25 research outputs found

    Site-specific ionisation edge fine-structure of Rutile in the electron microscope

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    Combined Bloch-wave and density functional theory simulations are performed to investigate the effects of different channelling conditions on the fine-structure of electron energy-loss spectra. The simulated spectra compare well with experiments. Furthermore, we demonstrate that using this technique, the site-specific investigation of atomic orbitals is possible. This opens new possibilities for chemical analyses

    Selective Hydrogenation of Benzofurans Using Ruthenium Nanoparticles in Lewis Acid-Modified Ruthenium-Supported Ionic Liquid Phases

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    Ruthenium nanoparticles immobilized on a Lewis-acid-functionalized supported ionic liquid phase (Ru@SILP-LA) act as effective catalysts for the selective hydrogenation of benzofuran derivatives to dihydrobenzofurans. The individual components (nanoparticles, chlorozincate-based Lewis-acid, ionic liquid, support) of the catalytic system are assembled using a molecular approach to bring metal and acid sites in close contact on the support material, allowing the hydrogenation of O-containing heteroaromatic rings while keeping the aromaticity of C6-rings intact. The chlorozincate species were identified to be predominantly [ZnCl4]2– anions using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and are in close interaction with the metal nanoparticles. The Ru@SILP-[ZnCl4]2– catalyst exhibited high activity, selectivity, and stability for the catalytic hydrogenation of a variety of substituted benzofurans, providing easy access to biologically relevant dihydrobenzofuran motifs under continuous flow conditions

    Investigation of Electrocatalysts Produced by a Novel Thermal Spray Deposition Method

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    Common methods to produce supported catalysts include impregnation, precipitation, and thermal spray techniques. Supported electrocatalysts produced by a novel method for thermal spray deposition were investigated with respect to their structural properties, elemental composition, and electrochemical performance. This was done using electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and cyclic voltammetry. Various shapes and sizes of catalyst particles were found. The materials exhibit different activity towards oxidation and reduction of Fe. The results show that this preparation method enables the selection of particle coverage as well as size and shape of the catalyst material. Due to the great variability of support and catalyst materials accessible with this technique, this approach is a useful extension to other preparation methods for electrocatalysts

    Precipitation of T<sub>1</sub> and Ξâ€Č Phase in Al-4Cu-1Li-0.25Mn During Age Hardening: Microstructural Investigation and Phase-Field Simulation

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    Experimental and phase field studies of age hardening response of a high purity Al-4Cu-1Li-0.25Mn-alloy (mass %) during isothermal aging are conducted. In the experiments, two hardening phases are identified: the tetragonal Ξâ€Č (Al2Cu) phase and the hexagonal T1 (Al2CuLi) phase. Both are plate shaped and of nm size. They are analyzed with respect to the development of their size, number density and volume fraction during aging by applying different analysis techniques in TEM in combination with quantitative microstructural analysis. 3D phase-field simulations of formation and growth of Ξâ€Č phase are performed in which the full interfacial, chemical and elastic energy contributions are taken into account. 2D simulations of T1 phase are also investigated using multi-component diffusion without elasticity. This is a first step toward a complex phase-field study of T1 phase in the ternary alloy. The comparison between experimental and simulated data shows similar trends. The still unsaturated volume fraction indicates that the precipitates are in the growth stage and that the coarsening/ripening stage has not yet been reached

    Methane Decomposition and Carbon Growth on Y<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>, Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia, and ZrO<sub>2</sub>

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    Carbon deposition following thermal methane decomposition under dry and steam reforming conditions has been studied on yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ), Y2O3 and ZrO2 by a range of different chemical, structural and spectroscopic characterization techniques, including aberration-corrected electron microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, electric impedance spectroscopy and volumetric adsorption techniques. Concordantly, all experimental techniques reveal the formation of a conducting layer of disordered nanocrystalline graphite covering the individual grains of the respective pure oxides after treatment in dry methane at temperatures T ≄ 1000 K. In addition, treatment under moist methane conditions causes additional formation of carbon-nanotube-like architectures by partial detachment of the graphite layers. All experiments show that during carbon growth, no substantial reduction of any of the oxides takes place. Our results therefore indicate that these pure oxides can act as efficient nonmetallic substrates for methane-induced growth of different carbon species with potentially important implications regarding their use in solid oxide fuel cells. By comparison of the three oxides we could moreover elucidate differences in the methane reactivities of the respective SOFC-relevant purely oxidic surfaces under typical SOFC operation conditions without the presence of metallic constituents

    Mapping Electronic Structure Using Advanced TEM and EELS

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    Analytical Electron Microscopy

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    Inelastic Scattering in the TEM

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    72 Years of Electron Microscopy at TU Wien

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