2,601 research outputs found

    Pricing of drugs and donations: options for sustainable equity pricing.

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    Effective medicines exist to treat or alleviate many diseases which predominate in the developing world and cause high mortality and morbidity rates. Price should not be an obstacle preventing access to these medicines. Increasingly, drug donations have been established by drug companies, but these are often limited in time, place or use. Measures exist which are more sustainable and will have a greater positive impact on people's health. Principally, these are encouraging generic competition; adopting into national legislation and implementing TRIPS safeguards to gain access to cheaper sources of drugs; differential pricing; creating high volume or high demand through global and regional procurement; and supporting the production of quality generic drugs by developing countries through voluntary licenses if needed, and facilitating technology transfer

    The family of quaternionic quasi-unitary Lie algebras and their central extensions

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    The family of quaternionic quasi-unitary (or quaternionic unitary Cayley--Klein algebras) is described in a unified setting. This family includes the simple algebras sp(N+1) and sp(p,q) in the Cartan series C_{N+1}, as well as many non-semisimple real Lie algebras which can be obtained from these simple algebras by particular contractions. The algebras in this family are realized here in relation with the groups of isometries of quaternionic hermitian spaces of constant holomorphic curvature. This common framework allows to perform the study of many properties for all these Lie algebras simultaneously. In this paper the central extensions for all quasi-simple Lie algebras of the quaternionic unitary Cayley--Klein family are completely determined in arbitrary dimension. It is shown that the second cohomology group is trivial for any Lie algebra of this family no matter of its dimension.Comment: 17 pages, LaTe

    Superintegrability on sl(2)-coalgebra spaces

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    We review a recently introduced set of N-dimensional quasi-maximally superintegrable Hamiltonian systems describing geodesic motions, that can be used to generate "dynamically" a large family of curved spaces. From an algebraic viewpoint, such spaces are obtained through kinetic energy Hamiltonians defined on either the sl(2) Poisson coalgebra or a quantum deformation of it. Certain potentials on these spaces and endowed with the same underlying coalgebra symmetry have been also introduced in such a way that the superintegrability properties of the full system are preserved. Several new N=2 examples of this construction are explicitly given, and specific Hamiltonians leading to spaces of non-constant curvature are emphasized.Comment: 12 pages. Based on the contribution presented at the "XII International Conference on Symmetry Methods in Physics", Yerevan (Armenia), July 2006. To appear in Physics of Atomic Nucle

    Superintegrability on N-dimensional spaces of constant curvature from so(N+1) and its contractions

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    The Lie-Poisson algebra so(N+1) and some of its contractions are used to construct a family of superintegrable Hamiltonians on the ND spherical, Euclidean, hyperbolic, Minkowskian and (anti-)de Sitter spaces. We firstly present a Hamiltonian which is a superposition of an arbitrary central potential with N arbitrary centrifugal terms. Such a system is quasi-maximally superintegrable since this is endowed with 2N-3 functionally independent constants of the motion (plus the Hamiltonian). Secondly, we identify two maximally superintegrable Hamiltonians by choosing a specific central potential and finding at the same time the remaining integral. The former is the generalization of the Smorodinsky-Winternitz system to the above six spaces, while the latter is a generalization of the Kepler-Coulomb potential, for which the Laplace-Runge-Lenz N-vector is also given. All the systems and constants of the motion are explicitly expressed in a unified form in terms of ambient and polar coordinates as they are parametrized by two contraction parameters (curvature and signature of the metric).Comment: 14 pages. Based on the contribution presented at the "XII International Conference on Symmetry Methods in Physics", Yerevan (Armenia), July 2006. To appear in Physics of Atomic Nucle

    Central extensions of the families of quasi-unitary Lie algebras

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    The most general possible central extensions of two whole families of Lie algebras, which can be obtained by contracting the special pseudo-unitary algebras su(p,q) of the Cartan series A_l and the pseudo-unitary algebras u(p,q), are completely determined and classified for arbitrary p,q. In addition to the su(p,q) and u({p,q}) algebras, whose second cohomology group is well known to be trivial, each family includes many non-semisimple algebras; their central extensions, which are explicitly given, can be classified into three types as far as their properties under contraction are involved. A closed expression for the dimension of the second cohomology group of any member of these families of algebras is given.Comment: 23 pages. Latex2e fil

    Maximal superintegrability on N-dimensional curved spaces

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    A unified algebraic construction of the classical Smorodinsky-Winternitz systems on the ND sphere, Euclidean and hyperbolic spaces through the Lie groups SO(N+1), ISO(N), and SO(N,1) is presented. Firstly, general expressions for the Hamiltonian and its integrals of motion are given in a linear ambient space RN+1R^{N+1}, and secondly they are expressed in terms of two geodesic coordinate systems on the ND spaces themselves, with an explicit dependence on the curvature as a parameter. On the sphere, the potential is interpreted as a superposition of N+1 oscillators. Furthermore each Lie algebra generator provides an integral of motion and a set of 2N-1 functionally independent ones are explicitly given. In this way the maximal superintegrability of the ND Euclidean Smorodinsky-Winternitz system is shown for any value of the curvature.Comment: 8 pages, LaTe

