57 research outputs found

    Die Ikonographie der Maitreyafigur mit gekreuzten Füßen und des Tusita-Himmels, dargestellt anhand des Sutra von der Visualisierung der Wiedergeburt des Bodhisattva Maitreya im himmlischen Paradies Tusita

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    Basing much of my study on analysis and classification of 127 figures of Maitreya, I interpreted the iconography of this Bodhisattva and accompanied with my translation of the Maitreya Sutra "the visualization of the rebirth of the Bodhisattva Maitreya in the heavenly paradise Tusita". I took the contemplating figure of Maitreya with crossed legs in the grottos of Yungang, China, as the focus of my analysis and interpreted it as a "practicing visualization", based on the aforementioned sutra and on commentary about this sutra by the Silla monk Yonhyo. Yonhyo explained that adherents of Maitreya had to practice the visualization which was described in the sutra in order to attain future opportunities seeing Maitreya either in Tusita heaven or in Jambdvipa. And I also interpreted the crown of the contemplating figure, which is Korean National Treasure No.78. The crown of the contemplating figure No.78 described the palace of Maitreya in Tusita. This figure of Maitreya is practicing the visualization of heavenly paradise Tusita