3 research outputs found

    Pitfalls of the self-regulation of advertisements directed at children on Mexican television

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    Background: There are no academic studies that characterize advertisements directed at children from the companies that signed the self-regulation. Objective: The aim of this paper was to assess the extent and nature of food advertisements and the persuasive techniques used to market unhealthy food and beverages (UFB) to children, by signatory companies of self-regulation. Methods: From December 2012 to April 2013, 600 h of programming were recorded on the four broadcast public television channels in Mexico with the highest rating nationwide. Marketing aimed at children directly (broadcast on children's programmes or advertisements with a specific appeal to children) or indirectly (aimed at other target audiences with messages or scenes that link children to the product) were considered. Results: About 74.9% (2148) of the total food and beverage advertisements tried to influence children directly and indirectly. Companies, which had signed the self-regulation, focused 92.7% of their advertisements on UFB. Of the total number, 23.9% were aimed at children, 7.1% at adolescents, 12.5% at parents and 56.2% at the general public. Most of these advertisements were broadcast on movies (29.8%), cartoons (18%), soap operas (17.6%), entertainment shows (17.2%) and sports programs (6.4%). Conclusion: Despite the self-regulation of television marketing, children were surrounded by UFB advertisements. Signatory companies influence children indirectly by targeting other audiences and by marketing during family television programs, which are also watched by children

    Embryonic and larval development of Eugerres mexicanus (Perciformes: Gerreidae) in Tenosique: Tabasco, Mexico

