11 research outputs found

    Image-guided breast biopsy and localisation: recommendations for information to women and referring physicians by the European Society of Breast Imaging

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    Abstract: We summarise here the information to be provided to women and referring physicians about percutaneous breast biopsy and lesion localisation under imaging guidance. After explaining why a preoperative diagnosis with a percutaneous biopsy is preferred to surgical biopsy, we illustrate the criteria used by radiologists for choosing the most appropriate combination of device type for sampling and imaging technique for guidance. Then, we describe the commonly used devices, from fine-needle sampling to tissue biopsy with larger needles, namely core needle biopsy and vacuum-assisted biopsy, and how mammography, digital breast tomosynthesis, ultrasound, or magnetic resonance imaging work for targeting the lesion for sampling or localisation. The differences among the techniques available for localisation (carbon marking, metallic wire, radiotracer injection, radioactive seed, and magnetic seed localisation) are illustrated. Type and rate of possible complications are described and the issue of concomitant antiplatelet or anticoagulant therapy is also addressed. The importance of pathological-radiological correlation is highlighted: when evaluating the results of any needle sampling, the radiologist must check the concordance between the cytology/pathology report of the sample and the radiological appearance of the biopsied lesion. We recommend that special attention is paid to a proper and tactful approach when communicating to the woman the need for tissue sampling as well as the possibility of cancer diagnosis, repeat tissue sampling, and or even surgery when tissue sampling shows a lesion with uncertain malignant potential (also referred to as “high-risk” or B3 lesions). Finally, seven frequently asked questions are answered

    Precision viticulture and water status : mapping the predawn water potential to define within vineyard zones

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    National audienceAn experiment was carried out over two years (2003-2004) in order to monitor the spatio-temporal variability of the predawn water potential at a within field scale. The predawn water potential was measured on 49 points within a field of 1.2 ha. Respectively 7 and 6 measurements were performed at different times in 2003 and 2004. The main results of this work showed that the within field variability of the predawn water potential was significant. It also highlighted the temporal stability of the variability. The zoning performed according to the predawn water potential values was linked to other parameters such as leaf area, trunk circumference, soil resistivity, etc. The result confirmed the temporal stability of the within field variability. It also showed the opportunity to use high resolution data (remote sensing, monitoring systems mounted on conventional machinery) as decision support system to assess a similar zoning or to perform target sampling for a better assessment of the field water statu

    Viticulture de précision et état hydrique. I: Cartographie du potentiel hydrique et intérêt pour le zonage à un niveau intra-parcellaire

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    International audienceAn experiment was carried out over two years (2003-2004) in order to monitor the spatio-temporal variability of the predawn water potential at a within field scale. The predawn water potential was measured on 49 points within a field of 1.2 ha. Respectively 7 and 6 measurements were performed at different times in 2003 and 2004. The main results of this work showed that the within field variability of the predawn water potential was significant. It also highlighted the temporal stability of the variability. The zoning performed according to the predawn water potential values was linked to other parameters such as leaf area, trunk circumference, soil resistivity, etc. The result confirmed the temporal stability of the within field variability. It also showed the opportunity to use high resolution data (remote sensing, monitoring systems mounted on conventional machinery) as decision support system to assess a similar zoning or to perform target sampling for a better assessment of the field water statusUne expérimentation a été conduite pendant deux ans (2003-2004) afin de suivre la variabilité spatio-temporelle du potentiel hydrique de base à une échelle intra-parcellaire. Le potentiel de base a été mesuré sur 49 points à l’intérieur d’une parcelle de 1,2 ha. Ces mesures ont été répétées à 7 et 6 dates différentes respectivement en 2003 et 2004. Les principaux résultats de cette expérimentation montrent que la variabilité intra-parcellaire du potentiel de base est importante. Ils mettent également en évidence la stabilité temporelle de la variabilité observée. Le zonage effectué sur la base du potentiel hydrique était lié à d’autres paramètres tels que la SFEp, la circonférence des ceps, la résistivité du sol, etc. Ce lien confirme la stabilité temporelle de la variabilité observée. Il permet également d’envisager d’utiliser des données à hautes résolution (télédétection, capteurs embarqués sur machines) pour effectuer un zonage similaire ou pour servir d’outils d’aide à l’échantillonnage orienté pour une meilleure estimation de l’état hydrique de la parcell

    Viticultura de precisiĂłn y estado hĂ­drico. II: Comportamiento cuantitativo y cualitativo de las zonas intra-parcelarias definidas a partir de la cartografĂ­a de potenciales hĂ­dricos

