13 research outputs found


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    On a representative sample of subjects - basketball players of the basketball club «Zdravlje» from Leskovac playing on different positions as guard, forward and center - a video recording of the free throws technique was made with the aim to define the differences in kinematic and goniometric parameters related to the success in free throw realization. By means of 2D kinematic analysis 120 attempts of free throws were encompassed and they were categorized as successful, successful with overthrow, successful with underthrow and unsuccessful. The results were statistically processed by: means of the multivariate variant analysis. It was obtained the following: researched kinematic and gonimetric parameters differ statistically in a significant manner depending on the success of the free throw technique in basketball


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    The aim of this study was to determine the effects of 10 weeks of vibration training on changes to the explosive strength of the upper limbs, as well as to determine whether the possible effects were caused by vibrational stimulation of the muscles or static exercises. The research  sample comprised  60 male participants,  aged 21 ± 6 months,  randomly  divided into three subsamples. The experimental group (n=15) comprised participants included in a specially  designed  vibration training using the Flexi-bar, the first control group  (n=15) comprised participants included in a specially  designed  static training, and the second control group comprised participants not included in any specially  designed training (n=30). All of the participants were tested at the beginning using the bench press test and the Myotest was used as a measuring instrument . The statistical methods used in this research to investigate the effects of the training were the univariate analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) and multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA). Analyzing the obtained results, it was determined that vibration training using the Flexi-bar does not have a statistically significant influence on the change in the values of the explosive strength of the upper limbs , but that there were changes in the mean values of the studied  parameters. In order for the experimental program to produce better results, training should be modified. Vibration training would produce better results if the frequency produced by the Flexi-bar was higher, which is an assumption based on previous research


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    The aim of this study was to investigate difference in balance test scores and success on the balance beam of young gymnasts, international level of competition. Forty eight young gymnasts divided into two age groups participated in the study (Group 1: n=22, age 9.0 ± 1.1 years, 136.0 ± 7.6 cm, 30.8 ± 4.3 kg; Group 2: n=26, 12.1 ± 0.6 years, 146.0 ± 7.0 cm, 36.9 ± 6.6 kg;). To assess static balance, participants performed 3 stance variations (double leg, single leg, and tandem leg) on stiff surfaces and 3 specific static-balance tests consist of gymnastics elements on the balance beam (Scale, handstand and side handstand). For assessment of dynamic balance, participants performed multidirectional maximal single-leg reaches from a unilateral base of support (Y - balance test) and 3 specific dynamic-balance tests consisted of two connected gymnastics elements (Turns for 360°, jumps with 180º  and cartwheels). In the static balance test there is a significant difference only in one-leg stance (SRJN, .021) and specific static balance test SSSU (.000). In the dynamic balance tests, there was a significant difference in performing SD2Z test between the two groups (p=.043). These results suggests that the older gymnasts had better results in demanding tests such as one-leg stance, handstand and cartwheels on the balance beam. To achieve top results in the Women's Artistic gymnastics it is necessary to achieve good results on the balance beam and monitoring of balance ability for future success


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    Vibration training belongs to the category of non-conventional methods of strength and power development in a short period of time. Mechanical vibrations which exert influence on the body can cause changes in gravitational conditions and thus initiate certain biological responses. Vibration stimuli are applied on the terminal point of the kinematic chain and thus can induce oscillations spreading through the muscle. Regardless of the type of the vibration training applied basic idea is to combine willing muscle activations and muscle stretching with the vibration stimulus. Vibration training utilizing Flexi-bar as an oscillating requisite belongs to the group of trainings where work-outs are performed with the additional vibrational stimulation. Vibrational stimulation of the muscle which is achieved on that occasion is induced by small frequences of 4,6 Hz. The purpose of this paper is to give a review of the contemporary reserach studies which investigate the effects of the utilization of the Flexi-bar, possibilities of its use, and determination of the best positions of the exerciser and the requisite so as to enhance the effect of the work-out on the assigned muscle area


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    The young gymnasts from seven cities in the Republic of Serbia at the age of 8-12 years was covered with programmed gymnastic training 3-4 times a week for 90 minutes and the system of competition within the "C" program GSS. The case studies are examined relationships conative characteristics modified by Catel 16PF questionnaire with success in gymnastics, which is estimated to success in the competition in the "C" program of the Gymnastics Federation of Serbia. Using canonical correlation analysis of the data show that in the space of conative characteristics examined were found to be factors I-sensitivity-sharp temper, H- fearlessness and Q1- openness to change. Success in gymnastics was defined positive relations with disciplines Rings (.77), Pommel horse and Bar (.73) and Vault (.63). The hypothesis that says "conative characteristics have a positive relationship with success in gymnastics" can not be accepted because there is a statistically positive relationship that is explained with 83%. Young gymnasts who show a sharp temper and willingness to learn new cause the contents with strong courage, can successfully realizes "C" program GS Serbia in gymnastics


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    The sample includes 40 subjects of both sexes: male (20) and female (20) population of students of the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Nis. The research involves the application of the rebound in gymnastics with two different heights (40 and 50cm) on three different surfaces of elasticity: hard, demyelastic and elastic surface. The subject of the research were the dynamic parameters of movement laid down from Drop Jump (DJ) with Myotest device and in the following parameters: height (in cm), power (in W/ kg), force (in N/ kg) and speed (cm/ s). Using canonical-discrimination analysis showed no statistically significant differences in the performance jump of hard and demyelastic surface from a height 40 cm and 50 cm for men and women, thethe studied parameters (height, strength ,power and speed of the bounce ). Revealed a statistically significant difference in performance with the elastic rebound surface elevations of 40 cm and 50 cm for men and women (p = 0.00). Of the examined parameters was obtained that there are significant differences in the Force reflection to the significance level of 98% (0.0255) and the power of reflection on the significance level of 100% (0.0009) in men. In women of the examined parameters was obtained a statistically significant difference in the strength of the rebound only from positions of 40cm and 50cm and 100% (0.0075)