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    Most studies on Eugerres mexicanus mainly consider biogeographic and systematic aspects and rarely address reproductive characteristics, which are useful for fishery population management plans. This study aimed at evaluating the ontogeny of E. mexicanus, based on 30 embryos and 30 larvae sampled by induced spawning of breeders, taken in February 2009 from the Usumacinta River in Tenosique, Tabasco, Mexico. All descriptions of the embryonic development were based on morphometric and meristic data and followed standard methods. Eggs, recovered at the gastrula stage, had an average diameter of 1.17mm (SD=0.08). The bud stage appeared during the first three hours of development, in which the posterior side was adhered to the vitellus; Kupffer麓s vesicle was visible. Yolk-sac larvae hatched 18 hours after fertilization, exhibiting a light brown color and an average total length of 2.94mm (SD=0.70); the preflexion stage was reached eight days after hatching, with a total average length of 4.67mm (SD=0.50) and a total notochord length of 4.45mm (SD=0.50). The flexion stage was reached on the 16th day, with an average total length of 6.66mm (SD=1.53), while postflexion was reached on the 24th day, with 10.33mm (SD=1.45). The pre-juvenile stage was reached on the 33rd day, with a total length of 14.30mm (SD=0.93), showing IX spines and 10 rays and III spines and eight rays in the dorsal and anal fins, respectively. The juvenile stage was reached by the 45th day, with an average length of 28.16mm (SD=1.93) and average weight of 4.75g (SD=1.49). Prejuveniles showed an initial pigmentation with dark colored dots in the superior and inferior jaw and dispersed on the head, while juveniles presented the same pigmentation pattern, decreasing towards the margin of the caudal peduncle. In conclusion, the embryonic developmental stages of E. mexicanus were typical for the Gerreidae group. However, their morphometric characters were slightly different since the diameter and size of the drop of oil were bigger than those reported for marine species. In addition, regarding pigmentation, the yolk-sac larvae of E. mexicanus were olive and yellow on the margin of the notochord, which differs from those reported for other species. This is the first recorded report on the reproductive biology and early life development of this species.<br>La ontogenia se bas贸 en 30 embriones y 30 larvas, obtenidos mediante la inducci贸n del desove de reproductores provenientes de la ribera del r铆o Usumacinta en Tenosique, Tabasco, M茅xico, recolectados en febrero de 2009. La descripci贸n se fundament贸 en el registro morfom茅trico y mer铆stico. Los huevos fueron recuperados en estado de g谩strula y presentaron un di谩metro de promedio de 1.17mm (SD=0.08). Durante las primeras tres horas de desarrollo embrionario, se present贸 la etapa de capullo, en la que se observ贸 la regi贸n caudal adherida al vitelo, apreci谩ndose la ves铆cula de Kupffer. Las larvas con saco eclosionaron a las 18 horas pos-fertilizaci贸n, fueron de color marr贸n claro con un promedio de 2.94mm; (SD=0.70) de longitud total y alcanzaron la preflexi贸n a los ocho d铆as post-eclosi贸n con una longitud total promedio de 4.67mm; (SD=0.50) y una longitud total del notocordio de 4.45; (SD=0.50). A los 16 d铆as de la eclosi贸n alcanzaron la flexi贸n, con un promedio de 6.66mm; (SD=1.53) de longitud total. La postflexi贸n se present贸 a los 24 d铆as con 10.33mm; (SD=1.45). Al llegar a los 33 d铆as, se present贸 la fase prejuvenil y llegaron a medir 14.30; (SD=0.93) de longitud total, presentando IX espinas y 10 radios en la aleta dorsal y III y ocho en la aleta anal. Los juveniles midieron 28.16; (SD=1.93) de longitud a los 45 d铆as, con un peso promedio de 4.75g; (SD=1.49). Los prejuveniles presentaron una pigmentaci贸n inicial en la mand铆bula superior e inferior con tintes oscuros en forma de puntos y de manera dispersa sobre la cabeza. En los juveniles se observ贸 el mismo patr贸n de pigmentaci贸n, disminuyendo hacia el margen del ped煤nculo caudal. Las caracter铆sticas descriptivas de la etapa de desarrollo embrionario de E. mexicanus son t铆picas del per铆odo de desarrollo de los peces de la familia Gerreidae, en particular en el caso de las especies E. brasilianus y E. lineatus que habitan en ambientes marinos. Sin embargo, sus caracteres morfom茅tricos son diferentes con respecto al di谩metro y el tama帽o de los huevos y de la gota de aceite, ya que en E. mexicanus son m谩s grandes que los de las especies marinas y son similares a los de los peces de agua dulce. Con respecto a la pigmentaci贸n, la larva con saco de E. mexicanus presenta un olor olivo y amarillo sobre el margen del notocordio, lo cual difiere a lo reportado para E. lineatus,ya que en esta muestra un grupo de melan贸foros entre los miomeros nueve al 13 como principal caracter铆stica, y para Diapturus peruvianus por presentar tres manchas en el margen dorsal de los intestinos desde la inserci贸n de la aleta pectoral hasta el ano. Los resultados de este estudio son los primeros registrados para esta especie y han generado informaci贸n sobre aspectos de su biolog铆a reproductiva y el desarrollo de la vida temprana

    Embryonic and larval development of Eugerres mexicanus (Perciformes: Gerreidae) in Tenosique, Tabasco, Mexico.