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    Correspondance : [email protected] audienceLa variabilidad intra-parcelaria de parámetros cuantitativos y cualitativos de la uva es una problemática actual de importancia significativa por sus consecuencias sobre el vino. La mediciĂłn sistemática, espacial y de elevada resoluciĂłn, de estos parámetros, ha comenzado a ser una realidad en la viticultura. Una zonificaciĂłn intra-parcerlaria fue efectuada sobre una parcela de Syrah situada en la Unidad Experimental del INRA de Pech Rouge (Gruissan, France). Esta zonificaciĂłn se basa en una cartografĂ­a y una clasificaciĂłn ascendente jerarquizada de la evoluciĂłn del potencial foliar de base de las cepas desde el cuaje hasta la madurez. Esta metodologĂ­a, puesta en marcha durante los años 2003 y 2004, permitiĂł diferenciar cuatro zonas que fueron comparadas con un testigo bajo riego. Para cada zona, se midieron diferentes parámetros «cuantitativos » (peso de bayas, rendimiento, superficie foliar expuesta potencial, pesos de poda, circunferencia de tronco) y « cualitativos » (tenor de azĂşcares, acidez total, pH, antocianas e Ă­ndice de polifenoles totales). Cada una de estas cinco zonas (cuatro zonas identificadas y una testigo bajo riego) fueron cosechadas y vinificadas de forma individual. Para las dos temporadas estudiadas, los resultados ponen en evidencia que mientras que los niveles de restricciĂłn hĂ­drica aumentan, tambiĂ©n lo hacen la riqueza de compuestos relacionados con la calidad (fenoles, azĂşcares,…) pesar de que una leve disminuciĂłn del vigor y del rendimiento inducido particularmente por la reducciĂłn de tamaño de la baya. Sin embargo más allá de un determinado umbral de restricciĂłn hĂ­drica, la uva no gana en tenor de estos compuestos denominados « cualitativos » mientras que los rendimientos y las variables «cuantitativas» continĂşan disminuyendo. Para restricciones hĂ­dricas más severas, todos los parámetros (cuantitativos y cualitativos) disminuyen, provocando un fuerte debilitamiento de las plantas. Este trabajo pone en evidencia la ventaja que puede presentar la gestiĂłn intra-parcelaria del viñedo para el control de la calidad (riego a adoptar en funciĂłn de las zonas, cosechas selectivas, etc.). Justifica, además, el interĂ©s de profundizar las investigaciones a fin de establecer los umbrales de restricciĂłn hĂ­drica Ăłptimos para cada variedad/sistema de conducciĂłn/ terroir con el objetivo de obtener una mejor relaciĂłn calidad/rendimiento frente a la utilizaciĂłn razonada del ”riego cualitativo” por los viticultores de la regiĂłn. Es necesario tambiĂ©n, estudiar simultáneamente los aspectos fisiolĂłgicos que explican los mecanismos de adaptaciĂłn de los distintos cepajes a las caracterĂ­sticas hĂ­dricas de los terroirs mediterráneos del sur de Francia en relaciĂłn al problema del recalentamientoclimático

    Comportement de la taille minimale en terroir sec du sud de la France : évolution des composantes de la baie et des caractéristiques du vin à différentes dates de récolte

