2 research outputs found

    Autophagy-related proteins: in vitro studies of protein-lipid interactions modulating autophagosome elongation

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    225 p.La autofagia es un proceso catab贸lico implicado en el desarrollo de un amplio espectro de enfermedades humanas. Se caracteriza por la formaci贸n de una estructura de doble membrana denominada autofagosoma, la cual incorpora en su interior el material celular susceptible de ser degradado posteriormente por los lisosomas. Sin embargo, la manera en la que el autofagosoma crece y finalmente se cierra es todav铆a una pregunta sin resolver, y contin煤a siendo objeto de profundo estudio. Los resultados de esta tesis sirven para aclarar el papel de tres hom贸logos humanos diferentes de Atg8 en eventos de fusi贸n que tienen lugar durante la elongaci贸n del autofagosoma. Las formas de LC3, GATE-16 y GABARAP conjugadas enzim谩ticamente a PE inducen fusi贸n de liposomas y este proceso puede estar modulado por la geometr铆a lip铆dica y por la curvatura de membrana, caracter铆sticas que podr铆an estar presentes en el borde del fag贸foro naciente y que se ajustan debidamente al modelo propuesto de fusi贸n tipo tallo. Adem谩s Atg3, uno de los componentes de la reacci贸n enzim谩tica que induce las formas conjugadas a PE, interacciona espec铆ficamente con membranas ani贸nicas, parece modular la eficiencia de la lipidaci贸n y muestra actividad de agregaci贸n de ves铆culas, lo cual puede estar relacionado con los eventos de fusi贸n catalizados por los arriba mencionados hom贸logos de Atg8 durante el crecimiento del autofagosoma. Finalmente, resultados preliminares pueden sugerir una posible implicaci贸n de la prote铆na transmembrana Atg9 en el transporte de l铆pidos que parece ocurrir durante la elongaci贸n del fag贸foro.CSI

    The Role of Intraperitoneal Intraoperative Chemotherapy with Paclitaxel in the Surgical Treatment of Peritoneal Carcinomatosis from Ovarian Cancer—Hyperthermia versus Normothermia: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Background: The treatment of ovarian carcinomatosis with cytoreductive surgery and HIPEC is still controversial. The effect and pharmacokinetics of the chemotherapeutics used (especially taxanes) are currently under consideration. Methods: A phase II, simple blind and randomized controlled trial (NTC02739698) was performed. The trial included 32 patients with primary or recurrent ovarian carcinomatosis undergoing cytoreductive surgery (CRS) and intraoperative intraperitoneal chemotherapy with paclitaxel (PTX): 16 in hyperthermic (42–43 °C) and 16 in normothermic (37 °C) conditions. Tissue, serum and plasma samples were taken in every patient before and after intraperitoneal chemotherapy to measure the concentration of PTX. To analyze the immunohistochemical profile of p53, p27, p21, ki67, PCNA and caspase-3 and the pathological response, a scale of intensity and percentage of expression and a grouped Miller and Payne system were used, respectively. Perioperative characteristics and morbi-mortality were also analyzed. Results: The main characteristics of patients, surgical morbidity, hemotoxicity and nephrotoxicity were similar in both groups. The concentration of paclitaxel in the tissue was higher than that observed in plasma and serum, although no statistically significant differences were found between the two groups. No statistically significant association regarding pathological response and apoptosis (caspase-3) between both groups was proved. There were no statistically significant differences between the normothermic and the hyperthermic group for pathological response and apoptosis. Conclusions: The use of intraperitoneal PTX has proven adequate pharmacokinetics with reduction of cell cycle and proliferation markers globally without finding statistically significant differences between its administration under hyperthermia versus normothermia conditions