110 research outputs found

    Keragaan Pengetahuan Gizi Dan Pengetahuan Praktek Pemberian Makanan Bayi Dan Anak Dari Ibu Dengan Balita Gizi Buruk Di Daerah Bogor Dan Sekitarnya

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    Dalam upaya menurunkan prevalensi gizi kurang dan gizi buruk telah banyak dilakukan berbagai USAha misalnya melalui kegiatan Usaha Perbaikan Gizi Keluarga (UPGK). Namun demikian sampai saat ini masih banyak ditemukan anak Balita yang menderita gizi kurang dan gizi buruk serta masih tetap merupakan masalah utama dalam bidang gizi dan kesehatan. Temuan dari telaahan terdahulu menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan gizi ibu merupakan salah satu faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi konsumsi pangan dan status gizi anak Balita. Tujuan penelitian ini: menggali keragaman di lapangan berkenaan dengan pengetahuan gizi dan pengetahuan praktik pemberian makanan bayi dan anak dari ibu Balita gizi buruk guna meningkatkan program KIE gizi dalam penyusunan model penyuluhan terarah untuk mencegah terjadinya gizi kurang dan gizi buruk pada usia dini. Penelitian dilakukan di daerah Bogor dan sekitarnya. Responden penelitian adalah ibu-ibu dari anak Balita penderita gizi buruk (n=32) yang berobat di Klinik Gizi Puslitbang Gizi, Bogor. Sebagai kontrol diambil 30 responden yang mempunyai anak Balita gizi baik dan menjadi tetangga dari anak Balita gizi buruk dengan dasar pelayanan kesehatan yang sama yaitu Puskesmas dan Posyandu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan gizi ibu dengan Balita gizi buruk berbeda dan lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan ibu Balita gizi baik, sementara pengetahuan praktik cara pemberian makanan bayi dan anak dari ibu Balita gizi buruk juga berbeda dan lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan ibu Balita gizi baik. Pengetahuan gizi yang kurang dan pengetahuan praktik pemberian makanan bayi dan anak dari ibu-ibu Balita yang cenderung kurang tepat cukup berperan dan menentukan keadaan gizi yang kurang dan kemungkinan akan bertambah buruk jika hal-hal tersebut tidak segera mendapat pelayanan kesehatan yang tepat guna baik di Puskesmas maupun di Posyandu

    Pengembangan Media Poster sebagai Alat Bantu Edukasi Gizi pada Remaja Terkait Keluarga Sadar Gizi (Kadarzi) (Poster Media Development AS Nutrition Education Tool For Adolescents Related On Family Nutritional Awareness)

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    Study on family nutritional awareness (Kadarzi) of phase I showed that the knowledge, attitudes and behavior of nutrition in the community were still low. Study on Kadarzi of phase II focused on the development of nutrition education materials. This study was to develop media and nutrition education strategies in order to achieve Kadarzi. The study design was cross-sectional, with qualitative methods. The study was conducted in three provinces: West Java, West Sumatra and East Kalimantan. Samples consisted of two groups, namely sample for media feasibility test (n=98) and sample for implementation of educational test (n=296). Educational channel used was formal education. Type of educational media developed was posters. This study had developed 5 posters with the materials: 1) fruits and vegetables, 2) breakfast, 3) ) weighing to adolescents 13-15 years old (SMP), 4) weighing to adolescents 16-18 years old (SMA) and 5) adolescent anemia. The result showed there was an increase on nutrition knowledge as much as 78,25 percents, after being given nutrition education and a desire to assess an adolescents own nutritional status by weighing and measuring her height. Media nutrition education which was developed was quite simple and easy to understand. The channel education selected was quite effective to improve nutrition knowledge

    Gambaran Keragaman Makanan dan Sumbangannya terhadap Konsumsi Energi Protein pada Anak Balita Pendek (Stunting) di Indonesia

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    Conditions that potentially interfere with the fulfillment of nutrients, especially energy and protein in children aged 0-3 years will cause a problem of growth disorders in children under five (24-59 months). The aim is to assess proportion of food diversity and contribution to energy and protein consumption among children under five (24-59 months) stunted and not stunted. Data used in this analysis are secondary data base of health research (Riskesdas) in 2010. A total of 6796 children aged 24-59 months include the variable child's age, height, nutrient consumption and family characteristics (family head education, occupation and family income) were anlyzed for the purpose. Nutrient intake data were analyzed with the program nutrisoft while nutritional status processed by the program antro WHO, 2007. Data analysis using chi square test and anova. Food consumption was normal toddlers (24-59 months) is more diverse than the short toddlers. Food consumption was normal toddlers (24-59 months) is more diverse than the short toddlers. The diversity of these foods is approached with the hope offood pattern score (PPH), which is normal toddlers PPH score at 96.6, while among short toddlers at 88,4. Significantly more short toddler who suffered a deficit of energy and protein compared with normal toddlers (P = 0.000)