    Universal integrals for superintegrable systems on N-dimensional spaces of constant curvature

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    An infinite family of classical superintegrable Hamiltonians defined on the N-dimensional spherical, Euclidean and hyperbolic spaces are shown to have a common set of (2N-3) functionally independent constants of the motion. Among them, two different subsets of N integrals in involution (including the Hamiltonian) can always be explicitly identified. As particular cases, we recover in a straightforward way most of the superintegrability properties of the Smorodinsky-Winternitz and generalized Kepler-Coulomb systems on spaces of constant curvature and we introduce as well new classes of (quasi-maximally) superintegrable potentials on these spaces. Results here presented are a consequence of the sl(2) Poisson coalgebra symmetry of all the Hamiltonians, together with an appropriate use of the phase spaces associated to Poincare and Beltrami coordinates.Comment: 12 page

    Integrable potentials on spaces with curvature from quantum groups

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    A family of classical integrable systems defined on a deformation of the two-dimensional sphere, hyperbolic and (anti-)de Sitter spaces is constructed through Hamiltonians defined on the non-standard quantum deformation of a sl(2) Poisson coalgebra. All these spaces have a non-constant curvature that depends on the deformation parameter z. As particular cases, the analogues of the harmonic oscillator and Kepler--Coulomb potentials on such spaces are proposed. Another deformed Hamiltonian is also shown to provide superintegrable systems on the usual sphere, hyperbolic and (anti-)de Sitter spaces with a constant curvature that exactly coincides with z. According to each specific space, the resulting potential is interpreted as the superposition of a central harmonic oscillator with either two more oscillators or centrifugal barriers. The non-deformed limit z=0 of all these Hamiltonians can then be regarded as the zero-curvature limit (contraction) which leads to the corresponding (super)integrable systems on the flat Euclidean and Minkowskian spaces.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figure. Two references adde

    On the regularity of the covariance matrix of a discretized scalar field on the sphere

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    We present a comprehensive study of the regularity of the covariance matrix of a discretized field on the sphere. In a particular situation, the rank of the matrix depends on the number of pixels, the number of spherical harmonics, the symmetries of the pixelization scheme and the presence of a mask. Taking into account the above mentioned components, we provide analytical expressions that constrain the rank of the matrix. They are obtained by expanding the determinant of the covariance matrix as a sum of determinants of matrices made up of spherical harmonics. We investigate these constraints for five different pixelizations that have been used in the context of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) data analysis: Cube, Icosahedron, Igloo, GLESP and HEALPix, finding that, at least in the considered cases, the HEALPix pixelization tends to provide a covariance matrix with a rank closer to the maximum expected theoretical value than the other pixelizations. The effect of the propagation of numerical errors in the regularity of the covariance matrix is also studied for different computational precisions, as well as the effect of adding a certain level of noise in order to regularize the matrix. In addition, we investigate the application of the previous results to a particular example that requires the inversion of the covariance matrix: the estimation of the CMB temperature power spectrum through the Quadratic Maximum Likelihood algorithm. Finally, some general considerations in order to achieve a regular covariance matrix are also presented.Comment: 36 pages, 12 figures; minor changes in the text, matches published versio

    Detection of new point-sources in WMAP Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) maps at high Galactic latitude. A new technique to extract point sources from CMB maps

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    In experimental microwave maps, point-sources can strongly affect the estimation of the power-spectrum and/or the test of Gaussianity of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) component. As a consequence, their removal from the sky maps represents a critical step in the analysis of the CMB data. Before removing a source, however, it is necessary to detect it and source extraction consists of a delicate preliminary operation. In the literature, various techniques have been presented to detect point-sources in the sky maps. The most sophisticated ones exploit the multi-frequency nature of the observations that is typical of the CMB experiments. These techniques have "optimal" theoretical properties and, at least in principle, are capable of remarkable performances. Actually, they are rather difficult to use and this deteriorates the quality of the obtainable results. In this paper, we present a new technique, the "weighted matched filter" (WMF), that is quite simple to use and hence more robust in practical applications. Such technique shows particular efficiency in the detection of sources whose spectra have a slope different from zero. We apply this method to three Southern Hemisphere sky regions - each with an area of 400 square degrees - of the seven years Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) maps and compare the resulting sources with those of the two seven-year WMAP point-sources catalogues. In these selected regions we find seven additional sources not previously listed in WMAP catalogues and discuss their most likely identification and spectral properties.Comment: Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2011, in pres