870 research outputs found

    Atlas of Avoidable Hospitalisations in Australia: ambulatory care-sensitive conditions

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    Avoidable hospitalisations represent a range of conditions for which hospitalisation should be able to be avoided because the disease or condition has been prevented from occurring, or because individuals have had access to timely and effective primary care. This report addresses the level and extent of regional variation in Australia in a sub-set of avoidable hospitalisations, namely those arising from ambulatory care-sensitive (ACS) conditions. ACS conditions are certain conditions for which hospitalisation is considered potentially avoidable through preventive care and early disease management, usually delivered in a primary care setting, for example by a general medical practitioner, or at a community health centre

    Inequality in South Australia: Key determinants of wellbeing, Volume 1: The Evidence

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    Copyright © 2003 State of South AustraliaThe purpose of this report, Inequality in South Australia - key determinants of wellbeing, Volume 1: The Evidence, is to deepen our understanding of the impact that social, physical and economic factors have on health and wellbeing, and to describe the distribution of some of these factors across the South Australian population. A number of indicators have been selected to describe different aspects of wellbeing of the population at the present time, and, by using them, to highlight the extent of some of the existing social and economic inequalities. The report contains detailed findings for each of the indicators. It is intended that a companion volume be published at a later date, containing examples of projects and programs that have been successful in addressing social inequality

    Central Northern Adelaide Health Service: A Social Health Atlas

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    Copyright © 2005 State of South AustraliaThe purpose of this Social Health Atlas is to provide the basis for the region to understand and determine priorities for regional health planning, and for key partners in other government or non-goverment agencies to utilise the data to inform their planning processes

    Australian and New Zealand Atlas of Avoidable Mortality

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    Copyright © 2006 Commonwealth of AustraliaThe Australian and New Zealand Atlas of Avoidable Mortality aims to illustrate geographic and social variations in avoidable and amenable mortality rates both within and between Australia and New Zealand. Avoidable and amenable mortality comprises those causes of death that are potentially avoidable at the present time, given available knowledge about social and economic policy impacts, health behaviours, and health care (the latter relating to the subset of amenable causes). We hope that this atlas will promote the use of 'avoidable mortality' as an indicator to assist in monitoring the quality, effectiveness and productivity of the Australian and New Zealand health systems in the 21st century

    Kinetic Inductance of Josephson Junction Arrays: Dynamic and Equilibrium Calculations

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    We show analytically that the inverse kinetic inductance L1L^{-1} of an overdamped junction array at low frequencies is proportional to the admittance of an inhomogeneous equivalent impedance network. The ijthij^{th} bond in this equivalent network has an inverse inductance Jijcos(θi0θj0Aij)J_{ij}\cos(\theta_i^0-\theta_j^0-A_{ij}), where JijJ_{ij} is the Josephson coupling energy of the ijthij^{th} bond, θi0\theta_i^0 is the ground-state phase of the grain ii, and AijA_{ij} is the usual magnetic phase factor. We use this theorem to calculate L1L^{-1} for square arrays as large as 180×180180\times 180. The calculated L1L^{-1} is in very good agreement with the low-temperature limit of the helicity modulus γ\gamma calculated by conventional equilibrium Monte Carlo techniques. However, the finite temperature structure of γ\gamma, as a function of magnetic field, is \underline{sharper} than the zero-temperature L1L^{-1}, which shows surprisingly weak structure. In triangular arrays, the equilibrium calculation of γ\gamma yields a series of peaks at frustrations f=12(11/N)f = \frac{1}{2}(1-1/N), where NN is an integer 2\geq 2, consistent with experiment.Comment: 14 pages + 6 postscript figures, 3.0 REVTe

