123 research outputs found

    Semi-parametric models for multivariate point pattern data

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    MMORPGs - A Narratological Approach: Journeys in the World of Warcraft

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    Second order semi-parametric inference for multivariate log Gaussian Cox processes

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    This paper introduces a new approach to inferring the second order properties of a multivariate log Gaussian Cox process (LGCP) with a complex intensity function. We assume a semi-parametric model for the multivariate intensity function containing an unspecified complex factor common to all types of points. Given this model we exploit the availability of several types of points to construct a second-order conditional composite likelihood to infer the pair correlation and cross pair correlation functions of the LGCP. Crucially this likelihood does not depend on the unspecified part of the intensity function. We also introduce a cross validation method for model selection and an algorithm for regularized inference that can be used to obtain sparse models for cross pair correlation functions. The methodology is applied to simulated data as well as data examples from microscopy and criminology. This shows how the new approach outperforms existing alternatives where the intensity functions are estimated non-parametrically.Comment: 32 pages including appendi

    Involving practice nurse and other assistant clinical staff members in the management of low back pain:A qualitative interview study from Danish general practice

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    OBJECTIVES: Involving practice nurse and other assistant clinical staff members in providing information and education to patients with low back pain at follow-up appointments may release more time and improve care in general practice. However, this requires a shift in the division of tasks, and general practitioners’ barriers and facilitators for this are currently unknown. The objectives were to explore general practitioners’ experiences and perceptions of including assistant clinical staff members in the management of low back pain. METHODS: This is a semi-structured interview study in Danish general practice. General practitioners with a variation in demographics and experience with task-delegation to clinical staff were recruited for in-depth interviews. We used a phenomenological approach to guide the data collection and the analysis in order to gain insight into the subjective experiences of the general practitioners and to understand the phenomenon of ‘delegating tasks to practice staff’ from the perspective of the general practitioners’ lifeworld. Analysis was conducted using an inductive descriptive method. The sample size was guided by information power. RESULTS: We conducted five interviews with general practitioners. All general practitioners had experience with task delegation, but there was a variation in which tasks the general practitioners delegated and to which types of clinical staff members. The following themes were derived from the analysis: general practice organisation, delegating to clinical staff members, doctor–patient relationship, exercise instruction, clinical pathway for patients and external support. CONCLUSION: General practitioners consider patients with low back pain to be a heterogeneous group with a variety of treatment needs and a patient group without any predetermined content or frequency of consultations; this can be a barrier for delegating these patients to clinical staff members

    DĂ©pendance Ă  la trajectoire et crĂ©ation d’une trajectoire dans les controverses sur la sphĂšre bioĂ©nergĂ©tique au Danemark

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    Au Danemark, les controverses sur la bioĂ©nergie sont analysĂ©es sous l’angle de la transition durable et dans l’optique de soutenir l’utilisation de la bioĂ©nergie par des sociĂ©tĂ©s industrialisĂ©es dans la perspective de l’abandon d’un systĂšme reposant sur des sources fossiles. Ces analyses s’appuient sur le concept de sphĂšre du dĂ©veloppement (Arena of Development, AOD) pour examiner comment les acteurs interagissent et façonnent les controverses, parallĂšlement Ă  l’exploration des processus de gouvernance en jeu. La bioĂ©nergie occupe une place centrale dans la stratĂ©gie nationale actuelle du Danemark face au changement climatique, mais certaines controverses opposent plusieurs catĂ©gories de parties prenantes Ă  propos des sources de biomasse, des volumes et des consĂ©quences de l’utilisation de la bioĂ©nergie pour l’environnement. Ainsi, les producteurs d’énergie convertissent les centrales au charbon Ă  de la biomasse importĂ©e, afin que ces installations puissent continuer de jouer un rĂŽle dans la transition vers des Ă©nergies renouvelables ; de leur cĂŽtĂ©, des organisations non gouvernementales (ONG) affirment que cette pratique ne permettra pas une rĂ©duction des Ă©missions. Les agriculteurs considĂšrent que le lisier permet de produire du biogaz et que cette utilisation attĂ©nue l’impact du changement climatique ainsi que les nuisances dues au lisier ; Ă  l’inverse, les ONG craignent que le biogaz issu du lisier ne serve d’argument en faveur d’une expansion de l’élevage. Une sociĂ©tĂ© de biotechnologie dĂ©veloppe des enzymes pour transformer de la biomasse qui servira Ă  produire des biocarburants de deuxiĂšme gĂ©nĂ©ration, et son projet a recueilli un certain soutien ; en revanche, aux yeux d’autres acteurs, il ne s’agit que d’un Ă©coblanchiment (green-washing) du systĂšme de transports actuel. Ces controverses naissent de points de vue divergents sur l’affectation durable des terres et sur les stratĂ©gies propices Ă  l’équitĂ© dans le monde. La discussion montre comment les mĂ©canismes de dĂ©pendance Ă  la trajectoire et de crĂ©ation d’une trajectoire influencent la maniĂšre dont la bioĂ©nergie est utilisĂ©e aujourd’hui et pourrait l’ĂȘtre demain. Elle met au jour les processus de gouvernance liĂ©s aux controverses (dĂ©cisions Ă©tatiques, crĂ©ation d’un marchĂ© et rĂ©seaux).Danish bioenergy controversies are analysed from a sustainable transition perspective and as a case on industrialized societies’ use of bioenergy as part of the transition away from an energy system built on fossil energy. The analyses are based on the concept of Arena of Development for analyses of how actors are interacting and shaping controversies, combined with analyses of the involved governance processes. Bioenergy has a central role in the current national Danish climate strategy, but there are controversies involving several types of stakeholders over biomass sources and amounts and the environmental impacts of using bioenergy: Energy companies convert coal fired power plants into imported biomass to sustain the role of these power plants in the transition towards renewable energy, while some NGOs claim that this practice will not reduce emissions. Farmers see slurry as a source for biogas and a measure to reduce climate impact and nuisances from slurry, while NGOs fear slurry-based biogas is used as argument for increased animal husbandry. A biotech company develops enzymes for processing of biomass for second generation biofuels, which has obtained some support, while others see this as merely “green-washing” of the present transportation system. The controversies originate in different views on sustainable land use and on strategies for global equity. The discussion identifies how mechanisms of path dependency and path creation are influencing the way bioenergy is used and proposed to be used in the future. Governance processes in relation to the controversies are identified (governmental command, market creation and networking)

