1 research outputs found
Identifikasi Kawasan Upwelling Berdasarkan Variabilitas Klorofil-a, Suhu Permukaan Laut Dari Data Citra Aqua Modis Tahun 2003-2015 Dan Arus (Studi Kasus: Perairan Nusa Tenggara Timur)
The existence of Indonesian sea which is widely and strategic becoming Indonesia as the world maritime axis that is why Indonesia have potential sea natural resources, one of them is East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) where have great fish potential. A lot of fish potential is related to fitoplankton existence which can know from chlorophyll-a and sea surface temperature by remote sensing with using Aqua MODIS imagery and also complemented with the wind vector and wind velocity from QuickScat Imagery in NTT sea.The data processing method in this research was used IDL to process sea surface temperature, chlorophyll-a and tide from 2013 until 2015, therefore sea surface temperature distribution spatial pattern, chlorophyll-a, vector and speed of wind to identify upwelling phenomenon in NTT sea which proven a lot of nutrition and a lot of fitoplankton as natural feed for fish therefore it can get impact for rising fish productivity in NTT sea. The test of data is required by analyzed distribution of clorophyll-a, Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and wind to fish potential area in NTT sea.This research product are sea surface temperature distribution map and tide map, based on climatology this is to know cause and effect of upwelling in NTT sea. Upwelling phenomenon in NTT sea is happened on May until december. When the upwelling happens, chlorophyll-a value is about 0,223 until 0,413 mg/m3with the average is 0,329 mg/m3, the highest distribution of chlorophyll-a is on September. Sea surface temperature value distribution between 26,768-28,689 ⁰C with the average is 27,548 ⁰C, and The lowest distribution is on August and wid speed when upwelling happens is about 3,654-5,351 m/s with the average is 4,715 m/s, The highest wind speed is on July. Therefore, it makes upwelling time late in NTT sea