5 research outputs found

    Dermal Absorption of Sesquiterpene Lactones from Arnica Tincture

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    Arnica tincture is a traditional herbal medicine used to treat blunt injuries, e.g., bruises and squeezes. In addition, a potential new use in the treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis is currently under investigation. Therefore, detailed information about the dermal absorption of the tincture and especially its bioactive constituents, sesquiterpene lactones (STLs) of the helenalin- and 11α,13-dihydrohelenalin type, is mandatory. Consequently, this article reports on dermal absorption studies of Arnica tincture using diffusion cells and porcine skin as well as two human skin samples with different permeability. The amounts of STLs on the skin surfaces, in skin extracts and in the receptor fluids were quantified by ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography with high-resolution mass spectrometry (UHPLC-HRMS). It was found that Arnica STLs permeated into the receptor fluid already 4 h after the application, but the amount was rather low. Within 48 h, a maximum of 8.4%, 14.6% and 36.4% of STLs permeated through porcine skin, human skin A (trans-epidermal water loss (TEWL) = 11.518 g·m−2·h−1) and the more permeable human skin B (TEWL = 17.271 g·m−2·h−1), respectively. The majority of STLs was absorbed (penetrated into the skin; 97.6%, 97.8% and 99.3%) after 48 h but a huge portion could not be extracted from skin and is expected to be irreversibly bound to skin proteins. To better visualize the analytes in different skin layers, a fluorescence-labeled STL, helenalin 3,4-dimethoxycinnamate, was synthesized. Fluorescence microscopic images depict an accumulation of the fluorescent derivative in the epidermis. For the treatment of local, cutaneous complaints, an enrichment of the bioactive substances in the skin may be considered beneficial

    The Anthelmintic Quassinoids Ailanthone and Bruceine a Induce Infertility in the Model Organism Caenorhabditis elegans by an Apoptosis-like Mechanism Induced in Gonadal and Spermathecal Tissues

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    In continuation of the search for new anthelmintic natural products, the study at hand investigated the nematicidal effects of the two naturally occurring quassinoids ailanthone and bruceine A against the reproductive system of the model nematode 'Caenorhabditis elegans' to pinpoint their anthelmintic mode of action by the application of various microscopic techniques. Differential Interference Contrast (DIC) and the epifluorescence microscopy experiments used in the presented study indicated the genotoxic effects of the tested quassinoids (c ailanthone = 50 µM, c bruceine A = 100 µM) against the nuclei of the investigated gonadal and spermathecal tissues, leaving other morphological key features such as enterocytes or body wall muscle cells unimpaired. In order to gain nanoscopic insight into the morphology of the gonads as well as the considerably smaller spermathecae of 'C. elegans', an innovative protocol of polyethylene glycol embedding, ultra-sectioning, acridine orange staining, tissue identification by epifluorescence, and subsequent AFM-based ultrastructural data acquisition was applied. This sequence allowed the facile and fast assessment of the impact of quassinoid treatment not only on the gonadal but also on the considerably smaller spermathecal tissues of 'C. elegans'. These first-time ultrastructural investigations on 'C. elegans' gonads and spermathecae by AFM led to the identification of specific quassinoid-induced alterations to the nuclei of the reproductive tissues (e.g., highly condensed chromatin, impaired nuclear membrane morphology, as well as altered nucleolus morphology), altogether implying an apoptosis-like effect of ailanthone and bruceine A on the reproductive tissues of 'C. elegans'