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    On a sample of 18 students of the Faculty of sports and physical education, age 20 years ± 6 months, divided into 3 groups (one control and two ekperimentalne) the as- sessment of upper extremity repetitive forces wos done. After three different protocols of warming up the motorical measurements gave us some results. The results obtained in the final measurement point to the positive effects of warming on the selected protocol level repetitive force

    Differences in body composition and motor abilities between synchronized swimmers and non-athlete girls

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    The aim of this study was to determine the differences in body composition and motor abilities between synchronized swimmers and non-athlete girls. The sample of this study was consisted of 37 girls, 16 of them were actively engaged in synchronized swimming and 21 girl were not engaged in sport activities, ages 12-14. The anthropometric characteristics of the subjects were assessed by the following measures: Body Height (BH) (cm); Body Mass (BM) (kg); Body Mass Index (BMI) (kg/m2). Body composition was assessed by measure: Triceps skinfold (TRI) (mm); Biceps skinfold (BIC) (mm); Subscapular skinfold (SUB) (mm); Abdominal Skinfold (ABD) (mm); Calf Skinfold (CALF) (mm); Sum of five skinfolds (SUM5) (mm); Body Fat Percent (BF%) (%); Muscle Mass Percent (% MM) (%). The motor abilities were evaluated using the three tests by a Eurofit battery, used for the evaluation of flexibility - sit and reach (FLEX) (cm); for static strength assessment - hand grip (HGRIP) (N); for muscular endurance assessment - bet-arm hangs (BAH) (sec.). The use of analysis of variance determined a statistically significant difference in body composition only in variable of truncal skinfold measurment (p = 0.014) for the benefit of girls engaged in synchronized swimming, while in the space of motor abilities the difference was determined in all variables: handgrip, sit and rich and bent arm hang tests (p = 0.000), also for the benefit of synchronized swimmers. Active engagement in sports activities such as synchronized swimming at this age can contribute to the equaly distribution of body fat, as well as the development of motor abilites that are most represented in the training process of synchronized swimming


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    In a sample of top rowers made the kinematics analysis using KAVideo (SUSF) in order to stroke technique using descriptive describe the mechanical variables. In this study analyzed the speed of movement centers joints, knees, hip, shoulder and elbow. Also, goniometrics area were analyzed relative to the conditions in these joints. Value speed representative points, centers the joints are moving about 2 m / s. Apart from the maximum values TT speed and the center of the hip joint that occurred at the same time, other maximum speed were created after that time interval, which is the normal force next addition muscle legs extensors and flexors and trunk hinges in hand. Value relative angles in a joint elbow, shoulder, hip and knees are moving in the range of 93, 116, 116, 107 degrees, respectively. Note that these conditions have the approximate range of values, so that we can conclude that the approximate value uglovnih speed which certainly can be an indicator of well-made techniques in the subjects


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    The aim of the research was to examine and compare the effects of physical education (PE) classes with additional swimming training in relation to the regular teaching of PE on the motor abilities of students of a younger school age. A sample of 100 respondents was divided into two sub-samples in relation to the number of weekly exercises: a sub-sample of 50 students (control group-CG) with regular PE and a sub-sample of 50 students (experimental group-EG) who, besides their regular classes, had two additional weekly exercises in the form of swimming training. The training program of swimming courses was conducted for three months in the first semester of the 2015/2016 school year. Five standardized Eurofit battery tests were used to evaluate their motor abilities. The obtained results indicate that two additional weekly exercises in the form of swimming training caused statistically significant differences between the EG and the CG in long distance jogging, sit-ups for 30 s and a 20 m run test with a progressive increase in speed. The results suggest that swimming in addition to the already known impact on physiological characteristics positively influences the transformation of motor abilities in students of a younger school age.Cilj istraživanja bio je da se uporede nastava fizičkog vaspitanja sa dodatnim treninzima plivanja i redovna nastava fizičkog vaspitanja i ispitaju uticaji na motoričke sposobnosti učenika mlađeg školskog uzrasta. Uzorak od 100 ispitanika podeljen je u dva subuzorka u odnosu na broj nedeljnih vežbi: subuzorak od 50 učenika (kontrolna grupa-KG) sa redovnom nastavom fizičkog vaspitanja i subuzorak od 50 učenika (eksperimentalna grupa-EG) koji su pored redovnih časova imali dodatno i dva treninga plivanja nedeljno. Program obuke kurseva plivanja sprovodio se tokom tri meseca prvog polugođa školske godine 2015/2016. U proceni motoričkih sposobnosti korišćeno je pet standardizovanih testova Eurofit baterije. Rezultati ukazuju na to da su dva treninga plivanja nedeljno uzrokovale statistički značajne razlike između EG i CG u trčanju na duge staze, trbušnjacima u trajanju od 30 s i trčanju na 20 m sa progresivnim prirastom u brzini. Rezultati ukazuju da plivanje pored već poznatog fiziološkog uticaja pozitivno utiče na transformaciju motoričkih sposobnosti kod učenika mlađeg školskog uzrasta