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    International audienceMinimal pruning (MP) is a trellis system developed in Australian whose main objective is the reduction of the grape production costs of hectare. In order to improve the knowledge about the MP performance in water deficit situation of calcareous terroirs of Mediterranean zone of the south of France, two experimentations were made in 2006 in Syrah and Mourvèdre vineyards (INRA Experimental Station of Pech-Rouge, Gruissan, France). Berry size evolution and berry components were analyzed from bunch closing to maturity. In Syrah, harvests to different maturity levels were carried out and experimental wines were made. In general, MP showed diminution of the sugar, malic acid, tartaric acid and anthocyanins content per berry in relation of vertical trellis system (E) (bilateral cordon pruned). Nevertheless, this decrease is largely compensated at technological level (values expressed per kg of grape or L of must) due to the effect of strong berry size reduction (a concentration effect). Therefore, for a similar total acidity, the Syrah grape of MP was richer in tartaric acid and anthocyanins and inferior in K+ content and pH than E grape. After alcoholic fermentation, Syrah wines confirmed this tendency with lower in pH and K+ concentration and superior in phenolic total contents (DO280). A progressive reduction of TM yields was observed the past few years, due mainly, to a buds fertility loss in zones with strong water deficit. The problems of TM without an appropriate control of water status are examinedLa taille minimale (TM) est un système de conduite développé en Australie dont le principal objectif est la réduction significative des coûts de production du raisin à l’hectare. Dans le but final de mieux comprendre le comportement de la TM en situation de déficit hydrique des terroirs calcaires secs méditerranéens du sud de la France, deux expérimentations ont été réalisées à l’Unité Expérimentale INRA de Pech Rouge pendant la saison 2006 sur les cépages Syrah et Mourvèdre conduits en TM et en Espalier (E). Des cinétiques d’évolution de la taille et des composants de la baie ont été réalisées pour ces deux cépages entre fermeture de la grappe et maturité et récoltes à différents niveaux de maturité on été effectuées et vinifiées pour la Syrah. D’une façon générale pour les deux cépages étudiés, la TM montre une diminution de la quantité de sucres, ac. malique, ac. tartrique et anthocyanes par baie par rapport à E. Cependant, au niveau technologique (valeurs exprimées par kg de raisin ou par L de moût), cette réduction des composants par baie de la TM a été compensée largement par un effet de concentration liée essentiellement à la forte réduction de la taille des baies. En conséquence, à égalité d’acidité totale les raisins de Syrah conduits en TM ont été plus riches en acide tartrique et anthocyanes avec un pH et une concentration de K+ inférieurs par rapport à l’Espalier. Après la fermentation alcoolique, les vins de Syrah ont confirmé ces tendances puisque pour la TM, le pH et le potassium sont restés significativement plus bas et l'intensité colorante ainsi que les polyphénols totaux (DO280) ont été supérieurs. Une diminution progressive des rendements a été observée pendant les dernières années pour la TM, principalement en raison d’une perte de fertilité des bourgeons dans les zones à forte sécheresse. Les inconvénients de l’utilisation de la TM sans une bonne maîtrise de l’état hydrique sont examiné

    Viticulture de précision et état hydrique. II : Comportement quantitatif et qualitatif de zones intra-parcellaires définies à partir de la cartographie des potentiels hydriques

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    International audienceThe within field variability of grape quantitative and qualitative parameters has recently become an important issue in viticulture due to the impact that such variability has on the wine quality. Spatial, high-resolution systematic measurements of these parameters is becoming a reality in modern viticulture. A within field zoning of a Syrah vineyard located at INRA Pech Rouge (Gruissan, France) was carried out. The zoning was based on the mapping of the predawn water potential changes, measured from flowering to ripening. The aforementioned methodology, performed during 2003-04 seasons, allowed us the division of the field into four zones which were compared with an irrigated zone used as a control. Different quantitative (berry weight, yield, SFE, pruning weight, trunk diameter) and qualitative (sugars, total acids, pH, anthocyanins, IPT) parameters were measured in each zone. Each of the five zones (the 4 zones delimited and the irrigated control) was harvested individually. The results of the two different seasons show that, as long as the water restriction rises, the enrichment of the components linked with quality is reinforced. Simultaneously, vigour and yield are reduced. Yield reduction is mostly due to the reduction in berry size. Nevertheless, there is a threshold of water restriction, beyond which there are no further gains in qualitative components content, whereas yield and quantitative parameters keep on decreasing. For the most severe water deficit, all parameters (quantitative and qualitative) decrease, causing an important weakness in the vine. Such conditions, if sustained throughout time, may be negative for wine perennity. This situation requires further research aiming at determining the optimum water restriction thresholds for each variety/trellis system/"terroir" situation, and therefore, achieving the best quality/yield relation. These works finally aim at providing references to local growers to perform qualitative irrigation management. It is also necessary to study the physiological aspects that explain the adaptive mechanisms of different varieties to the water characteristics of Southern France's Mediterranean "terroirs" in relation with global warming. Finally, this research work points out the interest that site-specific management of the vineyard may present regarding quality improvement (including differential, variable irrigation for each zone and selective harvest)La variabilité intra-parcellaire des paramètres quantitatifs et qualitatifs du raisin est une problématique actuelle d’importance considérable car elle a des conséquences qualitatives sur le vin. La mesure systématique, dans l’espace, et avec des résolutions élevées, de ces paramètres commence à devenir une réalité en viticulture. Un zonage intra-parcellaire a été effectué sur une parcelle de Syrah située sur l’Unité Expérimentale INRA de Pech Rouge (Gruissan, France). Ce zonage s’appuie sur une cartographie et une classification ascendante hiérarchisée de l’évolution du potentiel foliaire de base des souches de la nouaison à la maturité. Cette méthodologie, mise en œuvre pendant les années 2003 et 2004, a permis de différencier quatre zones qui ont été comparées avec un témoin irrigué. Pour chaque zone, différents paramètres "quantitatifs" (poids des baies, rendement, surface foliaire exposée potentielle, poids de bois de taille, circonférence de tronc) et "qualitatifs" (teneur en sucre, acidité totale, PH, anthocyanes et IPT) ont été mesurés. Chacune des 5 zones (4 zones identifiées et témoin irrigué) a été récoltée et vinifiée de manière individuelle. Pour les deux millésimes étudiés, les résultats mettent en évidence que lorsque les niveaux de contrainte hydrique augmentent, la richesse en composants liés à la qualité (phénols, sucres,…) est renforcée malgré une légère réduction de vigueur et de rendement induit notamment par diminution de la taille de la bai

