12,952 research outputs found

    Business cycles in Mexico and the United States: Do they share common movements?

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    In this document I apply a recently developed econometric technique to prove the existence of common movements between time series. Said methodology is used to test and measure the existence of common cycles between the economies of Mexico and the United States for the 1993-2001 period. It is found that both economies share a common trend and a common cycle. Also, given the existence of one common cycle between these economies, it is found that transitory shocks affecting Mexico’s GDP are more important than when a conventional trend-cycle decomposition methodology is applied. Finally, it is shown that there are efficiency gains in forecasting by considering the common cycle restriction in a bivariate vector error correction model that includes the Mexican and the U.S. GDPs.time series models, U.S. GDP, Mexican GDP

    Risk, Concentration and Market Power in the Banking Industry: Evidence from the Colombian System (1997-2006)

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    This paper examines the relationship between risk, concentration and the exercise of market power by banking institutions. We use monthly balance-sheet and interest rate data for the Colombian banking system from 1997 to 2006. The evidence shows that, in the face of high risk, banks transfer a larger share of risk to customers through higher intermediation margins. The result suggests that systemic risk acts as a collusion" device for banks: while high concentration is not enough to have collusion, the true effects of high market concentration on interest rates´ mark-ups emerge when the system is under stress."Banking, market power, risk, concentration, intermediation margins

    Algunas desigualdades integrales que involucran la función $ k- Beta usando funciones (m, h_{1}, h_{2})-Convexas

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    The present work deals with the study of the integral of the type for p,q,k > 0 , considering some inequalities for (m,h1,h2) (m,h_{1},h_{2})- convex functions. From these results some others integral  inequalities for other class of generalized convex functions are obtained.El presente trabajo trata acerca del estudio de la integral del tipo        para p,q,k > 0 , considerando algunas desigualdades para funciones (m,h1,h2)(m,h_{1},h_{2})- convexas. De estos  resultados se derivan algunas otras desigualdades integrales para otras clases de funciones convexas generalizadas

    La no escolarización de los saberes matemáticos; una experiencia con niños del medio rural

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    La investigación se desarrolló en el municipio de Tulancingo, estado de Hidalgo, México. La finalidad fue describir el proceso de construcción de los saberes matemáticos de los niños y niñas que no asisten a la escuela. El abordaje metodológico se hace desde el paradigma cualitativo bajo el enfoque etnográfico trabajado por Bertely. Se utilizó la observación y la entrevista como métodos para obtener la información. Se definió un campo de conocimiento teórico explicativo fundado en la perspectiva de la Etnomatemáticas propuesta por el profesor UbiratanD ́Ambrosio, la Histórico Cultural de Vigostky y el concepto de Habitus de Pierre Bourdieu. Los resultados indican que los aprendizajes son producto de la práctica cotidiana y de los actores que en ella intervienen

    Trends and cycles: How important are long- and short-run restictions? The case of Mexico

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    The document presents a test for the existence of binding long- and short-run (common trend-common cycle) restrictions in the dynamics of a set of Mexican macroeconomic variables. These restrictions are imposed in a VAR to decompose the series into their permanent and transitory components. The analysis shows that the magnitude of transitory (nominal) shocks is underestimated when such restrictions are not considered. In addition, we find that the timing and duration of recession and expansion periods are more accurately estimated when the trend-cycle decomposition is conducted with the imposition of cointegrating (long-run) and common feature (short-run) restrictions.