8,165 research outputs found

    Manipulation of Light with Magneto-optic Stripe Domain Films

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    Magnetic diffraction grating materials, being developed to provide a simple means of deflecting light in a two dimensional, solid state fashion are discussed. The most promising material, for several applications, appears to be bismuth substituted iron garnet films in epitaxial form. Calculations indicate that deflection efficiency greater than 60% is possible in the near infrared region of the spectrum. Within the field of view of the deflector, measurements predict that 105 resolvable spots can be expected. Applications include: (1) general purpose deflection of free laser light, (2) image processing of extended sources such as transparencies, (3) programmable lensing, and (4) fiber optic matrix switching

    Dispersal Dynamics in a Wind-Driven Benthic System

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    Bedload and water column traps were used with simultaneous wind and water velocity measurements to study postlarval macrofaunal dispersal dynamics in Manukau Harbour, New Zealand. A 12-fold range in mean wind condition resulted in large differences in water flow (12-fold), sediment flux (285-fold), and trap collection of total number of individuals (95-fold), number of the dominant infaunal organism (84-fold for the bivalve Macomona liliana), and number of species (4-fold). There were very strong, positive relationships among wind condition, water velocity, sediment flux, and postlarval dispersal, especially in the bedload. Local density in the ambient sediment was not a good predictor of dispersal. Results indicate that postlarval dispersal may influence benthic abundance pat- terns over a range of spatial scales

    Quantum gravity and the Coulomb potential

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    We apply a singularity resolution technique utilized in loop quantum gravity to the polymer representation of quantum mechanics on R with the singular -1/|x| potential. On an equispaced lattice, the resulting eigenvalue problem is identical to a finite difference approximation of the Schrodinger equation. We find numerically that the antisymmetric sector has an energy spectrum that converges to the usual Coulomb spectrum as the lattice spacing is reduced. For the symmetric sector, in contrast, the effect of the lattice spacing is similar to that of a continuum self-adjointness boundary condition at x=0, and its effect on the ground state is significant even if the spacing is much below the Bohr radius. Boundary conditions at the singularity thus have a significant effect on the polymer quantization spectrum even after the singularity has been regularized.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures. v2: Minor presentational changes. One data point added in Table

    Ames collaborative study of cosmic-ray neutrons. 2: Low- and mid-latitude flights

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    Progress of the study of cosmic ray neutrons is described. Data obtained aboard flights from Hawaii at altitudes of 41,000 and 45,000 feet, and in the range of geomagnetic latitude 17 N less than or equal to lambda less than or equal to 21 N are reported. Preliminary estimates of neutron spectra are made

    Study of fluid transients in closed conduits annual report no. 1

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    Atmospheric density effect on computation of earth satellite orbit

    Cosmic No Hair for Collapsing Universes

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    It is shown that all contracting, spatially homogeneous, orthogonal Bianchi cosmologies that are sourced by an ultra-stiff fluid with an arbitrary and, in general, varying equation of state asymptote to the spatially flat and isotropic universe in the neighbourhood of the big crunch singularity. This result is employed to investigate the asymptotic dynamics of a collapsing Bianchi type IX universe sourced by a scalar field rolling down a steep, negative exponential potential. A toroidally compactified version of M*-theory that leads to such a potential is discussed and it is shown that the isotropic attractor solution for a collapsing Bianchi type IX universe is supersymmetric when interpreted in an eleven-dimensional context.Comment: Extended discussion to include Kantowski-Sachs universe. In press, Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Space-times admitting a three-dimensional conformal group

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    Perfect fluid space-times admitting a three-dimensional Lie group of conformal motions containing a two-dimensional Abelian Lie subgroup of isometries are studied. Demanding that the conformal Killing vector be proper (i.e., not homothetic nor Killing), all such space-times are classified according to the structure of their corresponding three-dimensional conformal Lie group and the nature of their corresponding orbits (that are assumed to be non-null). Each metric is then explicitly displayed in coordinates adapted to the symmetry vectors. Attention is then restricted to the diagonal case, and exact perfect fluid solutions are obtained in both the cases in which the fluid four-velocity is tangential or orthogonal to the conformal orbits, as well as in the more general "tilting" case.Comment: Latex 34 page

    Lithiation of InSb and Cu2_2Sb : A Theoretical Investigation

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    In this work the mechanism of Li insertion/intercalation in the anode materials InSb and Cu2_2Sb is investigated by means of the first principles total energy calculations. The total charge densities for the lithiated products of the two compounds are presented. Based on these results the change in the bonding character on lithiation is discussed. Further, the isomer shift for InSb and Cu2_2Sb and there various lithiated products is reported. The average insertion/intercalation voltage and volume expansion for transitions from InSb to Li2_2InSb and Cu2_2Sb to Li2_2CuSb are calculated and found to be in good agreement with the experimental values. These findings help to resolve the controversy regarding the lithiation mechanism in InSb.Comment: 5 pages 3 figure

    Toward Empirical Constraints on the Global Redshifted 21 cm Brightness Temperature During the Epoch of Reionization

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    Preliminary results are presented from a simple, single-antenna experiment designed to measure the all-sky radio spectrum between 100 and 200 MHz. The system used an internal comparison-switching scheme to reduce non-smooth instrumental contaminants in the measured spectrum to 75 mK. From the observations, we place an initial upper limit of 450 mK on the relative brightness temperature of the redshifted 21 cm contribution to the spectrum due to neutral hydrogen in the intergalactic medium (IGM) during the epoch of reionization, assuming a rapid transition to a fully ionized IGM at a redshift of 8. With refinement, this technique should be able to distinguish between slow and fast reionization scenarios. To constrain the duration of reionization to dz > 2, the systematic residuals in the measured spectrum must be reduced to 3 mK.Comment: Submitted to ApJ. 9 pages including 6 figure