116 research outputs found

    Low-Impedance 3D PEDOT:PSS Ultramicroelectrodes

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    The technology for producing microelectrode arrays (MEAs) has been developing since the 1970s and extracellular electrophysiological recordings have become well established in neuroscience, drug screening and cardiology. MEAs allow monitoring of long-term spiking activity of large ensembles of excitable cells noninvasively with high temporal resolution and mapping its spatial features. However, their inability to register subthreshold potentials, such as intrinsic membrane oscillations and synaptic potentials, has inspired a number of laboratories to search for alternatives to bypass the restrictions and/or increase the sensitivity of microelectrodes. In this study, we present the fabrication and in vitro experimental validation of arrays of PEDOT:PSS-coated 3D ultramicroelectrodes, with the best-reported combination of small size and low electrochemical impedance. We observed that this type of microelectrode does not alter neuronal network biological properties, improves the signal quality of extracellular recordings and exhibits higher selectivity toward single unit recordings. With fabrication processes simpler than those reported in the literature for similar electrodes, our technology is a promising tool for study of neuronal networks. \ua9 Copyright \ua9 2020 Jones, Moskalyuk, Barthold, Gut\uf6hrlein, Heusel, Schr\uf6ppel, Samba and Giugliano

    Patterns of metastatic spread and tumor burden in unselected cancer patients using PET imaging: Implications for the oligometastatic spectrum theory

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    INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND: Metastatic disease has been proposed as a continuum, with no clear cut-off between oligometastatic and polymetastatic disease. This study aims to quantify tumor burden and patterns of spread in unselected metastatic cancer patients referred for PET-based staging, response assessment of restaging. MATERIALS AND METHODS: All oncological fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG-) and prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA-) positron emission tomography (PET) scans conducted at a single academic center in 2020 were analyzed. Imaging reports of all patients with metastatic disease were reviewed and assessed. RESULTS: For this study, 7,000 PET scans were screened. One third of PET scans (n = 1,754; 33 %) from 1,155 unique patients showed presence of metastatic disease from solid malignancies, of which 601 (52 %) and 554 (48 %) were classified as oligometastatic (maximum 5 metastases) and polymetastatic (>5 metastases), respectively. Lung and pleural cancer, skin cancer, and breast cancer were the most common primary tumor histologies with 132 (23.8 %), 88 (15.9 %), and 72 (13.0 %) cases, respectively. Analysis of the number of distant metastases showed a strong bimodal distribution of the metastatic burden with 26 % of patients having one solitary metastasis and 43 % of patients harboring >10 metastases. Yet, despite 43 % of polymetastatic patients having >10 distant metastases, their pattern of distribution was restricted to one or two organs in about two thirds of patients, and there was no association between the number of distant metastases and the number of involved organs. CONCLUSION: The majority of metastatic cancer patients are characterized by either a solitary metastasis or a high tumor burden with >10 metastases, the latter was often associated with affecting a limited number of organs. These findings support both the spectrum theory of metastasis and the seed and soil hypothesis and can support in designing the next generation of clinical trials in the field of oligometastatic disease

    Potential of ChatGPT in facilitating research in radiation oncology?

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    PURPOSE To evaluate the potential of the artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot ChatGPT in supporting young clinical scientists with scientific tasks in radio oncological research. MATERIALS AND METHODS Seven scientific tasks were to be completed in 3 hours by 8 radiation oncologists with different scientific experience working at a university hospital: creation of a scientific synopsis, creation of a research question and corresponding clinical trial hypotheses, writing of the first paragraph of a manuscript introduction, clinical trial sample size calculation, and clinical data analyses (multivariate analysis, boxplot and survival curve). No participant had prior experience with an AI chatbot. All participants were instructed in ChatGPT v3.5 and its use was provided for all tasks. Answers were scored independently by two blinded experts. The subjective value of ChatGPT was rated by each participant. Data were analyzed with regression-, t-test and Spearman correlation (p<0.05). RESULTS Participants completed tasks 1-3 with an average score of 50% and 4-7 with 56%. Scientific experience, number of original publications and of first/last authorships showed a positive correlation with overall scoring (p=0.01-0.04). Participants with little to moderate scientific experience scored ChatGPT to be more helpful in solving tasks 4-7 compared to more experienced participants (p=0.04), with simultaneously presenting lower scorings (p=0.03). CONCLUSIONS ChatGPT did not compensate for differences in scientific experience of young clinical scientists, with less experienced researchers believing false AI-generated scientific results

    Extrinsic allospecific signals of hematopoietic origin dictate iNKT cell lineage-fate decisions during development

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    Invariant NKT (iNKT) cells are critical to the maintenance of tolerance toward alloantigens encountered during postnatal life pointing to the existence of a process for self-education. However, the impact of developmentally encountered alloantigens in shaping the phenotype and function of iNKT cells has not been described. To better understand this process, the current report examined naïve iNKT cells as they matured in an allogeneic environment. Following the prenatal transfer of fetal hematopoietic cells between age-matched allogeneic murine fetuses, cell-extrinsic signals appeared to dictate allospecific patterns of Ly49 receptor expression and lineage diversity in developing iNKT cells. Regulation for this process arose from cells of hematopoietic origin requiring only rare exposure to facilitate broad changes in developing iNKT cells. These findings highlight surprisingly asymmetric allospecific alterations in iNKT cells as they develop and mature in an allogeneic environment and establish a new paradigm for study of the self-education of iNKT cells

