2 research outputs found

    Feature Analysis of the “Customer Relationship Management” Systems for Higher Education Institutions

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    [EN] Universities, business schools and other higher education institutions all over the world are experiencing deep changes in the way they work and interrelate with their ‘clients’, i.e. students and their relatives, alumni and donors, faculty and staff members, because these constituents are demanding more attention through different channels as well as immediate response and service. Technology - materialized in the form of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems - is the great promise for solving these demands. This article summarizes the features a CRM system should possess to make educational institutions thrive in the current digital era, and points out the future trends on this topic. The final objective is neither an analysis of the applications available on the market nor a selection guide, but a recommendation for the end users to utilize a CRM system when considering achieving some of the business needs implied in the features available on these CRMs.De Juan-Jordán, H.; Guijarro-García, M.; Hernandez Gadea, J. (2018). Feature Analysis of the “Customer Relationship Management” Systems for Higher Education Institutions. Multidisciplinary Journal for Education, Social and Technological Sciences. 5(1):30-43. doi:10.4995/muse.2018.9232SWORD30435

    Efficiency in Social Enterprises

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    [EN] The aim of this article is to offer a review of the impact the different methodologies of analysis have on social enterprises, focusing the study on processes that establish a greater universality based on the degree of success achieved in their social objectives, the social reinvestment of their benefits and their democratic organisation, parameters that should favour the creation of a clear and simple method, as well as adaptable to change. The systematics will allow to establish systems for the measurement of the efficiency of social enterprises, in order to both organise objective procedures of comparison and offer support when applying for public aid derived from European and national funds set up for this purpose. The quantification of the social impact of the companies that constitute the social economy is vital to assess and follow up on their social mission.Ballester-Miquel, JC.; Perez-Ruiz, P.; Hernandez-Gadea, J.; De Juan Jordán, H.; Guijarro García, M. (2017). Efficiency in Social Enterprises. Multidisciplinary Journal for Education, Social and Technological Sciences. 4(2):61-79. doi:10.4995/muse.2017.7329SWORD617942Chaves R. & Monzon, J.L. (2012): La economía social en la UE, CESE, BruselasComisión EUROPEA (2010): Comunicación Una estrategia para crecimiento inteligente, sostenible e integrador, COM (2010) 3/3/2010 Comisión Europea. BruselasComisión EUROPEA (2014): Comunicación Balance de la Estrategia Europa 2020 para un crecimiento inteligente, sostenible e integrador COM (2014) 130 Final, 5 de Marzo, Comisión Europea Bruselas.Comisión EUROPEA (2014): Comunicación relativa a un marco estratégico de la UE en materia de salud y seguridad en el trabajo, COM (2014) 332 Final, 6 de Junio, Comisión Europea Bruselas.Comisión EUROPEA (2015): Comunicación Programa de trabajo de 2016, COM (2015) 610 Final, 27 de Septiembre, Comisión Europea Bruselas.Comisión EUROPEA (2015): Comunicación Un sistema de imposición de las sociedades justo y eficaz en la Unión Europea: cinco ámbitos de actuación fundamentales, COM (2015) 302 Final, 17 de Junio, Comisión Europea Bruselas.Comisión EUROPEA (2016): Comunicación Iniciativa Europea de Computación en la Nube: construir en Europa una economía competitiva de los datos y del conocimiento, COM (2016) 178 Final, 19 de Abril, Comisión Europea Bruselas.Diaz, M., Marcuello, C. & Marcuello, Ch. (2012): "Empresas sociales y evaluación del impacto social", CIRIEC-Espa-a, revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, 75, 179-198.Enciso, M., Gómez, L. & Mugarra, A. (2012): "La iniciativa comunitaria en favor del emprendimiento social y su vinculación con la economía social: una aproximación a su delimitación conceptual", CIRIEC-Espa-a, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, 75, 55-80Freeman, R. (2010). "Does Inequality Increase Economic Output?" In Controversies about Inequality. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.Gómez Urquijo, L. (2014): "El encaje de la economía social en la nueva gobernanza económica y social de la UE", CIRIEC-Espa-a, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, 82, 233-252.GUÍA PRÁCTICA PARA LA MEDICIÓN Y LA GESTIÓN DEL IMPACTO. Asociación Espa-ola de Fundaciones. EUROPEAN VENTURE PHILANTHROPY ASSOCIATION. 2015Narillos Roux, HUGO (2012): "Economía social: valoración y medición de la inversión social". Editorial ESIC