868 research outputs found
A Tale of Two Academic Communities: Digital Imaginaries of Automatic Screening Tools in Editorial Practice
Automatic screening tools such as plagiarism scanners play an increasing role in journals’ efforts to detect and prevent violations of research integrity. More than just neutral technological means, these tools constitute normatively charged instruments for governance. Employing the analytical concept of the digital imaginary, this contribution investigates the normative concepts that play a role in journals’ use of automatic screening. Using survey data of journal editors, as well as guidance documents by academic publishers and the Committee of Publication Ethics, it traces how editors normatively situate their (non-)use of automatic screening tools in two opposing imaginaries of academic publishing: One that portrays academic publishing as a small and safe community, and one that sees it as a vast and dangerous space. These imaginaries reflect the social and epistemic characteristics and publication cultures in different academic fields, and both entail different modes of control. Additionally, they are shaped by a focus on plagiarism screening as a specific form of automatic screening that critically hinges on the issue of size of the publishing space, which exemplifies the mutual constitution of a specific problem, an imaginary where this problem becomes meaningful, and the availability of a tool that targets this problem.Peer Reviewe
Bond-ordered states and -wave pairing of spinless fermions on the honeycomb lattice
Spinless fermions on the honeycomb lattice with repulsive nearest-neighbor
interactions are known to harbour a quantum critical point at half-filling,
with critical behaviour in the Gross-Neveu (chiral Ising) universality class.
The critical interaction strength separates a weak-coupling semimetallic regime
from a commensurate charge-density-wave phase. The phase diagram of this basic
model of correlated fermions on the honeycomb lattice beyond half-filling is,
however, less well established. Here, we perform an analysis of its many-body
instabilities using the functional renormalization group method with a basic
Fermi surface patching scheme, which allows us to treat instabilities in
competing channels on equal footing also away from half-filling. Between
half-filling and the van-Hove filling, the free Fermi surface is hole-like and
we again find a charge-density wave instability to be dominant at large
interactions. Moreover, its characteristics are those of the half-filled case.
Directly at the van-Hove filling the nesting property of the free Fermi surface
stabilizes a dimerized bond-order phase. At lower filling the free Fermi
surface becomes electron-like and a superconducting instability with -wave
symmetry is found to emerge from the interplay of intra-unitcell repulsion and
collective fluctuations in the proximity to the charge-density wave
instability. We estimate the extent of the various phases and extract the
corresponding order parameters from the effective low-energy Hamiltonians.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figure
Cycles of invisibility: The limits of transparency in dealing with scientific misconduct
Sanctions for plagiarism, falsification and fabrication in research are primarily symbolic. This paper investigates sanctions for scientific misconduct and their preceding investigation processes as visible and legitimate symbols. Using three different data sources (retraction notices, expert interviews, and a survey of scientists), we show that sanctions for scientific misconduct operate within a cycle of visibility, in which sanctions are highly visible, while investigation and decision-making procedures remain mostly invisible. This corresponds to high levels of acceptance of sanctions in the scientific community, but a low acceptance of the respective authorities. Such a punitiveness in turn exacerbates confidentiality concerns, so that authorities become even more secretive. We argue that punitiveness towards scientific misconduct is driven by such a cycle of invisibility.Bundesministerium fĂĽr Bildung und Forschung
https://doi.org/10.13039/501100002347Peer Reviewe
Science Means Never Having to Say You’re Sorry? Apologies for Scientific Misconduct
Retractions of journal articles exclude fraudulent or erroneous research from legitimate science and perform boundary work. Analyzing retractions from different disciplines and focusing on their apologetic aspects, we find that these apologies shift between openly addressing emotional, normative, and social themes and concealing them in a more scientific style of communication. Their boundary work remains highly ambivalent: They alternate between scientific and nonscientific forms of speaking, portray unstable patterns of control and coercion, and avoid drawing a boundary between legitimate and nonlegitimate science. In line with the hypothetical nature of scientific knowledge, retractions thus leave boundary making to the future.Bundesministerium fĂĽr Bildung und Forschung
https://doi.org/10.13039/501100002347Peer Reviewe
The Pervasive Problem of Post Hoc Data Selection in Studies on Unconscious Processing
Studies on unconscious mental processes typically require that participants are unaware of some information (e.g., a visual stimulus). An important methodological question in this field of research is how to deal with data from participants who become aware of the critical stimulus according to some measure of awareness. While it has previously been argued that the post hoc selection of participants dependent on an awareness measure may often result in regression-to-the-mean artifacts (Shanks, 2017), a recent article (Sklar et al., 2021) challenged this conclusion claiming that the consideration of this statistical artifact might lead to unjustified rejections of true unconscious influences. In this reply, we explain this pervasive statistical problem with a basic and concrete example, show that Sklar et al. fundamentally mischaracterize it, and then refute the argument that the influence of the artifact has previously been overestimated. We conclude that, without safeguards, the method of post hoc data selection should never be employed in studies on unconscious processing
The Rise of the Guest Editor—Discontinuities of Editorship in Scholarly Publishing
Scholarly publishing lives on traditioned terminology that gives meaning to subjects such as authors, inhouse editors and external guest editors, artifacts such as articles, journals, special issues, and collected editions, or practices of acquisition, selection, and review. These subjects, artifacts, and practices ground the constitution of scholarly discourse. And yet, the meaning ascribed to each of these terms shifts, blurs, or is disguised as publishing culture shifts, which becomes manifest in new digital publishing technology, new forms of publishing management, and new forms of scholarly knowledge production. As a result, we may come to over- or underestimate changes in scholarly communication based on traditioned but shifting terminology. In this article, we discuss instances of scholarly publishing whose meaning shifted. We showcase the cultural shift that becomes manifest in the new, prolific guest editor. Though the term suggests an established subject, this editorial role crystallizes a new cultural setting of loosened discourse communities and temporal structures, a blurring of publishing genres and, ultimately, the foundations of academic knowledge production.Peer Reviewe
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