    In vitro- and ex vivo-derived cytolytic leukocytes from granzyme A x B double knockout mice are defective in granule-mediated apoptosis but not lysis of target cells

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    Granzyme (gzm) A and gzmB have been implicated in Fas-independent nucleolytic and cytolytic processes exerted by cytotoxic T (Tc) cells, but the underlying mechanism(s) remains unclear. In this study, we compare the potential of Tc and natural killer (NK) cells of mice deficient in both gzmA and B (gzmAxB-/-) with those from single knockout mice deficient in gzmA (-/-), gzmB (-/-), or perforin (-/-) to induce nuclear damage and lysis in target cells. With the exception of perforin-/-, all in vitro- and ex vivo-derived Tc and NK cell populations from the mutant strains induced 51Cr-release in target cells at levels and with kinetics similar to those of normal mice. This contrasts with their capacity to induce apoptotic nuclear damage in target cells. In gzmAxB-/- mice, Tc/NK-mediated target cell DNA fragmentation was not observed, even after extended incubation periods (10 h), but was normal in gzmA-deficient and only impaired in gzmB-deficient mice in short-term (2-4 h), but not long-term (4-10 h), nucleolytic assays. This suggests that gzmA and B are critical for Tc/NK granule- mediated nucleolysis, with gzmB being the main contributor, while target cell lysis is due solely to perforin and independent of both proteases

    The interactome of KRAB zinc finger proteins reveals the evolutionary history of their functional diversification.

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    Krüppel-associated box (KRAB)-containing zinc finger proteins (KZFPs) are encoded in the hundreds by the genomes of higher vertebrates, and many act with the heterochromatin-inducing KAP1 as repressors of transposable elements (TEs) during early embryogenesis. Yet, their widespread expression in adult tissues and enrichment at other genetic loci indicate additional roles. Here, we characterized the protein interactome of 101 of the ~350 human KZFPs. Consistent with their targeting of TEs, most KZFPs conserved up to placental mammals essentially recruit KAP1 and associated effectors. In contrast, a subset of more ancient KZFPs rather interacts with factors related to functions such as genome architecture or RNA processing. Nevertheless, KZFPs from coelacanth, our most distant KZFP-encoding relative, bind the cognate KAP1. These results support a hypothetical model whereby KZFPs first emerged as TE-controlling repressors, were continuously renewed by turnover of their hosts' TE loads, and occasionally produced derivatives that escaped this evolutionary flushing by development and exaptation of novel functions

    A Study of T Cell Tolerance to the Tumor-Associated Antigen MDM2: Cytokines Can Restore Antigen Responsiveness, but Not High Avidity T Cell Function

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    BACKGROUND: Most tumor-associated antigens (TAA) currently used for immunotherapy of cancer are also expressed in normal tissues, which may induce tolerance and impair T cell-mediated immunity. However, there is limited information about how physiological expression in normal tissues alters the function of TAA-specific T cells. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We used a T cell receptor transgenic model to study how MDM2 expression in normal tissues affects the function of T cells specific for this TAA that is found at high levels in many different types of tumors. We found that some MDM2-specific T cells escaped thymic deletion and persisted in the peripheral T cell pool. When stimulated with antigen, these T cells readily initiated cell division but failed to proliferate and expand, which was associated with a high rate of apoptosis. Both IL-2 and IL-15 efficiently rescued T cell survival and antigen-specific T cell proliferation, while IL-7 and IL-21 were ineffective. Antigen-stimulated T cells showed impaired expression of the effector molecules CD43, granzyme-B and IFN-γ, a defect that was completely restored when T cells were stimulated in the presence of IL-2. In contrast, IL-15 and IL-21 only restored the expression of CD43 and granzyme-B, but not IFN-γ production. Finally, peptide titration experiments with IL-2 rescued T cells indicated that they were of lower avidity than non-tolerant control T cells expressing the same TCR. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These data indicate that cytokines can rescue the antigen-specific proliferation and effector function of MDM2-specific T cells, although this does not lead to the recovery of high avidity T cell function. This study sheds light on possible limitations of immunotherapy approaches that target widely expressed TAA, such as MDM2

    Small-molecule-mediated OGG1 inhibition attenuates pulmonary inflammation and lung fibrosis in a murine lung fibrosis model

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    Interstitial lung diseases such as idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) are caused by persistent micro-injuries to alveolar epithelial tissues accompanied by aberrant repair processes. IPF is currently treated with pirfenidone and nintedanib, compounds which slow the rate of disease progression but fail to target underlying pathophysiological mechanisms. The DNA repair protein 8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase-1 (OGG1) has significant roles in the modulation of inflammation and metabolic syndromes. Currently, no pharmaceutical solutions targeting OGG1 have been utilized in the treatment of IPF. In this study we show Ogg1-targeting siRNA mitigates bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis in male mice, highlighting OGG1 as a tractable target in lung fibrosis. The small molecule OGG1 inhibitor, TH5487, decreases myofibroblast transition and associated pro-fibrotic gene expressions in fibroblast cells. In addition, TH5487 decreases levels of pro-inflammatory mediators, inflammatory cell infiltration, and lung remodeling in a murine model of bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis conducted in male C57BL6/J mice. OGG1 and SMAD7 interact to induce fibroblast proliferation and differentiation and display roles in fibrotic murine and IPF patient lung tissue. Taken together, these data suggest that TH5487 is a potentially clinically relevant treatment for IPF but further study in human trials is required