2,030 research outputs found

    Phonon-assisted and magnetic field induced Kondo tunneling in single molecular devices

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    We consider the Kondo tunneling induced by multiphonon emission/absorption processes in magnetic molecular complexes with low-energy singlet-triplet spin gap and show that the number of assisting phonons may be changed by varying the Zeeman splitting of excited triplet state. As a result, the structure of multiphonon Kondo resonances may be scanned by means of magnetic field tuning.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures. Shortened version of this paper will be published in the Proceedings of the International Conference "Phonons2007" (J. Phys: Conf. Series

    Kondo Resonance Decoherence by an External Potential

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    The Kondo problem, for a quantum dot (QD), subjected to an external bias, is analyzed in the limit of infinite Coulomb repulsion by using a consistent equations of motion method based on a slave-boson Hamiltonian. Utilizing a strict perturbative solution in the leads-dot coupling, T, to T^4 and T^6 orders, we calculate the QD spectral density and conductance, as well as the decoherent rate that drive the systemm from the strong to the weak coupling regime. Our results indicate thet the weak coupling regime is reached for voltages larger than a few units of the Kondo temperature.Comment: 5 figure

    Magnetic impurities in the honeycomb Kitaev model

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    We study the effect of coupling magnetic impurities to the honeycomb lattice spin-1/2 Kitaev model in its spin liquid phase. We show that a spin-S impurity coupled to the Kitaev model is associated with an unusual Kondo effect with an intermediate coupling unstable fixed point K_c J/S separating topologically distinct sectors of the Kitaev model. We also show that the massless spinons in the spin liquid mediate an interaction of the form S_{i\alpha}^{2}S_{j\beta}^{2}/R_{ij}^{3} between distant impurities unlike the usual dipolar RKKY interaction S_{i\alpha}S_{j\alpha}/R_{ij}^{3} noted in various 2D impurity problems with a pseudogapped density of states of the spin bath. Furthermore, this long-range interaction is possible only if the impurities (a) couple to more than one neighboring spin on the host lattice and (b) the impurity spin is not a spin-1/2.$Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, Published versio

    Magnetoconductance through a vibrating molecule in the Kondo regime

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    The effect of a magnetic field on the equilibrium spectral and transport properties of a single-molecule junction is studied using the numerical renormalization group method. The molecule is described by the Anderson-Holstein model in which a single vibrational mode is coupled to the electron density. The effect of an applied magnetic field on the conductance in the Kondo regime is qualitatively different in the weak and strong electron-phonon coupling regimes. In the former case, the Kondo resonance is split and the conductance is strongly suppressed by a magnetic field gmuBB≳kBTKg mu_B B \gtrsim k_BT_K, with TKT_K the Kondo temperature. In the strong electron-phonon coupling regime a charge analog of the Kondo effect develops. In this case the Kondo resonance is not split by the field and the conductance in the Kondo regime is enhanced in a broad range of values of BB.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Gap formation and soft phonon mode in the Holstein model

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    We investigate electron-phonon coupling in many-electron systems using dynamical mean-field theory in combination with the numerical renormalization group. This non-perturbative method reveals significant precursor effects to the gap formation at intermediate coupling strengths. The emergence of a soft phonon mode and very strong lattice fluctuations can be understood in terms of Kondo-like physics due to the development of a double-well structure in the effective potential for the ions

    Kondo effect of a Co atom on Cu(111) in contact with an Fe tip

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    Single Co atoms, which exhibit a Kondo effect on Cu(111), are contacted with Cu and Fe tips in a low-temperature scanning tunneling microscope. With Fe tips, the Kondo effect persists with the Abrikosov-Suhl resonance significantly broadened. In contrast, for Cu-covered W tips, the resonance width remains almost constant throughout the tunneling and contact ranges. The distinct changes of the line width are interpreted in terms of modifications of the Co d state occupation owing to hybridization with the tip apex atoms.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Racial and Ethnic Differences in Falls Among Older Adults: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

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    The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to determine whether differences in reported fall rates exist between different ethnic groups. Searches were carried out on four databases: Medline, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), Scopus, and Web of Science. Only English language studies with community-dwelling participants aged 60 + years were included. Studies also needed to compare fall prevalence for at least two or more ethnic groups. Two reviewers independently screened all articles and evaluated study quality. Twenty-three articles were included for systematic review, and meta-analyses were carried out on the 16 retrospective studies that reported falls in the previous 12 months. The Asian group demonstrated significantly lower fall prevalence than all other ethnic groups at 13.89% (10.87, 16.91). The Hispanic group had a fall prevalence of 18.54% (12.95, 24.13), closely followed by the Black group at 18.60% (13.27, 23.93). The White group had the highest prevalence at 23.77% (18.66, 28.88). Some studies provided adjusted estimates of effect statistics for the odds/risk of falls, which showed that differences still existed between some ethnic groups even after adjusting for other risk factors. Overall, differences in fall prevalence do appear to exist between different ethnic groups, although the reasons for these differences currently remain undetermined and require further investigation. These findings highlight the need to provide more ethnically tailored responses to public health challenges, which could potentially increase the adherence to prevention interventions, and allow for a more targeted use of resources

    Spectral properties of locally correlated electrons in a BCS superconductor

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    We present a detailed study of the spectral properties of a locally correlated site embedded in a BCS superconducting medium. To this end the Anderson impurity model with superconducting bath is analysed by numerical renormalisation group (NRG) calculations. We calculate one and two-particle dynamic response function to elucidate the spectral excitation and the nature of the ground state for different parameter regimes with and without particle-hole symmetry. The position and weight of the Andreev bound states is given for all relevant parameters. We also present phase diagrams for the different ground state parameter regimes. This work is also relevant for dynamical mean field theory extensions with superconducting symmetry breaking.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figure

    Spectral Densities of Response Functions for the O(3) Symmetric Anderson and Two Channel Kondo Models

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    The O(3) symmetric Anderson model is an example of a system which has a stable low energy marginal Fermi liquid fixed point for a certain choice of parameters. It is also exactly equivalent, in the large U limit, to a localized model which describes the spin degrees of freedom of the linear dispersion two channel Kondo model. We first use an argument based on conformal field theory to establish this precise equivalence with the two channel model. We then use the numerical renormalization group (NRG) approach to calculate both one-electron and two-electron response functions for a range of values of the interaction strength U. We compare the behaviours about the marginal Fermi liquid and Fermi liquid fixed points and interpret the results in terms of a renormalized Majorana fermion picture of the elementary excitations. In the marginal Fermi liquid case the spectral densities of all the Majorana fermion modes display a |omega| dependence on the lowest energy scale, and in addition the zero Majorana mode has a delta function contribution. The weight of this delta function is studied as a function of the interaction U and is found to decrease exponentially with U for large U. Using the equivalence with the two channel Kondo model in the large U limit, we deduce the dynamical spin susceptibility of the two channel Kondo model over the full frequency range. We use renormalized perturbation theory to interpret the results and to calculate the coefficient of the ln omega divergence found in the low frequency behaviour of the T=0 dynamic susceptibility.Comment: 26 pages, 18 figures, to be published in Eur. Phys. J.
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