54 research outputs found

    Short-Snouted Toothless Ichthyosaur from China Suggests Late Triassic Diversification of Suction Feeding Ichthyosaurs

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    Ichthyosaurs were an important group of Mesozoic marine reptiles and existed from the Early Triassic to the early Late Cretaceous. Despite a great diversity in body shapes and feeding adaptations, all share greatly enlarged eyes, an elongated rostrum with numerous conical teeth, and a streamlined body.. may be linked to the Late Triassic minimum in atmospheric oxygen

    Additional records of metazoan parasites from Caribbean marine mammals, including genetically identified anisakid nematodes

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    Studies of marine mammal parasites in the Caribbean are scarce. An assessment for marine mammal endo- and ectoparasites from Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, but extending to other areas of the Caribbean, was conducted between 1989 and 1994. The present study complements the latter and enhances identification of anisakid nematodes using molecular markers. Parasites were collected from 59 carcasses of stranded cetaceans and manatees from 1994 to 2006, including Globicephala macrorhynchus, Kogia breviceps, Kogia sima, Lagenodelphis hosei, Mesoplodon densirostris, Peponocephala electra, Stenella longirostris, Steno bredanensis, Trichechus manatus. Tursiops truncatus, and Ziphius cavirostris. Sixteen species of endoparasitic helminthes were morphologically identified, including two species of acanthocephalans (Bolbosoma capitatum, Bolbosoma vasculosum), nine species of nematodes (Anisakis sp., Anisakis brevispiculata, Anisakis paggiae, Anisakis simplex, Anisakis typica, Anisakis ziphidarium, Crassicauda anthonyi, Heterocheilus tunicatus, Pseudoterranova ceticola), two species of cestodes (Monorygma grimaldi, Phyllobothrium delphini), and three species of trematodes (Chiorchis groschafti, Pulmonicola cochleotrema, Monoligerum blairi). The nematodes belonging to the genus Anisakis recovered in some stranded animals were genetically identified to species level based on their sequence analysis of mitochondrial DNA (629 bp of mtDNA cox 2). A total of five new host records and six new geographic records are presented.L'articolo Ăš disponibile sul sito dell'editore http://www.springerlink.com

    A supermatrix analysis of genomic, morphological, and paleontological data from crown Cetacea

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cetacea (dolphins, porpoises, and whales) is a clade of aquatic species that includes the most massive, deepest diving, and largest brained mammals. Understanding the temporal pattern of diversification in the group as well as the evolution of cetacean anatomy and behavior requires a robust and well-resolved phylogenetic hypothesis. Although a large body of molecular data has accumulated over the past 20 years, DNA sequences of cetaceans have not been directly integrated with the rich, cetacean fossil record to reconcile discrepancies among molecular and morphological characters.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We combined new nuclear DNA sequences, including segments of six genes (~2800 basepairs) from the functionally extinct Yangtze River dolphin, with an expanded morphological matrix and published genomic data. Diverse analyses of these data resolved the relationships of 74 taxa that represent all extant families and 11 extinct families of Cetacea. The resulting supermatrix (61,155 characters) and its sub-partitions were analyzed using parsimony methods. Bayesian and maximum likelihood (ML) searches were conducted on the molecular partition, and a molecular scaffold obtained from these searches was used to constrain a parsimony search of the morphological partition. Based on analysis of the supermatrix and model-based analyses of the molecular partition, we found overwhelming support for 15 extant clades. When extinct taxa are included, we recovered trees that are significantly correlated with the fossil record. These trees were used to reconstruct the timing of cetacean diversification and the evolution of characters shared by "river dolphins," a non-monophyletic set of species according to all of our phylogenetic analyses.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The parsimony analysis of the supermatrix and the analysis of morphology constrained to fit the ML/Bayesian molecular tree yielded broadly congruent phylogenetic hypotheses. In trees from both analyses, all Oligocene taxa included in our study fell outside crown Mysticeti and crown Odontoceti, suggesting that these two clades radiated in the late Oligocene or later, contra some recent molecular clock studies. Our trees also imply that many character states shared by river dolphins evolved in their oceanic ancestors, contradicting the hypothesis that these characters are convergent adaptations to fluvial habitats.</p

    Morphological variation and modularity in the mandible of three Mediterranean dolphin species

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    Geometric morphometric studies of dolphins have traditionally concentrated on the skull, while the mandible and its modularity have been little explored. We investigated the mandible variability and modularity in three strictly related Mediterranean dolphins: Stenella coeruleoalba, Delphinus delphis and Tursiops truncatus. The aims were to describe the interspecific differences in the size and shape of the mandible as a whole, and of its structural modules, and to detect the influence of adaptive pressures on trait variation. Data were collected on 96 specimens from the Mediterranean Sea. Eight and 10 two-dimensional landmarks were recorded respectively in the lateral and medial sides of the mandible. After General Procrustes Analysis (GPA) transformation, measurement error, sexual dimorphism and ontogenetic allometry were first investigated to allow further pooling of samples. Univariate analysis of variance (ANOVA) of centroid size was used to evaluate size differences among the species; multivariate ordination, classification and clustering methods were used to investigate interspecific variation of shape variables. Different subsets of landmarks representing distinct mandibular subunits were tested for modular integration through the RV coefficient; two-block partial least squares statistics was used to explore the patterns of covariation between modules. Size and shape differences in the whole mandible of the three species evidenced a clear morphological divergence of Tursiops truncatus and a close similarity of Stenella coeruleoalba and Delphinus delphis. The analysis of modularity identified the corpus and the ramus, with its internal foramen, as distinct modules. Th
