17 research outputs found

    Characterization of buriti (Mauritia flexuosa) pulp oil and the effect of its supplementation in an In vivo experimental model.

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    Mauritia flexuosa (buriti) pulp oil contains bioactive substances and lipids that are protective against cardiovascular and inflammatory diseases. We performed physical and chemical analyses to verify its quality and stability. buriti oil was stable according to the Rancimat test, presenting an induction period of 6.6 h. We evaluated the effect of supplementation with crude buriti oil and olive oil on metabolic parameters in 108 Swiss mice for 90 days. We investigated six groups: extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) 1 and 2 (1000 and 2000 mg/kg), buriti oil (BO) 1 and 2 (1000 and 2000 mg/kg), synergic (S) (BO1 + EVOO1), and control (water dose 1000 mg/kg). The animals were euthanized to examine their blood, livers, and fats. The supplementation did not interfere with food consumption, weight gain, and histological alterations in the liver. Group S showed the strongest relationship with the fractions HDL-c and non-HDL-c, indicating a possible cardioprotective effect. Moreover, we observed significantly higher IL-6 levels in the control, EVOO2, and BO1 groups than in the EVOO1 group. Resistin was also significantly higher for the synergic treatment than for the control. We conclude that BO combined with EVOO could be an excellent food supplement for human consumption

    Qualidade pós-colheita de frutos de butiá em função do estádio de maturação na colheita e do manejo da temperatura Postharvest quality of jelly palm fruits as a result of maturity stage at harvest and temperature management

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    Este trabalho objetivou avaliar os efeitos do estádio de maturação na colheita, da temperatura de armazenamento e do tempo para o resfriamento na preservação da qualidade pós-colheita de frutos de butiá. Os frutos foram colhidos em três estádios de maturação (verde, verde-amarelo e amarelo) e armazenados a 0&plusmn;2&deg;C e 20&plusmn;2&deg;C. Frutos armazenados a 0&plusmn;2&deg;C apresentaram melhor retenção de firmeza, de cor verde da epiderme, de acidez total titulável (ATT) e de sólidos solúveis totais (SST), em relação àqueles armazenados a 20&plusmn;2&deg;C. Os benefícios da refrigeração na preservação pós-colheita foram maiores para frutos colhidos em estádio verde, apesar da sua qualidade inferior, caracterizada pelos altos valores de ATT e baixos valores de SST em relação aos colhidos nos estádios verde-amarelo e amarelo. Frutos armazenados a 0&plusmn;2&deg;C não apresentaram sintoma de injúria por frio. Durante todo o período de armazenamento, não foi possível observar a ocorrência de climatério respiratório. Não houve diferença significativa nas taxas respiratórias pós-colheita entre os estádios de maturação dos frutos na colheita. O incremento na temperatura de armazenamento de 0 a 30&deg;C ocasionou um aumento significativo nas taxas respiratórias de 50,26 a 658,35 nmol CO2 kg-1 s-1, segundo um modelo sigmoidal, ou seja, um rápido incremento entre 0 a 10&deg;C, seguido de um aumento gradual, tendendo a um equilíbrio na temperatura de 30&deg;C. Houve efeito positivo da imediata refrigeração dos frutos após a colheita na preservação da firmeza, da cor verde da epiderme e da ATT, mas não dos teores de SST. A alta perecibilidade de butiá requer o imediato resfriamento a 0&deg;C, de frutos colhidos no estádio de maturação verde-amarelo, visando a preservar a sua qualidade pós-colheita.<br>This research was carried out to assess the effects of maturity stage at harvest, storage temperature, and cooling delay on postharvest quality preservation of jelly palm fruits. The fruits were harvested at three maturity stages (green, yellow-green, and yellow) and stored at 0 2&deg;C and 20 2&deg;C. Fruits stored at 0 2&deg;C showed better retention of firmness, green color of the skin, total titratable acidity (TTA), and total soluble solids (TSS) than fruits stored at 20 2&deg;C. Fruits harvested at the green maturity stage showed the best benefit from cold storage for postharvest preservation, despite of its poorest sensorial quality, characterized by the higher values of TTA and lower values of TSS than fruits harvested at yellow-green and yellow maturity stages. Fruits stored at 0 2&deg;C did not show any symptom of chilling injury. Along the entire storage period, the fruits did not exhibit a climacteric respiratory pattern. Fruits harvested at different maturity stages did not show significant difference in terms of respiration rates. Thee increment of storage temperature from 0 to 30&deg;C significantly increased the respiration rates from 50.26 to 658.35nmol CO2 kg-1 s-1. This respiratory increase followed a sigmoid model, with a rapid increase between 0 and 10&deg;C, and a more modest increase towards the temperature of 30&deg;C. There was a positive effect of immediate cooling after harvest on fruit retention of firmness, skin green color, and TTA, but not on TSS. Since jelly palm fruit is highly perishable, it should be harvested at the yellow-green maturity stage and then immediately stored at 0&deg;C to preserve its postharvest quality