2,344 research outputs found

    Donn L. Smith oral history interview by Nancy Hewitt, July 24, 1985

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    Dr. Donn Smith, professor of Medicine at USF, recalls his time at the University

    Ames collaborative study of cosmic-ray neutrons. 2: Low- and mid-latitude flights

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    Progress of the study of cosmic ray neutrons is described. Data obtained aboard flights from Hawaii at altitudes of 41,000 and 45,000 feet, and in the range of geomagnetic latitude 17 N less than or equal to lambda less than or equal to 21 N are reported. Preliminary estimates of neutron spectra are made

    Ames collaborative study of cosmic ray neutrons

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    The results of a collaborative study to define both the neutron flux and the spectrum more precisely and to develop a dosimetry package that can be flown quickly to altitude for solar flare events are described. Instrumentation and analysis techniques were used which were developed to measure accelerator-produced radiation. The instruments were flown in the Ames Research Center high altitude aircraft. Neutron instrumentation consisted of Bonner spheres with both active and passive detector elements, threshold detectors of both prompt-counter and activation-element types, a liquid scintillation spectrometer based on pulse-shape discrimination, and a moderated BF3 counter neutron monitor. In addition, charged particles were measured with a Reuter-Stokes ionization chamber system and dose equivalent with another instrument. Preliminary results from the first series of flights at 12.5 km (41,000 ft) are presented, including estimates of total neutron flux intensity and spectral shape and of the variation of intensity with altitude and geomagnetic latitude

    Use of clinical guidelines in cardiology practice in Sudan

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    Rationale, aims, and objective: The aim of this study was to explore the views of prescribers in cardiology in Sudan about the use of guidelines in clinical practice and the extent to which guidelines whether national or international can be adopted in clinical practice in Sudan. Methods: Interviews were conducted with the consultants in 2 of the main cardiac hospitals in Sudan. This was followed by a survey amongst the doctors in the hospitals to examine the views of a larger population of prescribers about the matter investigated. Results: Twelve consultants were interviewed, and 47 prescribers (60%) replied to the questionnaire that followed. Most doctors relied on foreign guidelines to prescribe for their patients. The doctors acknowledged the limitation of using foreign guidelines in Sudan. A number of doctors were not in favour of following any guidelines, as they perceived that the practice in Sudan does not allow implementation of guidelines. Conclusion: The prescribers in Sudan had to rely on guidelines made in foreign countries if they want to get the benefit of evidence‐based medicine to their patients, but they had to find a way to adapt these guidelines to their patients and to the health care system they are working within. However, it is not known if this adaptation of foreign guidelines is providing the benefits intended or is risking evidence‐based medicine

    NP108, an Antimicrobial Polymer with Activity against Methicillin- and Mupirocin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus

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    D.K.M., L.K.K., D.W.S., J.R., and D.A.O. are employees of NovaBiotics Ltd. D.A.O. is a director and shareholder of NovaBiotics Ltd. D.K.M., L.K.K., F.H., D.W.S., and J.R. carried out the experiments described in the manuscript. D.K.M., L.K.K., and D.A.O. came up with the ideas and designed the experiments conducted in the manuscript. D.K.M., D.A.O., and L.K.K. wrote and edited the manuscript. Samples for electron microscopy were prepared by the microscopy and histology facility at the University of Aberdeen. The work of Laura K. Katvars was partly funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) (1091582). Carol Munro was supported by the MRC Centre for Medical Mycology (MR/N006364/1). AUTHOR CORRECTION Volume 61, no. 9, e00502-17, 2017, https://doi.org/10.1128/AAC.00502-17. Page 1: Carol A. Munro should be added to the list of authors. The updated byline and affiliations are shown above. Page 11: the last paragraph of Acknowledgments should be replaced with the following sentences. The work of Laura K. Katvars was partly funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) (1091582). Carol Munro was supported by the MRC Centre for Medical Mycology (MR/N006364/1). Copyright © 2018 American Society for Microbiology.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    A Cross-Sectional Survey of Anesthetic Airway Equipment and Airway Management Practices in Uganda.