    Profil Tinggi Badan Anak Usia Baru Masuk Sekolah (Tbabs) Di Beberapa Kabupaten/kota Di Indonesia: Analisis Data Riskesdas 2007

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    Background: One of nutrition indicator is determined by good quality of human resource reflected by anthropometry such as body height. Objectives: The aim of th1s analysis is to measure the height of pre-elementary school children in rural and urban Indonesia. Methods: Data source of this analysis is Riskesdas Data (2007). Analytic unit of this study was house hold who had new prelimenary school children. (6-7 years old). Variable which was anthropometry data, height for age and sex, was analysed using software anthropometry plus WHO 2007 as standard reference. Other variables were social economic, head of family's job, living place (rural or urban) and income expenditure per-capita (kuintil). Results: This result shows that prevalence of pre-elementary school children having stunted is 28.4%. Whereas having normal height standard (WHO 2007) is 90.4%. There is no significant difference between boys and girls' height. However, children's height in rural and urban are different signicantly. More short pre-elementary students are found in rural than urban area. No significant relationship is found beetwen house hold social economic status and children's height. Conclusions: Prevalence of pre-elementary school children having stunted is 28.4%. More short pre-elementary students are found in rural than urban area

    Hubungan Praktik Pemberian Asi Eksklusif dengan Karakteristik Sosial, Demografi dan Faktor Informasi Tentang Asi dan Mp-asi (Studi di Kota Padang dan Kabupaten Solok Provinsi Sumatera Barat)

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    Background: Although the important of breast milk has been well known world wide, the number of exclusive breastfeeding is still low in most countries, including Indonesia. This research objective is to identify social demography characteristic and the influence of breast milk and weaning food information to 6 months exclusive breastfeeding in West Sumatera. Methods: Cross-sectional study design has been used. Population of this study was house holds and samples that had been chosen by simple randomized were mothers who had a baby aged 6–12 months (n = 637). Variables that had been analyzed were sample identity, information factor of breast milk and weaning food promotion and other supportive factors. To compare categorical variable which was respondent characteristic of exclusive breast milk and non-exclusive breast milk group, chi-square test had been used. Results: It is found a significant relationship between having information about breast milk and weaning food status and breastfeeding practice. Also it shows a significant relationship between colostrum feeding status and the continuing breastfeeding practice. However, there is no significant relationship between social-demography characteristic and the place of getting breast milk/weaning food information, the information for breast milk/weaning food, interpersonal contact about breast milk/weaning food and type of media information about breast milk/weaning food and breast feeding practice. Conclusion: having information of breast milk/weaning food, also colostrum feeding status are factors that influence breastfeeding status in West Sumatera. However, the place and medical birth delivery helper have less association to exclusive breast feeding practice

    Analisis Pendapatan dan Pemasaran USAha Pembuatan Garam di Kelurahan Talise Kecamatan Mantikulore Kota Palu

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    This research aims to understand how much income received by farmers salt, to know marketing channel, the margin, and the efficiency of marketing. Study was conducted in October until December 2014, located in Kelurahan Talise Mantikulore sub-district Palu. The determination of respondents were with a method of random simple (Simple Random Sampling) with the total sample 34 farmers from 160 to commodity farmers salt. Traders done by means of the sample collection method tracing sampling so acquired as many as 6 middle-man. Analysis method used is an analysis of income and marketing analysis. The results of research suggests that the average income salt in Kelurahan Talise Mantikulore a Palu in one city in the production of Rp 17.294.563 times. The analysis showed that the marketing of marketing channels salt in kelurahan talise only one channel marketing, namely the farmers and traders to the consumer end. The analysis of marketing margins salt on a tract omnipresence namely mt Rp 25,000, and efficiency of marketing show that marketing talise urban village in the level of farmers to middle-men worth 100 % and in the middle-men to the consumer of 58,33% and 61,53 %

    Kekhasan Pengajaran Bahasa Mandarin di Indonesia

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    1998 was the year of Mandarin teaching resurrection in Indonesia after 30 years prohibited. Since then, many schools begin to teach Mandarin as an extracurricular subject. In the last two years it becomes an intracurricular subject. Since there was no Chinese school for almost 30 years, consequently there was no publication on Mandarin student's book, no Mandarin teachers. Nowadays, suddenly Mandarin teachers, student's book was highly needed. Many schools use Singapore/Taiwan's book. This rises problems, because Singapore/Taiwan's students language circumstance is different from Indonesian students. The result is far from what we expected. This article proposed some aids based on the need of Indonesian's student. Department of Education should set up a team consisting of Indonesian experts in Mandarin language teaching and Chinese linguistic to compile syllabus, student's book. It should base on Indonesian Language Politics and the need of Indonesian's student which differ from Chinese schools 30 years ago
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