2 research outputs found

    Dise帽o de un plan de pausas activas para mejorar la productividad y el bienestar de los empleados de la Cooperativa de Yarumal durante el segundo semestre del a帽o 2023

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    La presente investigaci贸n se efectu贸 en la Cooperativa de Yarumal la cual es una empresa asociativa, dedicada a la asignaci贸n de cr茅ditos y recolecci贸n de recursos financieros, en donde por medio de la intermediaci贸n financiera busca el bien com煤n entre las partes, sus socios y empleados en general, adem谩s el trabajo de investigaci贸n est谩 encaminado a conocer la efectividad del plan de pausas activas actual y que tanto atribuyen estos espacios en la productividad de los empleados de la Cooperativa dentro de los quehaceres diarios del personal, disminuyendo as铆 accidentes y enfermedades profesionales con normas de calidad calificadas, logrando el mejoramiento continuo y seguimiento en los procesos administrativos; as铆 mismo una pausa activa permite la actividad breve y sencilla que se realiza durante la jornada laboral y as铆 prevenir enfermedades mejorando la salud f铆sica y mental de los trabajadores. En este sentido, el plan de pausas activas debe contemplar ejercicios y actividades que permitan a los empleados moverse y estirarse para evitar el estr茅s y enfermedades musculares, teniendo en cuenta lo anterior y como objeto de estudio para dise帽ar el plan de pausas activas, es necesario realizar una evaluaci贸n previa de la situaci贸n actual de la Cooperativa, a trav茅s de una encuesta que permita conocer sus h谩bitos y aspectos negativos, tambi茅n se debe establecer un cronograma de actividades, considerando la duraci贸n y frecuencia de las pausas activas, como objeto de estudio se realiz贸 una encuesta por medio de la metodolog铆a descriptiva, con el prop贸sito de dar a conocer posibles mejoras y con base a los resultados se gener贸 diferentes propuestas y/o ajustes en el plan de pausas activas con la finalidad de lograr adecuados contextos laborales y de salud dentro de los colaboradores de la Cooperativa, la muestra permiti贸 que se identificaran y se comprobaran estad铆sticamente lo que se plante贸 como hip贸tesis dentro de la investigaci贸n.The present research was carried out in the Cooperative of Yarumal which is an associative company, dedicated to the allocation of credits and collection of financial resources, where through financial intermediation seeks the common good between the parties, their partners and employees in general, in addition the research work is aimed at knowing the effectiveness of the current active break plan and that both attribute these spaces in the productivity of the employees of the Cooperative within the daily tasks of the staff, thus reducing accidents and occupational diseases with qualified quality standards, achieving continuous improvement and monitoring in administrative processes; Likewise, an active break allows the brief and simple activity that is carried out during the working day and thus prevent diseases by improving the physical and mental health of workers. . In this sense, the active break plan must contemplate exercises and activities that allow employees to move and stretch to avoid stress and muscle diseases, taking into account the above and as an object of study to design the active break plan, it is necessary to carry out a prior evaluation of the current situation of the Cooperative, Through a survey that allows to know their habits and negative aspects, a schedule of activities should also be established, considering the duration and frequency of active breaks, as an object of study a survey was carried out through the descriptive methodology, with the purpose of publicizing possible improvements and based on the results different proposals and / or adjustments were generated in the active break plan in order to achieve adequate work and health contexts within the employees of the Cooperative, the sample allowed to identify and statistically verify what was raised as hypotheses within the research

    Repurposing of rabeprazole as an anti-Trypanosoma cruzi drug that targets cellular triosephosphate isomerase

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    AbstractTrypanosoma cruzi is the causative agent of American trypanosomiasis, which mainly affects populations in Latin America. Benznidazole is used to control the disease, with severe effects in patients receiving this chemotherapy. Previous studies have demonstrated the inhibition of triosephosphate isomerase from T. cruzi, but cellular enzyme inhibition has yet to be established. This study demonstrates that rabeprazole inhibits both cell viability and triosephosphate isomerase activity in T. cruzi epimastigotes. Our results show that rabeprazole has an IC50 of 0.4鈥壜礛, which is 14.5 times more effective than benznidazole. Additionally, we observed increased levels of methyl-glyoxal and advanced glycation end products after the inhibition of cellular triosephosphate isomerase by rabeprazole. Finally, we demonstrate that the inactivation mechanisms of rabeprazole on triosephosphate isomerase of T. cruzi can be achieved through the derivatization of three of its four cysteine residues. These results indicate that rabeprazole is a promising candidate against American trypanosomiasis