    First-Order Vortex Lattice Melting and Magnetization of YBa2_2Cu3_3O$_{7-\delta}

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    We present the first non-mean-field calculation of the magnetization M(T)M(T) of YBa2_2Cu3_3O7δ_{7-\delta} both above and below the flux-lattice melting temperature Tm(H)T_m(H). The results are in good agreement with experiment as a function of transverse applied field HH. The effects of fluctuations in both order parameter ψ(r)\psi({\bf r}) and magnetic induction BB are included in the Ginzburg-Landau free energy functional: ψ(r)\psi({\bf r}) fluctuates within the lowest Landau level in each layer, while BB fluctuates uniformly according to the appropriate Boltzmann factor. The second derivative (2M/T2)H(\partial^2 M/\partial T^2)_H is predicted to be negative throughout the vortex liquid state and positive in the solid state. The discontinuities in entropy and magnetization at melting are calculated to be 0.034kB\sim 0.034\, k_B per flux line per layer and 0.0014\sim 0.0014~emu~cm3^{-3} at a field of 50 kOe.Comment: 11 pages, 4 PostScript figures in one uuencoded fil

    Effect of disorder on the vortex-lattice melting transition

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    We use a three dimensional stacked triangular network of Josephson junctions as a model for the study of vortex structure in the mixed state of high Tc superconductors. We show that the addition of disorder destroys the first order melting transition occurring for clean samples. The melting transition splits in two different (continuous) transitions, ocurring at temperatures Ti and Tp (>Ti). At Ti the perpendicular-to-field superconductivity is lost, and at Tp the parallel-to-field superconductivity is lost. These results agree well with recent experiments in YBaCuO.Comment: 4 pages + 2 figure

    Metamagnetism in the 2D Hubbard Model with easy axis

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    Although the Hubbard model is widely investigated, there are surprisingly few attempts to study the behavior of such a model in an external magnetic field. Using the Projector Quantum Monte Carlo technique, we show that the Hubbard model with an easy axis exhibits metamagnetic behavior if an external field is turned on. For the case of intermediate correlations strength UU, we observe a smooth transition from an antiferromagnetic regime to a paramagnetic phase. While the staggered magnetization will decrease linearly up to a critical field BcB_c, uniform magnetization develops only for fields higher than BcB_c.Comment: RevTeX 5 pages + 2 postscript figures (included), accepted for PRB Rapid Communication

    Genetic diversity of Asian water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis): mitochondrial DNA D-loop and cytochrome b sequence variation

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    Swamp and river buffalo mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) was sequenced for 303 bp of the cytochrome b gene for 54 animals from 14 populations, and for 158 bp of the D-loop region for 80 animals from 11 populations. Only one cytochrome b haplotype was found in river buffalo. Of the four haplotypes identified in swamp buffalo, one found in all populations is apparently ancestral both to the other swamp haplotypes and to the river haplotype. The phylogenetic relationships among the 33 D-loop haplotypes, with a cluster of 11 found in swamp buffalo only, also support the evolution of domesticated swamp and river buffalo from an ancestral swamp-like animal, most likely represented today by the wild Asian buffalo (Bubalus arnee). The time of divergence of the swamp and river types, estimated from the D-loop data, is 28 000 to 87 000 years ago. We hypothesise that the species originated in mainland south-east Asia, and that it spread north to China and west to the Indian subcontinent, where the rive type evolved and was domesticated. Following domestication in China, the domesticated swamp buffalo spread through two separate routes, through Taiwan and the Philippines to the eastern islands of Borneo and Sulawesi, and south through mainland southeast Asia and then to the western islands of Indonesia

    Effects of Electronic Correlations on the Thermoelectric Power of the Cuprates

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    We show that important anomalous features of the normal-state thermoelectric power S of high-Tc materials can be understood as being caused by doping dependent short-range antiferromagnetic correlations. The theory is based on the fluctuation-exchange approximation applied to Hubbard model in the framework of the Kubo formalism. Firstly, the characteristic maximum of S as function of temperature can be explained by the anomalous momentum dependence of the single-particle scattering rate. Secondly, we discuss the role of the actual Fermi surface shape for the occurrence of a sign change of S as a function of temperature and doping.Comment: 4 pages, with eps figure