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    Most studies on Eugerres mexicanus mainly consider biogeographic and systematic aspects and rarely address reproductive characteristics, which are useful for fishery population management plans. This study aimed at evaluating the ontogeny of E. mexicanus, based on 30 embryos and 30 larvae sampled by induced spawning of breeders, taken in February 2009 from the Usumacinta River in Tenosique, Tabasco, Mexico. All descriptions of the embryonic development were based on morphometric and meristic data and followed standard methods. Eggs, recovered at the gastrula stage, had an average diameter of 1.17mm (SD=0.08). The bud stage appeared during the first three hours of development, in which the posterior side was adhered to the vitellus; Kupffer's vesicle was visible. Yolk-sac larvae hatched 18 hours after fertilization, exhibiting a light brown color and an average total length of 2.94mm (SD=0.70); the preflexion stage was reached eight days after hatching, with a total average length of 4.67mm (SD=0.50) and a total notochord length of 4.45mm (SD=0.50). The flexion stage was reached on the 16th day, with an average total length of 6.66mm (SD=1.53), while postflexion was reached on the 24th day, with 10.33mm (SD=1.45). The pre-juvenile stage was reached on the 33rd day, with a total length of 14.30mm (SD=0.93), showing IX spines and 10 rays and III spines and eight rays in the dorsal and anal fins, respectively. The juvenile stage was reached by the 45th day, with an average length of 28.16mm (SD=1.93) and average weight of 4.75g (SD=1.49). Prejuveniles showed an initial pigmentation with dark colored dots in the superior and inferior jaw and dispersed on the head, while juveniles presented the same pigmentation pattern, decreasing towards the margin of the caudal peduncle. In conclusion, the embryonic developmental stages of E. mexicanus were typical for the Gerreidae group. However, their morphometric characters were slightly different since the diameter and size of the drop of oil were bigger than those reported for marine species. In addition, regarding pigmentation, the yolk-sac larvae of E. mexicanus were olive and yellow on the margin of the notochord, which differs from those reported for other species. This is the first recorded report on the reproductive biology and early life development of this species.La ontogenia se bas贸 en 30 embriones y 30 larvas, obtenidos mediante la inducci贸n del desove de reproductores provenientes de la ribera del r铆o Usumacinta en Tenosique, Tabasco, M茅xico, recolectados en febrero de 2009. La descripci贸n se fundament贸 en el registro morfom茅trico y mer铆stico. Los huevos fueron recuperados en estado de g谩strula y presentaron un di谩metro de promedio de 1.17mm (SD=0.08). Durante las primeras tres horas de desarrollo embrionario, se present贸 la etapa de capullo, en la que se observ贸 la regi贸n caudal adherida al vitelo, apreci谩ndose la ves铆cula de Kupffer. Las larvas con saco eclosionaron a las 18 horas pos-fertilizaci贸n, fueron de color marr贸n claro con un promedio de 2.94mm; (SD=0.70) de longitud total y alcanzaron la preflexi贸n a los ocho d铆as post-eclosi贸n con una longitud total promedio de 4.67mm; (SD=0.50) y una longitud total del notocordio de 4.45; (SD=0.50). A los 16 d铆as de la eclosi贸n alcanzaron la flexi贸n, con un promedio de 6.66mm; (SD=1.53) de longitud total. La postflexi贸n se present贸 a los 24 d铆as con 10.33mm; (SD=1.45). Al llegar a los 33 d铆as, se present贸 la fase prejuvenil y llegaron a medir 14.30; (SD=0.93) de longitud total, presentando IX espinas y 10 radios en la aleta dorsal y III y ocho en la aleta anal. Los juveniles midieron 28.16; (SD=1.93) de longitud a los 45 d铆as, con un peso promedio de 4.75g; (SD=1.49). Los prejuveniles presentaron una pigmentaci贸n inicial en la mand铆bula superior e inferior con tintes oscuros en forma de puntos y de manera dispersa sobre la cabeza. En los juveniles se observ贸 el mismo patr贸n de pigmentaci贸n, disminuyendo hacia el margen del ped煤nculo caudal. Las caracter铆sticas descriptivas de la etapa de desarrollo embrionario de E. mexicanus son t铆picas del per铆odo de desarrollo de los peces de la familia Gerreidae, en particular en el caso de las especies E. brasilianus y E. lineatus que habitan en ambientes marinos. Sin embargo, sus caracteres morfom茅tricos son diferentes con respecto al di谩metro y el tama帽o de los huevos y de la gota de aceite, ya que en E. mexicanus son m谩s grandes que los de las especies marinas y son similares a los de los peces de agua dulce. Con respecto a la pigmentaci贸n, la larva con saco de E. mexicanus presenta un olor olivo y amarillo sobre el margen del notocordio, lo cual difiere a lo reportado para E. lineatus, ya que en esta muestra un grupo de melan贸foros entre los miomeros nueve al 13 como principal caracter铆stica, y para Diapturus peruvianus por presentar tres manchas en el margen dorsal de los intestinos desde la inserci贸n de la aleta pectoral hasta el ano. Los resultados de este estudio son los primeros registrados para esta especie y han generado informaci贸n sobre aspectos de su biolog铆a reproductiva y el desarrollo de la vida temprana