6 research outputs found
Use of the gyrotheodolite in underground networks of long high-speed railway tunnels
The quality of geodetic networks for guiding Tunnel Boring Machines (TBMs) inside long tunnels depends largely on the correct use of a gyroscope. These networks are based on a series of control points at the tunnel entrance, and link each station by means of survey observations as they advance along the tunnel. Once, the networks are used to guide the TBM, they are no longer checked again. It is necessary to perform high accuracy astronomical observations to stars in order to determine the gyrotheodolite constant. Since astronomical observations cannot be made inside tunnels, geodetic azimuths have to be used for the computations. However, these azimuths cannot theoretically be compared with the astronomical azimuths obtained by the gyrotheodolite. An alternative is to compute the instrument constant using the values of the deviation of the vertical derived from a geoid model. That is the approach used in this work where a methodology for the design of underground networks in long tunnels is also presented. This procedure has been implemented during the construction of the Guadarrama and Pajares high-speed railway tunnels (Spain)
Algunos datos para la monitorización del acuífero Alto Guadalentín
En el presente artículo se presentan un análisis de series temporales de datos relativos a la evolución niveles piezométricos de la zona del Alto del Guadalentín (Murcia) y un análisis paralelo de series temporales de datos GNSS referentes a las altitudes de la zona. El objetivo de este análisis pretende establecer posibles correlaciones entre la subsidencia recogida por la red de estaciones GPS nacionales y el aumento de la profundidad piezométrica a la que se encuentran los acuíferos. Este objetivo se desarrollará mediante el análisis de los niveles piezométricos en comparación con las diferencias de altitud registradas en estaciones GNSS nacionales
Metodología de diseño, observación y cálculo de redes geodésicas interiores en túneles de ferrocarril de alta velocidad
El guiado de las Tuneladoras durante su avance debe apoyarse en los puntos determinados inmediatamente detrás de ellas. Conseguir las precisiones requeridas presentaría algunas dificultades en condiciones normales con respecto al exterior, pero en el interior de un túnel se plantean ciertos factores que ensombrecen el panorama. El más importante y difícil de tratar es el de la refracción lateral. El diseño de redes interiores es uno de los principales problemas, desde el punto de vista geodésico y topográfico, el cual tiene unas características tales que todos los textos de topografía de precisión aconsejan evitar. Con estas redes se va guiando la tuneladora y en ningún momento dicha red vuelve a tener comprobación sobre otros puntos de control. A medida que la red va avanzando, las precisiones obtenidas de sus coordenadas van empeorando de forma exponencial. Este trabajo establece una metodología para el diseño de redes planimétricas interiores.
The guiding of TBMs (Tunnel Boring Machines) along their advance must be based on points placed immediately behind them.
Achieving good accuracies results would present some difficulties for normal exterior conditions, but inside a tunnel certain factors clouding the outlook arise. The most important and difficult factor to deal with, has to do with lateral refraction.
Internal geodetic networks design is one of the more challenging problems from the geodetic and topographic point of view, as the bibliographical review dealing with this subject, advises to avoid this practice. This network allows only guiding the TBM, so that it is not used for further checking or quality control. As the network progresses, the reached coordinate accuracies deteriorate exponentially. This work establishes a methodology for the design of internal horizontal networks
Effects of tillage on variability in soil penetration resistance in an olive orchard
Spatial variability of soil properties such as soil structure and soil penetrometer resistance (SPR) is relevant for identifying those zones with physical degradation. We used classical statistical and multifractal analyses for characterising the spatial patterns of SPR distributions and compared them at different soil depths to investigate the tillage effect in soil compaction. The study was conducted on an Ochrept dedicated to olive orchards for the last 70 years. Two parallel transects of 64m were selected as different soil-management plots: conventional tillage and no tillage. Penetrometer resistance readings were carried out at 50-cm intervals within the first 20cm of soil depth. Two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) highlighted that tillage system, soil depth and their interaction were statistically significant to explain the variance of SPR data from 5 to 20cm soil depth. The scaling properties of each SPR profile were characterised by τ(q) function, calculated in the range of moment orders (q) between -5 and +5 taken at 0.5 lag increments. Several parameters were calculated from this: the singularities of strength (α); the Hausdorff dimension (f(α)); entropy dimension (α1); and their multifractal spectrum, i.e. graph α v. f(α). Multifractal scaling was evident and added valuable information to describe the spatial arrangement of depth-dependent penetrometer datasets in all soil layers, which was complementary to the ANOVA results
Assessment of DSMs Using Backpack-Mounted Systems and Drone Techniques to Characterise Ancient Underground Cellars in the Duero Basin (Spain)
In this study, a backpack-mounted 3D mobile scanning system and a fixed-wing drone (UAV) have been used to register terrain data on the same space. The study area is part of the ancient underground cellars in the Duero Basin. The aim of this work is to characterise the state of the roofs of these wine cellars by obtaining digital surface models (DSM) using the previously mentioned systems to detect any possible cases of collapse, using four geomatic products obtained with these systems. The results obtained from the process offer sufficient quality to generate valid DSMs in the study area or in a similar area. One limitation of the DSMs generated by backpack MMS is that the outcome depends on the distance of the points to the axis of the track and on the irregularities in the terrain. Specific parameters have been studied, such as the measuring distance from the scanning point in the laser scanner, the angle of incidence with regard to the ground, the surface vegetation, and any irregularities in the terrain. The registration speed and the high definition of the terrain offered by these systems produce a model that can be used to select the correct conservation priorities for this unique space
Propuesta de Aprendizaje Basado en Investigación: Experiencia transversal en el área de Geomática
Se ha implementado una metodología de Aprendizaje Basado en Investigación (ABI) dirigido a estudiantes de distintos grados de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid en el curso 2021/2022: ETSI Agronómica, Alimentaria y de Biosistemas, E.T.S.I. Topografía, Geodesia y Cartografía, E.T.S.I. Montes, Forestal y Medio Natural y E.T.S. de Arquitectura. Las asignaturas relacionadas con el proyecto tenían en común la utilización de herramientas en el área de Geomática para la caracterización, estudio y análisis de espacios singulares.
La propuesta incide en que los estudiantes interpreten los resultados de una investigación iniciada y contribuye a la adquisición de nuevas habilidades y competencias transversales basadas en técnicas y herramientas de investigación.
Los resultados muestran como más del 83 % de los participantes no habían utilizado antes distintas herramientas en investigación y menos del 29 % conocían metodologías de investigación. Se diseñó y habilitó un blog de la UPM para presentar a los estudiantes de las distintas escuelas la información común y resultados del proyecto formativo.
El proyecto de investigación base de la propuesta ha sido “Criterios, métodos y técnicas contemporáneas para el conocimiento y la conservación de los paisajes” (H2019/HUM-5692), concedido por la Comunidad de Madrid con una duración de 01/01/2020 hasta 31/12/2022 Esta evidencia corresponde a la divulgación del proyecto de innovación educativa IE22.2003 “Geo-ABI: Experiencia transversal en el área de Geomática