    New vineyard fields: Grape Juice. Selection of grapevine species, juice making, stabilization / Nouvelle filière : jus de raisin. Sélection des cépages, élaboration, stabilisation

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    Proposed by FOULON-SOPAGLY society and INRA, a six years applied research program was developed in France to enable creation of create specific lines to elaborate high quality juice with new adapted grapevine varieties and specialized vineyards, with adapted technology. 448 vine varieties from INRA Vassal first international collection of grapevine species were evaluated to finally select 14: 2 V.vinifera,9 hybrids, and 3 from INRA creation (ref A. Bouquet) by hybridization. These last references, obtained from 4 or 5 back crossing between Muscadinia. rotondifolia.X.V.vinifera, have in particular a high level of resistance against mildew and oidium.These varieties have RUN 1 and RPV1. resistance genes, with several other secondary genes on one chromosome locus. This makes access to organic market easier. Agronomic criteria are studied for this selection. Among the 14 selected grapevine species, some have high level of polyphenols (6 times more than alicante). Others (white and red) have a high aromatic potential. Others have a low sugar content 135 g/l to 150 g/l) and adapted sugar/ acidity ratio. -In the cellar: The absence of fermentation and alcohol requires optimization of the process for juice making. For example by increasing polyphenols extraction and colour stability by using thermo-treatment. Flash release process coupled with enzymatic soaking on grapes at 45°C for example, increases 2 or 3 fold polysaccharide juice content, and increases anthocyanins extraction and hence colour intensity. With this process the draining of grape marc and juice production increase. Pressure technology by on line horizontal decanter is possible. -In juice storehouse. Electro membrane process, (oenodia membrane process) with specific membranes gives possibilities to achieve two objectives on juice: - Decrease pH and increase acidity of juice and colour stabilization, without any additive

    New vineyard fields: Grape Juice. Selection of grapevine species, juice making, stabilization

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    Proposed by FOULON-SOPAGLY society and INRA, a six years applied research program was developed in France to enable creation of create specific lines to elaborate high quality juice with new adapted grapevine varieties and specialized vineyards, with adapted technology. 448 vine varieties from INRA Vassal first international collection of grapevine species were evaluated to finally select 14: 2 V. vinifera, 9 hybrids, and 3 from INRA creation (ref A. Bouquet) by hybridization. These last references, obtained from 4 or 5 back crossing between Muscadinia. rotondifolia.X. V.vinifera, have in particular a high level of resistance against mildew and oidium.These varieties have RUN 1 and RPV1. resistance genes, with several other secondary genes on one chromosome locus. This makes access to organic market easier. Agronomic criteria are studied for this selection. Among the 14 selected grapevine species, some have high level of polyphenols (6 times more than alicante). Others (white and red) have a high aromatic potential. Others have a low sugar content 135 g/l to 150 g/l) and adapted sugar/ acidity ratio. -In the cellar: The absence of fermentation and alcohol requires optimization of the process for juice making. For example by increasing polyphenols extraction and colour stability by using thermo-treatment. Flash release process coupled with enzymatic soaking on grapes at 45â—¦C for example, increases 2 or 3 fold polysaccharide juice content, and increases anthocyanins extraction and hence colour intensity. With this process the draining of grape marc and juice production increase. Pressure technology by on line horizontal decanter is possible. -In juice storehouse. Electro membrane process, (oenodia membrane process) with specific membranes gives possibilities to achieve two objectives on juice: - Decrease pH and increase acidity of juice and colour stabilization, without any additive