    Kirken og de handicappede

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    DĂ©pendance Ă  la trajectoire et crĂ©ation d’une trajectoire dans les controverses sur la sphĂšre bioĂ©nergĂ©tique au Danemark

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    Au Danemark, les controverses sur la bioĂ©nergie sont analysĂ©es sous l’angle de la transition durable et dans l’optique de soutenir l’utilisation de la bioĂ©nergie par des sociĂ©tĂ©s industrialisĂ©es dans la perspective de l’abandon d’un systĂšme reposant sur des sources fossiles. Ces analyses s’appuient sur le concept de sphĂšre du dĂ©veloppement (Arena of Development, AOD) pour examiner comment les acteurs interagissent et façonnent les controverses, parallĂšlement Ă  l’exploration des processus de gouvernance en jeu. La bioĂ©nergie occupe une place centrale dans la stratĂ©gie nationale actuelle du Danemark face au changement climatique, mais certaines controverses opposent plusieurs catĂ©gories de parties prenantes Ă  propos des sources de biomasse, des volumes et des consĂ©quences de l’utilisation de la bioĂ©nergie pour l’environnement. Ainsi, les producteurs d’énergie convertissent les centrales au charbon Ă  de la biomasse importĂ©e, afin que ces installations puissent continuer de jouer un rĂŽle dans la transition vers des Ă©nergies renouvelables ; de leur cĂŽtĂ©, des organisations non gouvernementales (ONG) affirment que cette pratique ne permettra pas une rĂ©duction des Ă©missions. Les agriculteurs considĂšrent que le lisier permet de produire du biogaz et que cette utilisation attĂ©nue l’impact du changement climatique ainsi que les nuisances dues au lisier ; Ă  l’inverse, les ONG craignent que le biogaz issu du lisier ne serve d’argument en faveur d’une expansion de l’élevage. Une sociĂ©tĂ© de biotechnologie dĂ©veloppe des enzymes pour transformer de la biomasse qui servira Ă  produire des biocarburants de deuxiĂšme gĂ©nĂ©ration, et son projet a recueilli un certain soutien ; en revanche, aux yeux d’autres acteurs, il ne s’agit que d’un Ă©coblanchiment (green-washing) du systĂšme de transports actuel. Ces controverses naissent de points de vue divergents sur l’affectation durable des terres et sur les stratĂ©gies propices Ă  l’équitĂ© dans le monde. La discussion montre comment les mĂ©canismes de dĂ©pendance Ă  la trajectoire et de crĂ©ation d’une trajectoire influencent la maniĂšre dont la bioĂ©nergie est utilisĂ©e aujourd’hui et pourrait l’ĂȘtre demain. Elle met au jour les processus de gouvernance liĂ©s aux controverses (dĂ©cisions Ă©tatiques, crĂ©ation d’un marchĂ© et rĂ©seaux).Danish bioenergy controversies are analysed from a sustainable transition perspective and as a case on industrialized societies’ use of bioenergy as part of the transition away from an energy system built on fossil energy. The analyses are based on the concept of Arena of Development for analyses of how actors are interacting and shaping controversies, combined with analyses of the involved governance processes. Bioenergy has a central role in the current national Danish climate strategy, but there are controversies involving several types of stakeholders over biomass sources and amounts and the environmental impacts of using bioenergy: Energy companies convert coal fired power plants into imported biomass to sustain the role of these power plants in the transition towards renewable energy, while some NGOs claim that this practice will not reduce emissions. Farmers see slurry as a source for biogas and a measure to reduce climate impact and nuisances from slurry, while NGOs fear slurry-based biogas is used as argument for increased animal husbandry. A biotech company develops enzymes for processing of biomass for second generation biofuels, which has obtained some support, while others see this as merely “green-washing” of the present transportation system. The controversies originate in different views on sustainable land use and on strategies for global equity. The discussion identifies how mechanisms of path dependency and path creation are influencing the way bioenergy is used and proposed to be used in the future. Governance processes in relation to the controversies are identified (governmental command, market creation and networking)