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    BACKGROUND: Anesthesia-related causes contribute to a significant proportion of perioperative deaths, especially in low and middle-income countries (LMICs). There is evidence that complications related to failed airway management are a significant contributor to perioperative morbidity and mortality. While existing data have highlighted the magnitude of airway management complications in LMICs, there are inadequate data to understand their root causes. This study aimed to pilot an airway management capacity tool that evaluates airway management resources, provider practices, and experiences with difficult airways in an attempt to better understand potential contributing factors to airway management challenges. METHODS: We developed a novel airway management capacity assessment tool through a nonsystematic review of existing literature on anesthesia and airway management in LMICs, internationally recognized difficult airway algorithms, minimum standards for equipment, the safe practice of anesthesia, and the essential medicines and health supplies list of Uganda. We distributed the survey tool during conferences and workshops, to anesthesia care providers from across the spectrum of surgical care facilities in Uganda. The data were analyzed using descriptive methods. RESULTS: Between May 2017 and May 2018, 89 of 93 surveys were returned (17% of anesthesia providers in the country) from all levels of health facilities that provide surgical services in Uganda. Equipment for routine airway management was available to all anesthesia providers surveyed, but with a limited range of sizes. Pediatric airway equipment was always available 54% of the time. There was limited availability of capnography (15%), video laryngoscopes (4%), cricothyroidotomy kits (6%), and fiber-optic bronchoscopes (7%). Twenty-one percent (18/87) of respondents reported experiencing a "can't intubate, can't ventilate" (CICV) scenario in the 12 months preceding the survey, while 63% (54/86) reported experiencing at least 1 CICV during their career. Eighty-five percent (74/87) of respondents reported witnessing a severe airway management complication during their career, with 21% (19/89) witnessing a death as a result of a CICV scenario. CONCLUSIONS: We have developed and implemented an airway management capacity tool that describes airway management practices in Uganda. Using this tool, we have identified significant gaps in access to airway management resources. Gaps identified by the survey, along with advocacy by the Association of Anesthesiologists of Uganda, in partnership with the Ugandan Ministry of Health, have led to some progress in closing these gaps. Expanding the availability of airway management resources further, providing more airway management training, and identifying opportunities to support skilled workforce expansion have the potential to improve perioperative safety in Uganda

    Patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) use in post-stroke patient care and clinical practice: a realist synthesis protocol

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    Background There is growing interest in the use of routine patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) to influence the care of individual patients with stroke. However, there are significant gaps in our understanding as to how PROMs influence post-stroke patient care and clinical practice. This is due to factors including the number of purported uses for PROMs and that PROMs are complex interventions, which attempt to stimulate varied actions or behaviours. Therefore, the objective of this realist synthesis is to offer theory-based explanations as to how PROMs influence post-stroke clinical practice and patient care. Methods This is a protocol for a realist synthesis, which involves three distinct phases: theory building (phase 1), theory testing and refinement (phase 2) and synthesis (phase 3). Phase 1 will develop initial rough programme theories (IRPTs), through literature searches (from January 2000 onwards) of MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycINFO, CINAHL, Cochrane Library and the grey literature. Only secondary sources will be included that contribute to the development of IRPTs. Only two IRPTs, prioritised by the stakeholder group, will be taken forward to be tested and refined during phase 2. Further novel searches will be employed in phase 2, utilising the same criteria as phase 1; however, phase 2 searches will not utilise grey literature searches, and only primary research studies that contribute to the refinement of programme theories under investigation will be included. Two independent reviewers will screen and select all returned results. The reviewers will code and annotate relevant sources, resulting in ‘fragments’ to be extracted and graded based on the richness of their contribution to explanation and causal insight. Further, these fragments will be organised into ‘Context-Mechanism-Outcome’ configurations. Phase 3 of the review will involve the synthesis of context-mechanism-outcome configurations to form middle-range theory-based explanations and developed logic models for stakeholders to understand how PROMs in post-stroke clinical practice and patient care work for whom, how and under what circumstances. Discussion The resulting realist synthesis will provide guidance on the implementation of PROMs within routine post-stroke clinical practice and patient care and act as a touchstone for further testing and refinement of PROMs programmes