6,859 research outputs found

    Invasive Wild pigs as primary nest predators for Wild turkeys

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    Depredation of wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) nests is a leading cause of reduced recruitment for the recovering and iconic game species. invasive wild pigs (Sus scrofa) are known to depredate nests, and have been expanding throughout the distributed range of wild turkeys in north America. We sought to gain better insight on the magnitude of wild pigs depredating wild turkey nests. We constructed simulated wild turkey nests throughout the home ranges of 20 GPS-collared wild pigs to evaluate nest depredation relative to three periods within the nesting season (i.e., early, peak, and late) and two nest densities (moderate = 12.5-25 nests/km2, high = 25-50 nests/km2) in south-central Texas, USA during March–June 2016. Overall, the estimated probability of nest depredation by wild pigs was 0.3, equivalent to native species of nest predators in the study area (e.g., gray fox [Urocyon cinereoargenteus], raccoon [Procyon lotor], and coyote [Canis latrans]). female wild pigs exhibited a constant rate of depredation regardless of nesting period or density of nests. However, male wild pigs increased their rate of depredation in areas with higher nest densities. Management efforts should remove wild pigs to reduce nest failure in wild turkey populations especially where recruitment is low

    Biotic and abiotic factors affecting the Tasmanian distribution and density of the introduced New Zealand porcelain crab Petrolisthes elongatus

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    Petrolisthes elongatus (Milne-Edwards, 1837) was first introduced into southern Tasmania in the late 19th century putatively associated with live-oyster transfers from New Zealand. In the last century P. elongatus populations have expanded, inoculating rocky intertidal zones around Tasmania. We initially identified the scope of P. elongatus introduced range around Tasmania by visiting 57 sites to identify presence. Density of P. elongatus and populations of two native grapsid crab species was assessed at 12 sites around Tasmania to identify any biotic resistance. Abiotic factors including substrate availability and preference, and wave stress, were identified at each of the 57 sites. Our results indicate that P. elongatus has successfully invaded a large proportion of the southern and northern coasts of Tasmania, with a small number of sites on the east and none on the west coast supporting P. elongatus populations. Densities were found to be higher in southern Tasmania compared to the eastern and northern coastlines. Petrolisthes elongatus presence was found to be positively correlated with native grapsid crab presence, however, no statistically significant relationship was found between densities at scales of site or quadrat. Abiotic factors have been identified as the primary drivers of Petrolisthes distribution pattern

    Ballast Water Management for European Seas - Is There a Need for a Decision Support System?

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    The human mediated transfer of aquatic organisms and pathogens via shipping, specifically with ballast water, is a continuing global threat to biodiversity, human health and economic values. In February 2004, as a result of long-term effort of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the United Nations body which deals with shipping, the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments (BWM Convention) was adopted by the international community setting global standards. In the absence of efficient Ballast Water Treatment Systems (BWTS) on existing ships, Ballast Water Exchange (BWE) is currently the only available method approved by IMO. However, BWE has serious limitations that make it biologically inefficient and often impractical under certain conditions. A key question is whether all ships should be requested to conduct BWE (i.e., blanket approach) or whether it is more appropriate that port states determine BWE requirements on a ship-to-ship basis (i.e., selective approach) supported by a decision support system based on risk assessment? In this paper BWE in the framework of the BWM Convention is discussed. The applicability and effectiveness of BWE is studied and suggestions are given for an effective ballast water management approach, including options for a decision support system, in Europe

