3,601 research outputs found

    Overview and Electronics Needs of ATLAS and CMS High Luminosity Upgrades

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    The LHC will begin collisions in Spring 2009, and build up to nominal luminosity (1.0 × 10^34 cm^?2 s^?1 over the next few years. This will be followed by a continuos programme of im- provements leading eventually to a ten-fold increase above nom- inal with the super-LHC (sLHC). Within a few years of opera- tion, the LHC experiments should discover or rule out a Stan- dard Model (SM) Higgs, and could find supersymmetric parti- cles if they exist below about 1.5 TeV mass. Several other dis- coveries are possible. However detailed knowledge of any new particles will be needed to understand exactly what the physics behind them is. Large data sets will be needed for this; these will also allow the mass limits for discovery of new particles to be increased. Upgrades to the general purpose experiments ATLAS and CMS will be needed to deliver these large data sets with good performance. This paper presents some of the physics goals of the upgrade, LHC machine plans, the schedule, and summarises the changes and challenges for the detectors at the sLHC

    Benchmarking the Particle Background in the Large Hadron Collider Experiments

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    Background benchmarking measurements have been made to check the low-energy processes which will contribute via nuclear reactions to the radiation background in the LHC experiments at CERN. Previously these processes were only evaluated with Monte Carlo simulations, estimated to be reliable within an uncertainty factor of 2.5. Measurements were carried out in an experimental set-up comparable to the shielding of ATLAS, one of the general-purpose experiments at LHC. The absolute yield and spectral measurements of photons and neutrons emanating from the final stages of the hadronic showers were made with a Bi_4Ge_3O_{12} (BGO) detector. The particle transport code FLUKA was used for detailed simulations. Comparison between measurements and simulations show that they agree within 20% and hence the uncertainty factor resulting from the shower processes can be reduced to a factor of 1.2

    Rate effects in high-resolution drift chambers

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    The impact of high counting rates on the spatial resolution of cylindrical drift tubes is investigated in detail and the results are compared with simulations. Electronics effects and space-charge effects are quantitatively analysed. A spatial resolution of σ<80 Όm\sigma < 80\,\mu\mathrm{m} can be achieved even at rates as high as 1500\,Hz/cm wire length (300\,kHz per wire)

    Front-end electronics for drift tubes in a high-rate environment

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    A front-end electronics readout for drift tubes in a high-rate environment is presented. This system allows us to encode several pieces of information (leading edge time, trailing edge time, signal charge and piled-up hits from multiple tracks) into a single readout channel that is presented to the TDC. The advantage of active baseline restoration compared to bipolar signal shaping is discussed

    Resolution limits of drift tubes

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    Measurements of the drift-tube response to charged particle tracks are compared with a complete simulation. The measured resolution of typically 80\,Ό\mum agrees well with the simulation and allows the individual factors limiting the resolution such as diffusion, charge deposit fluctuations, gas gain fluctuations and signal processing to be studied. The results with respect to the dependence of the drift chamber resolution on gas gain, gas pressure and electronics parameters are reported

    Dependence of Drift Tube Performance on the Anode Wire Diameter

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    Cylindrical pressurized drift tubes with different anode wire diameters wereoperated in a 170~GeV muon test beam. The dependences of spatialresolution, efficiency and streamer probability on the anode wirediameter were measured. The resolution measurements are compared with a simulation

    A facility for the test of large area muon chambers at high rates

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    Operation of large area muon detectors at the future Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will be characterized by large sustained hit rates over the whole area, reaching the range of kHz/\scm. We describe a dedicated test zone built at CERN to test the performance and the aging of the muon chambers currently under development. A radioactive source delivers photons causing the sustained rate of random hits, while a narrow beam of high energy muons is used to directly calibrate the detector performance. A system of remotely controlled lead filters serves to vary the rate of photons over four orders of magnitude, to allow the study of performance as a function of rate

    The ATLAS SCT grounding and shielding concept and implementation

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    This paper presents a complete description of Virgo, the French-Italian gravitational wave detector. The detector, built at Cascina, near Pisa (Italy), is a very large Michelson interferometer, with 3 km-long arms. In this paper, following a presentation of the physics requirements, leading to the specifications for the construction of the detector, a detailed description of all its different elements is given. These include civil engineering infrastructures, a huge ultra-high vacuum (UHV) chamber (about 6000 cubic metres), all of the optical components, including high quality mirrors and their seismic isolating suspensions, all of the electronics required to control the interferometer and for signal detection. The expected performances of these different elements are given, leading to an overall sensitivity curve as a function of the incoming gravitational wave frequency. This description represents the detector as built and used in the first data-taking runs. Improvements in different parts have been and continue to be performed, leading to better sensitivities. These will be detailed in a forthcoming paper

    A double-sided, shield-less stave prototype for the ATLAS upgrade strip tracker for the high luminosity LHC

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    A detailed description of the integration structures for the barrel region of the silicon strips tracker of the ATLAS Phase-II upgrade for the upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider, the so-called High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC), is presented. This paper focuses on one of the latest demonstrator prototypes recently assembled, with numerous unique features. It consists of a shortened, shield-less, and double sided stave, with two candidate power distributions implemented. Thermal and electrical performances of the prototype are presented, as well as a description of the assembly procedures and tools

    A double-sided silicon micro-strip super-module for the ATLAS inner detector upgrade in the high-luminosity LHC

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    The ATLAS experiment is a general purpose detector aiming to fully exploit the discovery potential of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. It is foreseen that after several years of successful data-taking, the LHC physics programme will be extended in the so-called High-Luminosity LHC, where the instantaneous luminosity will be increased up to 5 × 1034 cm−2 s−1. For ATLAS, an upgrade scenario will imply the complete replacement of its internal tracker, as the existing detector will not provide the required performance due to the cumulated radiation damage and the increase in the detector occupancy. The current baseline layout for the new ATLAS tracker is an all-silicon-based detector, with pixel sensors in the inner layers and silicon micro-strip detectors at intermediate and outer radii. The super-module is an integration concept proposed for the strip region of the future ATLAS tracker, where double-sided stereo silicon micro-strip modules are assembled into a low-mass local support structure. An electrical super-module prototype for eight double-sided strip modules has been constructed. The aim is to exercise the multi-module readout chain and to investigate the noise performance of such a system. In this paper, the main components of the current super-module prototype are described and its electrical performance is presented in detail
