60 research outputs found

    Mad Women. La representación de las publicitarias en el cine y la televisión.

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    La conjunción entre cine y publicidad responde a una relación simbiótica en el que ambos textos interaccionan continuamente. Dentro de esta red de textos cobran especial importancia aquellos relatos fílmicos que versan sobre la industria publicitaria, ya que muestran al espectador un universo que, aparte de hallarse, normalmente, detrás de las cámaras, es elque confecciona los mensajes publicitarios con los que todos conviven cada día. Así, la presente comunicación se encarga de estudiar la figura de la mujer publicitaria en la televisión y en el cine, y su supuesta correspondencia con la realidad, pues esta última puede estar influenciada por su equivalente ficcional

    De la escuela de Constanza a la teoría de la recepción cinematográfica. Un viaje de ida y vuelta

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    El receptor y su contexto cumplen un papel primordial a la hora de interpretar el significado de las películas, algo que se ha visto eclipsado por la importancia que la historia del cine ha otorgado a los distintos directores o al valor inmanente de sus filmes. Este artículo realiza un recorrido que partirá de la Teoría de la Recepción literaria y terminará en los actuales estudios de la recepción aplicados al cine, repasando, asimismo, el lugar que las distintas disciplinas han concedido al espectador a lo largo de la historia.The recipient and his context play an essential role in the interpretation of the movies meaning, something that has been outshone by the importance given to the different directors and the immanent value of their films since the beginning of cinema. This article makes a journey from the Literary Reception Theory to the last reception studies applied to cinema, reviewing, as well, the place the dioughout history

    Ambiguities of citizen empowerment in the techno-political context

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    En un contexto en el que el activismo sociopolítico dispone de numerosas herramientas y canales para su desarrollo, diversos trabajos ponen en cuestión la eficacia de las acciones online. Al respecto, en el presente artículo se plantea un debate teórico en torno a dos cuestiones: las ventajas e inconvenientes del denominado activismo de salón, y las controversias respecto al empoderamiento ciudadano en relación a los conceptos de visibilidad, videoactivismo y contravigilancia.In a context where socio-political activism is developed through many tools and channels, several studies question the effectiveness of online actions. In this regard, this article proposes a theoretical approach concerning two different issues: the advantages and inconveniences of the so-called slacktivism, and the controversies of the citizen empowerment related to the concepts of visibility, video activism and sousveillance

    Beyond the technological dystopia : surveillance and activism in ‘Black mirror’ and ‘Mr. robot’

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    Los peligros del desarrollo tecnológico han sido objeto de numerosos relatos a lo largo de la historia, planteando escenarios distópicos en los que el ser humano ha sido vencido por su propia creación, ya sea porque las máquinas se han rebelado o, simplemente, porque el ciudadano ha quedado totalmente alienado e hipnotizado por sus posibilidades. En esta línea, este artículo analiza la representación de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) en las series de televisión contemporáneas, centrándose para ello en dos de los títulos que más han impactado tanto en la crítica como en el público en los últimos años: Black Mirror (Charlie Brooker, Channel 4, 2011-) y Mr. Robot (Sam Esmail, USA Network, 2015-); dos narraciones que ofrecen, a priori, dos visiones diferentes de un supuesto futuro próximo. No obstante, frente al planteamiento inicial, el análisis permite descubrir que la previsión no es demasiado esperanzadora y que, en cualquier caso, el beneficio o el perjuicio no reside en la propia tecnología, sino en la utilización que se haga de ella.The dangers of technological development have been the subject of many stories over the years, depicting dystopian societies in which the human being has been defeated by his own creation, either because the machines have rebelled against him/her or simply because citizens have been completely alienated and mesmerised by its possibilities. In this direction, this article analyses the representation of information and communications technology (ICT) in contemporary tv shows, by focusing on two of the most shocking titles that have impacted in both critics and the audience in recent years: Black Mirror (Channel 4, Charlie Brooker, 2011-) and Mr. Robot (USA Network, Sam Esmail, 2015-). These shows offer, a priori, two different visions of an alleged near future. However, far from the initial approach, a deeper analysis allows to discover that the forecast is not too promising and that, in any case, the benefit or the harm does not just lie in the technology itself, but in the use made of it

    Los efectos de la analfabetización audiovisual a través de la no-ficción televisiva : el caso de Españoles por el mundo

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    El desarrollo de la alfabetización audiovisual en las aulas surge como una herramienta que puede ser adquirida por los miembros de la sociedad para que puedan “defenderse” de la nociva influencia mediática. Una necesidad que cobra enorme importancia en el contexto televisivo actual, dominado por los docudramas, que se presentan bajo una apariencia de realidad, como el caso de Españoles por el mundo. La presente investigación, por tanto, responde a una serie de cuestiones que giran en torno a este tipo de programas, que lejos de educar a la audiencia, pueden fomentar el efecto contrario: la analfabetización audiovisual, como consecuencia de una asociación irracional de destino y estereotipo.The development of media literacy in the classrooms is emerging as a tool that can be gained by members of society so they can “protect itself” from harmful influence of media. A need which has enormous significance in the context of current television, dominated by reality shows, presented under appearance of reality, as case of Españoles por el mundo. The present research, therefore, responds to a series of issues that revolve around these programs, which far from educating the audience, can promote the opposite effect: the visual illiteracy as a result of comparison between destination and irrational stereotype