    Self-similar Bianchi models: II. Class B models

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    In a companion article (referred hearafter as paper I) a detailed study of the simply transitive Spatially Homogeneous (SH) models of class A concerning the existence of a simply transitive similarity group has been given. The present work (paper II) continues and completes the above study by considering the remaining set of class B models. Following the procedure of paper I we find all SH models of class B subjected only to the minimal geometric assumption to admit a proper Homothetic Vector Field (HVF). The physical implications of the obtained geometric results are studied by specialising our considerations to the case of vacuum and γ\gamma -law perfect fluid models. As a result we regain all the known exact solutions regarding vacuum and non-tilted perfect fluid models. In the case of tilted fluids we find the \emph{general }self-similar solution for the exceptional type VI1/9_{-1/9} model and we identify it as equilibrium point in the corresponding dynamical state space. It is found that this \emph{new} exact solution belongs to the subclass of models nαα=0n_\alpha ^\alpha =0, is defined for γ(43,32)\gamma \in (\frac 43,\frac 32) and although has a five dimensional stable manifold there exist always two unstable modes in the restricted state space. Furthermore the analysis of the remaining types, guarantees that tilted perfect fluid models of types III, IV, V and VIIh_h cannot admit a proper HVF strongly suggesting that these models either may not be asymptotically self-similar (type V) or may be extreme tilted at late times. Finally for each Bianchi type, we give the extreme tilted equilibrium points of their state space.Comment: Latex, 15 pages, no figures; to appear in Classical Quantum Gravity (uses iopart style/class files); (v2) minor corrections to match published versio

    The Incremental Garbage Collection of Processes

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    Key Words and Phrases: garbage collection, multiprocessing systems, processor scheduling. "lazy evaluation, "eager" evaluation. CR Categories: 3.60, 3.80, 4.13, 4.22, 4.32. This report describes research done at the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Support for the laboratory's artificial intelligence research is provided in part by the Advanced Research Projects Agency of the Department of Defense under Office of Naval Research contract N00014-75-C-0522. This paper was presented at the AI*PL Conference at Rochester, N.Y. in August, 1977.This paper investigates some problems associated with an argument evaluation order that we call "future" order, which is different from both call-by-name and call-by-value. In call-by-future, each formal parameter of a function is bound to a separate process (called a "future") dedicated to the evaluation of the corresponding argument. This mechanism allows the fully parallel evaluation of arguments to a function, and has been shown to augment the expressive power of a language. We discuss an approach to a problem that arises in this context: futures which were thought to be relevant when they were created become irrelevant through being ignored in the body of the expression where they were bound. The problem of irrelevant processes also appears in multiprocessing problem-solving systems which start several processors working on the same problem but with different methods, and return with the solution which finishes first. This parallel method strategy has the drawback that the processes which are investigating the losing methods must be identified, stopped, and re-assigned to more useful tasks. The solution we propose is that of garbage collection. We propose that the goal structure of the solution plan be explicitly represented in memory as part of the graph memory (like Lisp's heap) so that a garbage collection algorithm can discover which processes are performing useful work, and which can be recycled for a new task. An incremental algorithm for the unified garbage collection of storage and processes is described.MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agenc

    Improving the scalability of parallel N-body applications with an event driven constraint based execution model

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    The scalability and efficiency of graph applications are significantly constrained by conventional systems and their supporting programming models. Technology trends like multicore, manycore, and heterogeneous system architectures are introducing further challenges and possibilities for emerging application domains such as graph applications. This paper explores the space of effective parallel execution of ephemeral graphs that are dynamically generated using the Barnes-Hut algorithm to exemplify dynamic workloads. The workloads are expressed using the semantics of an Exascale computing execution model called ParalleX. For comparison, results using conventional execution model semantics are also presented. We find improved load balancing during runtime and automatic parallelism discovery improving efficiency using the advanced semantics for Exascale computing.Comment: 11 figure

    Lithiation of InSb and Cu2_2Sb : A Theoretical Investigation

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    In this work the mechanism of Li insertion/intercalation in the anode materials InSb and Cu2_2Sb is investigated by means of the first principles total energy calculations. The total charge densities for the lithiated products of the two compounds are presented. Based on these results the change in the bonding character on lithiation is discussed. Further, the isomer shift for InSb and Cu2_2Sb and there various lithiated products is reported. The average insertion/intercalation voltage and volume expansion for transitions from InSb to Li2_2InSb and Cu2_2Sb to Li2_2CuSb are calculated and found to be in good agreement with the experimental values. These findings help to resolve the controversy regarding the lithiation mechanism in InSb.Comment: 5 pages 3 figure