9 research outputs found

    An Experience of using B-Learning technologies to Teaching Optical Communications to Engineering Students

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    This paper deals with a pedagogical experience carried out with under-graduated students at the E.U.I.T. Telecommunications in Madrid, while coursing a subject of Optical Communications (OC). In this experience several B-Learning methodologies as well as technological resources have been combined, in order to get surpassing some difficulties well identified faced by the students of this subject. To find a reliable teaching strategy, the proposed methology have been introduced step by step along three academical courses, adding progressively new learning tools based on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) [1,2]. The outcomes of the students assessments as well as the surveys carried out with them, have show a high improvement degree of the educative process in this specific subject of their curricula. New and more refined technologies based chiefly on remote laboratories will be tested along the next courses to overcome some issues not well surpassed ye

    Experiencias y metodologías en asignaturas b-learning para la formación y evaluación en competencias genéricas en Ingeniería

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    La integración del sistema universitario español en el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior y el Real Decreto 1393/2007 por el que se establece la ordenación de las enseñanzas universitarias oficiales, suponen un cambio radical en el modelo de enseñanza con respecto a la situación actual. Este modelo tiene como objetivos la adquisición de competencias y debe tener orientado al proceso de aprendizaje del estudiante. Este cambio de modelo implica un esfuerzo importante por parte de los profesores para adaptarse desde el sistema tradicional de enseñanza centrado en los conocimientos. En la EUIT de Telecomunicación de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, hemos venido desarrollando diferentes experiencias en modelos centrados en el aprendizaje utilizando metodologías docentes y evaluadoras basadas en competencias. En varias asignaturas se han venido utilizando en los útimos años procedimientos de formación semi-presencial (“b-learning”) mediante un entorno virtual de aprendizaje como Moodle, donde poder desarrollar a distancia buena parte de los contenidos, procedimientos de aprendizaje y evaluación. En estas asignaturas, impartidas por profesores de diferentes departamentos, se ha venido experimentando con diferentes actividades formativas y soluciones que permitan la obtención de capacidades, habilidades y actitudes, es decir de competencias, tanto generales como específicas. En este artículo se describen los diferentes procedimientos y actividades formativas elaboradas, los criterios de organización, los métodos evaluadores utilizados y los resultados obtenidos desde un punto de vista académico y desde las opiniones de los alumnos, obtenidas mediante encuestas

    Work-in-Progress: An Undergraduate B-Learning Experience for the Teaching of Politics of Telecommunications and Information Society

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    The Telecommunications Act of 1998, approved by the Spanish House of Representatives, set up the beginning of the telecommunications market liberalization process in Spain and the establishment of a new economic and social model based on the Information Society Paradigm, as already highlighted by the European Commission in 1993. Taking advantage of the necessity for undergraduate students to have a subject related to this matter, a new course on Politics of Telecommunications and Information Society was initially designed by a group of five professors from the Technical University of Madrid, four of which still maintain the project alive after eight years. The resulting course is teaching at the Technical University of Madrid since 1999. The course was initially conceived as an e-learning initiative based on the well-known Moodle Learning Management System and it comprises the next four lessons: Information Society, Telecommunications Regulation in Spain, Telecommunication Standardization and Certification and, e-Commerce & Internet Security

    Large-scale testing of proficiency in English: Back to multiple choice?

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    The paper analyses whether that a properly designed multiple choice test can discriminate with a high level of accuracy if a student in our context has reached a B2 level according to the CEFRL

    Virtual Teaching Approach for the Analysis and Planning of Wireless Communications Systems

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    One of the most important aspects in the field of engineering education is practical training. Very clear examples of this are the laboratories for training in design, development and measurement of electronic systems. However, in other areas of engineering, as for example in the case of communications, where the main objective is the systems analysis and planning, analytical solutions, if is possible, either to the simulation through approaches and algorithms are typically used. We have developed a set of tools for improving the knowledge and skills in wireless communications systems planning, for students of telecommunications engineering of the “Universidad Politécnica de Madrid”. These tools are of relatively simple use, and they are designed with the intention of a gradual process in learning through the establishment of various educational objective levels. In this paper are presented some of these tools developed and also there is realized an analysis of student assessment in the use of such solutions

    The UNIVERSIA/UPM OPEN COURSEWARE iniciative to share the knowledge

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    This paper shows the most innovative aspects of the Universia/UPM OpenCourseWare (OCW) project referred to globalization of higher education in a Latin-American environment and the sharing of knowledge. The MIT idea of offering, through Internet, the available educational resources in an open way has been spread all over the world and many Universities and Institutions have joint this initiative. Universia, Institution which gathers one of the biggest world universities net, has launched an OCW site, with the technical collaboration of the Technical University of Madrid (UPM) who is working as the main university project promoter. The OCW-Universia site has one of the greatest growth rates at present and is facing new challenges and developments which will allow its expansion as a reference within an international context

    Objetivos, evolución y perspectivas del OPEN COURSEWARE de la UPM

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    En esta comunicación se presentan los principales objetivos, la situación actual y los retos futuros, del sitio OCW de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, enmarcados en el entorno de la iniciativa OCW Universia y del Consocio Mundial OCW. Durante los dos últimos cursos la UPM ha realizado un importante esfuerzo que la ha permitido situarse como la Universidad Iberoamericana con mayor cantidad de contenidos educativos en abierto y con el mayor número de accesos y descargas de este tipo de recursos. Para poder afianzar esta posición privilegiada, e impulsar y desarrollar nuevas ideas del sitio OCW-UPM son necesarios una serie de requisitos, que son detallados y analizados en esta ponenci

    ECTS and Methodological Experiences in Telecommunications Systems Engineering for the Adjustment to European Space for Higher Education

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    In this paper we present a summary of the actions in educational innovation perform in the subjects of 3th year of Technical Engineering in Telecommunication Systems, as well as the results and conclusions obtained. These activities has been carry out in the frame of a Educational Innovation Project granted by the “Universidad Politécnica de Madrid” in the process in implementing the European Higher Education Area, and to improve the education quality. The main activities and developed materials are around the organization and coordination of the subjects, and on the utilization of methodologies and educational tools centred on the learning. Besides the academic results and the comparison with other subjects there will be included the opinions of pupils and teachers

    Comunica-Media: Uso de la grabación de clases, el screencast y la videoconferencia en el aula

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    A medida que la tecnología mejora y se extiende entre los usuarios es conveniente y necesario que los sistemas educativos se adapten y aprovechen lo que estas nuevas tecnologías pueden ofrecer. Así se puede motivar más a los alumnos y profesores ofreciéndoles contenidos más completos e interactivos. En esta comunicación se presenta el proyecto Comunica-Media del Servicio de Innovación Educativa de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). El objetivo principal de este proyecto es promover y evaluar el uso de la grabación de clases, la videoconferencia y el screencast en seis diferentes escuelas y asignaturas de la UPM