    Post-truth and intimidation on Twitter during Catalan referendum 1-O

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    The idea of "post-truth" has become common in media discourse, although sometimes used as a synonym for lying and in others as a tendency to use more emotional argumentation than rational in the construction of the messages. This propensity is linked, at the same time, to a growing use of hate and intimidation on the Internet and social networks sites as an intentional or unintentional mechanism to end any type of debate. At the same time, there is a growing tendency of using intimidation in the Internet and social networks sites as an intentional or unintentional mechanism to end any type of debate. Moreover, this is a form of communication that bets on emotionality and renounces rationality or argumentation. In this line, this article analyzes the concepts of post-truth and intimidatory discourse in the context of the "Catalan process" and, specifically, in the context of voting of October 1st, 2017. For this, a quantitative methodology has been used, applying an analysis of content to a total of 573 tweets issued between September 30th and October 2nd, 2017. Of these, 150 were published by 13 leaders and political parties spokespersons of parties that had representation in the Congress of Deputies and in the Parlament of Catalonia, and the rest were responses to these messages from other users. The results corroborate, in line with the idea of post-truth, the tendency of politicians to follow rhetorical strategies based on the emotion and feelings. Regarding the responses of users, the tendency to the attack more than to the debate is confirmed. However, a generalization in the use of offense and aggression can not be confirmed

    Tiempo de valientes. Elementos narrativos, ideología y heroicismo en crisis en la ficción sonora de El Ministerio del Tiempo

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    El Ministerio del Tiempo (TVE, 2015-) se ha convertido en una de las referencias nacionales en el uso de estrategias transmedia. En este sentido, destaca la obra autónoma Tiempo de valientes: el diario sonoro de Julián Martínez en Cuba (1898), un podcast en el que el personaje interpretado por Rodolfo Sancho abandona el programa televisivo y se convierte en protagonista de su particular spin-off, el cual mantendrá, no obstante, continuos lazos con la trama central. Frente a las posibilidades transmedia de la serie ideada por los hermanos Olivares, la presente investigación se centra en el análisis narrativo estructural de los elementos espaciales y temporales de la ficción sonora, atendiendo, asimismo, a la evolución de Julián Martínez dentro del relato; un héroe en crisis que tras cruzar el umbral de la puerta 40 dirección al conflicto hispano-estadounidense de Cuba en 1898, deberá enfrentarse a diferentes pruebas antes de poder retornar a casa, en el caso de que esto fuese posible.El Ministerio del Tiempo (TVE, 2015- ) has become one of the national references in the use of the transmedia strategies. In this regard, the autonomous work Tiempo de valientes: el diario sonoro de Julián Martínez en Cuba (1898) can be outlined. This is a podcast in which the character played by Rodolfo Sancho leaves the tv show and becomes the hero of his particular spin-off, but keeping constant ties with the main plot. On this subject, the radio story describes the particular journey of a hero in crisis who, after crossing the threshold of the door number 40 bound for the Spanish-American conflict of Cuba in 1898, he must deal with various trials before he can return home. In short, facing with the transmedia possibilities of the show conceived by the Olivares brothers, this research focuses in the narrative structural analysis of the spatial and temporal elements of the sound fiction, paying attention as well to the evolution of Julian Martínez in the story based on the seventeen stages proposed in the monomyth by Joseph Campbell

    Political fandom on Twitter: La Cueva and the Alberto Garzón supporters in the Spanish general elections of 2015 and 2016

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    La estrategia de comunicación desarrollada en Twitter por el equipo de comunicación de Izquierda Unida, La Cueva, durante las elecciones generales de 2015 y 2016, consiguió notoriedad por el lenguaje utilizado y la alta participación de los seguidores y simpatizantes. El artículo analiza los tweets generados desde la cuenta del partido y la del candidato Alberto Garzón durante ambas campañas electorales, combinando el análisis de frecuencias, como técnica cuantitativa, y la etnografía digital, como técnica cualitativa. La confluencia de factores como la visualización de la vida privada del candidato o la admiración profesada por los garzoners (partidarios de Garzón), ambas promovidas por La Cueva, permiten considerar la figura de Alberto Garzón como un caso de politician celebrity.The communication strategy developed on Twitter by the communication team La Cueva, of the political party Izquierda Unida, during the general elections of 2015 and 2016, achieved notoriety because of the language used and the followers and sympathizer’s participation. This article analyzes the tweets generated by the accounts of the party and the candidate Alberto Garzón during the two electoral campaigns, by combining frequency analysis, as a quantitative technique, and digital ethnography, as a qualitative technique. A confluence of factors, such as the visualization of the candidate’s private life and the admiration professed by the “garzoners” (Garzón’s supporters), both promoted by La Cueva, allows us to consider Alberto Garzón as an example of politician celebrity

    Identity, politics and authentic leadership. Spanish youngsters’ perceptions of J. L. Rodríguez Zapatero and M. Rajoy

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    This article presents a framework for the analysis of audience’s perceptions about political leaders. Specifically, we focus on the perceptions of two Spanish leaders: José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, the former Prime Minister, and Mariano Rajoy, the current Prime Minister. We wanted to test how young people perceive and evaluate the identity of these two political leaders. We also tried to determine the role played by media in the formation of these complex images. After the analysis of data collected from a sample of 108 participants, significant differential effects concerning the way people perceive both leaders have not been found. Results indicate that in crisis periods leaders lack authenticity, thus voters have a negative perception of them. It has also found some positive correlation between the authentic leadership’s variables and the Big Five personality factors. Throughout this paper, theoretical and methodological problems of such an approach are discussed