92 research outputs found

    The growth of a diocese in East Africa

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    Enterococcal endocarditis : a review of treatments and outcomes at four Yale hospitals

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    Les phases de l'évolution de l'Université Saint-Joseph à Beyrouth : Les premières décennies (1875-1914)

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    RÉSUMÉ :L’origine de l’Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth (USJ) remonte au Séminaire de Ghazīrfondé par les Pères jésuites en 1843. Le Collège de Ghazīr, destiné à former le clergé maronitelocal, est transféré à Beyrouth en 1875. Ce centre d’études supérieures prend le nom d’UniversitéSaint-Joseph. Le Pape Léon XIII, dans son audience du 25 février 1881, confère le titred’Université pontificale à l’USJ. L’article traite de l’histoire de l’USJ, premier grand établissementjésuite francophone de la région qui, à l’époque, porte le nom de « Syrie ». On évoqueles différentes étapes de la création de l’Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth durant la période1875 à 1914. L’objectif de cet article est de témoigner du rôle central que l’USJ a joué dans laformation des élites du pays pour la période étudiée. En effet, les anciens étudiants occupentles postes-clés et y assument des charges importantes notamment dans la fonction publique.ABSTRACT :The origins of Saint Joseph University in Beirut (SJU) go back to the seminary founded by theJesuits in Ghazīr in 1843. The Collège in Ghazīr, intended to train the local Maronite clergy,relocated to Beirut in 1875, where it took the name of Saint Joseph University. In an audienceon February 25th, 1881, Pope Leo XIII gave the USJ the status of pontifical university. This articleexamines the history of the USJ, the first large francophone Jesuit institution in the regionreferred to at the time as “Syria.” It will look at each of the different stages of the creation ofSaint Joseph University in Beirut from 1875 to 1914. The author argues that the USJ played acentral role in educating the elites of the region during that period. Students of the USJ wenton to occupy important positions, particularly in the public service

    Screening for Impaired Visual Acuity in Older Adults: US Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Statement

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    DESCRIPTION: Update of the US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommendation on screening for impaired visual acuity in older adults. METHODS: The USPSTF reviewed the evidence on screening for visual acuity impairment associated with uncorrected refractive error, cataracts, and age-related macular degeneration among adults 65 years or older in the primary care setting; the benefits and harms of screening; the accuracy of screening; and the benefits and harms of treatment of early vision impairment due to uncorrected refractive error, cataracts, and age-related macular degeneration. POPULATION: This recommendation applies to asymptomatic adults 65 years or older who do not present to their primary care clinician with vision problems. RECOMMENDATION: The USPSTF concludes that the current evidence is insufficient to assess the balance of benefits and harms of screening for impaired visual acuity in older adults. (I statement)

    The Emerging 'Post-Doha' Agenda and the New Regionalism in the Asia-Pacific

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    This paper considers emerging commercial policy challenges facing the Asia-Pacific region in light of the impasse reached at the Eighth World Trade Organization (WTO) Ministerial Meeting in December 2011. It underscores that, while marginal liberalization of trade barriers under the Doha Development Agenda may not be forthcoming in the short- or even medium-term, the WTO has been successful in erecting a rules-based system of global governance and continues to be extremely important to the future health of the international trading system. Nevertheless, one can expect the current trend toward bilateral and regional free-trade areas (FTAs) will continue, particularly since it is easier to make progress toward "deep integration" in a smaller group of like-minded countries than in the context of the general WTO membership. This paper considers how the FTA trend is developing in the Asia-Pacific region and what its prospects are in the future. It stresses that regional - as opposed to bilateral - arrangements will be essential to the region for economic (e.g., supporting regional production networks) as well as diplomatic-political goals. This "new regionalism" which has been supported by Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), will lead to significant reductions in the costs associated with bilateral FTAs (e.g., lower costs associated with rules of origin, improved utilization rates) and has many advantages over "noodle-bowl" bilateralism

    Une présence française en Méditerranée orientale : la fondation de l’Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth (1875-1914)

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    International audienceThe aim of this article is to present a new aspect of France’s presence in the Mediterranean. It centres on a key idea : the colonial character of the sea. Focusing on the reasons underlying the foundation of the Saint Joseph University in Beirut (USJ), it attempts to shed light on France’s ambitions in the Eastern Mediterranean where she is still a cultural and economic power today. The origins of the USJ date back to the Ghazir Seminary founded by the Jesuits in 1843. The Ghazir College, whose aim was to form the local Maronite clergy, was transferred to Beirut in 1875. There its name was changed to Saint Joseph University. Pope Leo XIII, during his February 25, 1881 audience, confers upon it the title of “Pontifical University”. It is the first Jesuit French-speaking institution of importance in the whole region that at the time bore the name “Syria”. The USJ, situated in a province of the Ottoman Empire, was coveted by the future mandatory power, France. Ideological, religious, educational and political reasons, led all the stakeholders –the Jesuits, the Vatican, the Maronites and France– to put their differences aside and collaborate on this joint project. For a strictly limited period from 1875 to 1914, this ad hoc compromise led them to believe that there was a possibility of guaranteeing the sustainability of their community, religious, political and regional interests. The present article is part of the framework of studies devoted to France’s politico-cultural interests in the Middle East. The Jesuits’ presence in the region helps shed new light on France’s approach.Cet article se propose de présenter un nouvel aspect de la présence française en Méditerranée, articulé autour de l’idée centrale du caractère colonial de la mer. En se focalisant sur les raisons de la fondation de l’Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth (USJ), l’article contribue à mettre en lumière les ambitions de la France en Méditerranée orientale où elle est restée une puissance culturelle et économique. L’origine de l’USJ remonte au séminaire de Ghazir fondé par les Pères jésuites en 1843. Le collège de Ghazir, destiné à former le clergé maronite local, fut transféré à Beyrouth en 1875. Ce centre d’études supérieures prit le nom d’Université Saint-Joseph. Le pape Léon XIII, dans son audience du 25 février 1881, lui confère le titre d’Université pontificale. C’est le premier grand établissement jésuite francophone de la région qui, à l’époque, porte le nom de « Syrie ». La création de l’USJ, située dans une province de l’Empire ottoman, est convoitée par la future puissance mandataire, la France. Les motifs idéologiques, religieux, éducatifs et politiques amenant les parties prenantes — les jésuites, le Vatican, les maronites et la France — à surmonter leurs divergences, elles collaborent sur ce projet commun. Un compromis ad hoc qui, durant une période bien précise, de 1875 à 1914, leur fait entrevoir la possibilité d’assurer la pérennité de leurs intérêts communautaires, religieux, politiques et régionaux. Cet article s’intègre de droit dans la trame des études sur les intérêts politico-culturels de la France au Moyen-Orient. Par l’intermédiaire des jésuites dans la région, un éclairage nouveau est jeté sur la démarche de la France
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