163 research outputs found

    Mit dem zärtlichsten Gefühle : Karl Ludwig von Knebel im Briefwechsel mit Johann Wilhelm Ludwig Gleim

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    Karl Ludwig von Knebel (1744-1834) ist als der Weimarer "Urfreund" Goethes in die Literaturgeschichte eingegangen, sein Leben vor der Begegnung mit Goethe ist dagegen weniger bekannt. Der Beitrag zeigt ihn als jungen Schriftsteller im Briefwechsel mit dem anakreontischen Lyriker Johann Wilhelm Ludwig Gleim (1719-1803), der ihn zum "zweiten Kleist" stilisierte, also einem literarischen Erben des in der Schlacht bei Kunersdorf gefallenen Dichters Ewald Christian von Kleist (1715-1759). Knebel hat sich allerdings kaum als eigenständiger Autor hervorgetan; seine literaturgeschichtliche Leistung sind die Übersetzungen der Elegien von Properz und des Lehrgedichts "De rerum natura" des Lukrez

    Message Strategies of North American For-Profit Colleges and Universities: A Qualitative Analysis

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    A decade ago For-Profit Colleges and Universities (FPCUs) were experiencing booming enrollments and were well-positioned to take advantage of the opportunities presented through online learning platforms. Due to regulatory changes and heightened awareness of the low retention and graduation rates of these institutions, enrollment has plummeted and several major firms, including Sanford Brown and ITT have closed. Competition for students has intensified with a greater proportion of revenue being allocated toward marketing. In fact, for some FPCU marketing spending now exceeds the amount of money spent on their core service, teaching. This paper examines the message strategies of North American For-Profit Colleges and Universities for advertisements posted on YouTube from October, 2016 to October, 2018. Using a Grounded Theory Study approach to qualitative analysis, the authors evaluate 40 ads from 15 postsecondary institutions that have accredited degree granting programs of study (i.e., offering associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s and/or Ph.D. degrees). Research findings show four representative themes within the industry sector: convenience, path to a better life, we care about our students, and legitimacy. These themes vary significantly from those employed by non-profit colleges and universities in North America. These messages speak directly to the challenges faced by older, non-traditional college students, as well as the stigmas associated with for-profit colleges. Theoretical analysis and implications of these themes for the for-profit educational sector are examined and discussed

    Marketing College Sports using a Segmented Game Plan

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    The Notice-and-Choice Privacy Gamble: Game Theory, Consumer Agency, and Implications for GDPR

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    This article provides a theoretical basis for why the notice-and-choice model for protecting consumer information privacy might still be considered a viable policy approach despite evidence that privacy notices are often ignored, difficult to read, and misunderstood by consumers. Drawing from several well-known game-theoretic models that map closely to an online consumer’s notice-and-choice context, we outline a rational choice model for consumer online privacy and discuss its relevance for the EU’s General Data Protection Regulations [GDPR]. We argue that an online consumer’s notice-and-choice privacy gamble is a reasonable bet when constrained by competition and the presence of meaningful regulation
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