imaginations, and are synonymous with music. The data collection technique used by the researcher was to conduct interviews with sources who played an important role and understood the characteristics of CAS FM radio

    Artikel dan Teks Editorial

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    Artikel dapat dipahami sebagai suatu rangkaian atau karangan yang dibuat berdasarkan fakta dan opini untuk dipublikasikan dimedia, baik itu media cetak, media online, bahkan juga sekarang banyak artikel yang diunggah di media sosial. Editorial adalah suatu bentuk kritik dalam pengertian luasnya bisa diartikan sebagai sebuah pemikiran dari institusi media dalam menyikapi isu atau informasi yang ada. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah Studi Literatur

    The Role of Information and Communication Technology in the FP3K Community (Youth Forum Cares for Karo Education)

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    Humans are basically social creatures. In traditional life, the tendency of humans to live socially can be seen from their daily activities that require interaction with other humans such as fulfilling basic needs. They try to find connectivity with other humans in the search for these needs even though they are in different environments and do not know each other, it is the process that then forms communities which are social groups of several organisms that share an environment that generally has the same interests. The development of technology, especially the Internet, has a great impact on the culture of the community in their activities, the growth of this media has an influence on the culture of the community in interacting and communicating. With various developments of internet media such as social media, blogs, microblogs, web-communities, portals and so on, people can easily interact online or directly at the same time without any geographical, space or time restrictions, they can share anything "realtime". “Especially with the development of gadgets that make it easier for people to connect with each other. Interaction between individuals in cyberspace can be said to be a process of representing themselves through the medium of digital internet media, not physical presentations. The ease of connection that continues to develop changes the culture of social activities such as the ease in sharing various problems that exist around them and opening up the active role of its members to build solutions or a common goal. The focus of research in discussing this journal is the role of Information and Communication Technology in the FP3K community (Forum Pemuda Peduli Pendidikan Karo)

    Alur Produksi Program Acara TVRI Sumatera Utara

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis alur produksi program acara TVRI. TVRI (Televisi Republik Indonesia) merupakan stasiun televisi publik yang memiliki peran penting dalam menyampaikan informasi, hiburan, dan edukasi kepada masyarakat Indonesia. Studi ini menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif untuk menggambarkan eksistensi TVRI dan alur produksi program acara. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder yang diperoleh melalui studi pustaka, dokumen resmi, dan sumber terpercaya lainnya.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa eksistensi TVRI sangat penting dalam menjaga keberagaman budaya, bahasa, dan suku di Indonesia. TVRI memiliki peran strategis dalam mempromosikan kesatuan dan persatuan bangsa serta memperkuat identitas nasional. Dalam hal alur produksi program acara, TVRI mengikuti proses yang terstruktur dan terorganisir. Alur produksi dimulai dari perencanaan program, pengembangan konsep, pengumpulan materi, penulisan naskah, pengambilan gambar, editing, hingga proses penyiaran. Setiap tahap melibatkan berbagai departemen dan tim produksi yang bekerja sama untuk menciptakan program yang berkualitas.Selain itu, TVRI juga melibatkan partisipasi masyarakat dalam produksi program acara. TVRI sering kali melakukan kegiatan partisipatif, seperti audisi, kompetisi, dan acara langsung yang melibatkan penonton. Hal ini memungkinkan TVRI untuk memperoleh masukan dan mendengar suara masyarakat dalam proses produksi program acara. &nbsp