91 research outputs found

    Pemberdayaan Industri Kecil Dan Menengah Untuk Usaha Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Daerah

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    Target of which will reach inthis research is analyze there itsinfluence of size measure variable ofeffort, capital aid and way of processthe effort to growth of effort of bananain Countryside of Kediri City.Population in this research is all middleand small industrial organizer andentrepreneu

    Pengaruh Kondisi Sosial Ekonomi Masyarakat terhadap Pola Pemakaian Air Domestik

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    Kalasan subdistrict is located in Yogyakarta Special Region, in which its development expands to the north as well as to the east. Kalasan subdistrict is one of the eastern areas ofYogyakartawhich is in the developing process of population, sosial, economics, and culture. These developments affect the domestic water utilization that is analyzed based on the type of job, education level, income level, and the type of water source.The objectives of this research are (1) to recognize the needs of domestic water in Kalasan subdistric in different sosial economic level; (2) to recognize the need of water on the peak hour and the daily maximum utilization; (3) to examine the effect of the water source type on the domestic water utilization for daily use.Methods used in this research include interview to gather data based on stratified proportional random sampling. The data analysis covered the descriptive analysis with cross tabulation and statistic analysis with Multiple Regression, and alsoChi Square. The data gathered are the water use by the member of family, the type of job, education level, income level, and the type of the water source.This research get the result that is: (1). Water utilization per capita in Kalasan Subdistrict have come up to like water utilization in small town specified by Dirjen Cipta Karya Departemen Pekerjaan Umum of equal to 130 litre/capita/day;  (2). Education level in Kalasan Subdistrict have an effect on to domestic water utilization, this matter indicate that the excelsior mount the education, ever greater hence water utilizated, so that mount the high education tend to utilize the water more extravagant; (3). Income level do not have an effect on to domestic water utilization; (4). Domestic water utilization in Kalasan Subdistrict is not defined by certain type of job; (5). Water utilization  on peak hour in the morning is 266,73 litre/day, while water utilization on daily maximum is 774,09 litre/day which be at the Sunday, peak hour factor in Kalasan Subdistrict is 1,30 and daily maximum factor is 1,26; (6). Domestic water utilization determined by certain water source type. Keywords : water utilization, peak hour, and maximum daily water utilizatio

    Isolasi Enzim Amiloglukosidase Terimmobilisasi dari Aspergillus Niger Ampas Tepung Sagu

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    Enzim amiloglukosidase dari Aspergillus Niger telah diisolasi menggunakan media ampas tepung sagu melalui fermentasi sistem bacth (kultur curah) selama 4 hari pada suhu 32 °C. Supernatan amiloglukosidase kasar diperoleh melalui pemurnian hasil fermentasi dengan (NH4)2SO4 80 % (b/v) dan dilanjutkan dengan kolom kromatografi gel Sepadex G-200. Amiloglukosidase hasil pemurnian dikarakterisasi pada interval suhu 30-70 °C , pH interval 2,5-8,0, dan konsentrasi substrat pati pada interval 0,5-3,0%. Hasil karakterisasi isolat kapang A.Niger ampas tepung sagu memberikan zona Bening pada media agar pati dengan penambahan reagen iod. Aktivitas spesifik enzim adalah 0,071 U/mg protein. Pemurnian dengan (NH4)2SO4 menunjukkan aktivitas spesifik 0,210 U/mg protein dengan tingkat kemurnian 3 kali dari enzim kasar. Pemurnian dengan kolom kromatografi meningkatkan kemurnian 27,1 kali dari enzim kasar dan aktivitas spesifiknya adalah 1,921 U/mg protein. Suhu, pH, konsentrasi substrat optimum dari amiloglukosidase diperoleh pada masing-masing 45 °C, 6,4 dan 2,0%

    Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Operasi Hitung Perkalian Bersusun ke Bawah dengan Media Papan Napier pada Pembelajaran Matematika Bagi Siswa Kelas III SD Dapuan Surabaya

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan penerapan pelaksanaan pembelajaran matematika tentang operasi hitung perkalian bersusun ke bawah dengan menggunakan media papan napier, mendeskripsikan respon siswa kelas III SD Dapuan Surabaya terhadap pembelajaran matematika materi operasi hitung perkalian dengan media papan napier, serta meningkatkan hasil belajar matematika siswa tentang operasi hitung perkalian bersusun ke bawah dengan menggunaan media papan Napier bagi siswa kelas III SD Dapuan Surabaya. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas kolaboratif. Rancangan disusun dalam satuan siklus. Dalam setiap siklus terdiri dari empat tahapan, yaitu: perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengamatan, dan refleksi. Data penelitian diperoleh dengan observasi dan tes untuk mendapatkan data tentang hasil belajar siswa. Dari hasil penelitian dan analisis data yang telah dilakukan diperoleh simpulan bahwa “Media pembelajaran papan napier memiliki dampak positif dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa materi operasi hitung perkalian bagi kelas III SDS Dapuan Surabaya. Hal tersebut diketahui dengan adanya peningkatan yang sangat baik dengan diperoleh presentase nilai aktivitas guru dalam proses pembelajaran pada siklus I 67,64% dan pada siklus II 89,21%, presentase nilai aktivitas siswa pada proses pembelajaran pada siklus I 70,00% dan pada siklus II 89,94%, serta ketuntasan belajar siswa secara klasikal, yaitu siklus I (65,00%) dengan rata-rata 64,75 dan siklus II (85,00%) dengan rata-rata 81,35

    Kajian Etnofarmasi Etnik Bungku di Kecamatan Bungku Tengah Kabupaten Morowali Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah

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    This study aims to find out and to inventory the types and parts of plants as well as to dig up information about ways of their utilization as remedy used by Bungku people “To Bungku”. It was conducted from August to December 2015 in Bungku Subdistrict, Central Bungku, Morowali Regency, Central Sulawesi. This research is a descriptive study using qualitative methods and snowball sampling technique on 12 informants through data collection by questionnaire. Results of this etnopharmacy study revealed that there were 62 species of medicinal plants divided into 34 familia. The most widely used plants came from familia Euphorbiaceae, Fabaceae and Zingiberaceae, each was as many as 8%. Parts of plant including roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds and bulbs were used in accordance with their function. Leaves were the ones used with the highest percentage (50%). Bungku people used medicinal plants to treat diseases such as kidney stone, diabetes, hemorrhoids, diarrhea, abscess, candidiasis, gout, cancer, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, dyspepsia, cough, abdominal pain, malaria, hematuria, skin inflammation, headache, fever, bronchitis, dysentery, asthma, stroke, gallstones, urinary tract infections, broken bones, nail-punctured, wound ulcers, burns, hepatitis, appendicitis. Ways of the utilization were very diverse such as boiling then drinking the decoction; crushing then rubbing on the necessary skin; attaching to the body; squeezing then drinking the juice; and heating on the fire. Processing by boiling has the largest percentage, as much as 54

    Studi Kasus pada Pasien Tn. “B”dengan Diabetes Millitus Diruang Igd Rumah Sakit Labuang Baji Makassar

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    Untuk dapat mewujudkan visi Indonesia Sehat 2010, ditetapkan empat misi pembangunan kesehatan meliputi menggerakkan pembangunan nasional berwawasan kesehatan, mendorong kemandirian masyarakat untuk hidup sehat, memelihara dan meningkatkan pelayanan kesehatan yang bermutu, merata dan terjangkau serta memelihara dan meningkatkan kesehatan individu, keluarga dan masyarakat beserta lingkungannya (Depkes RI, 2008.Penyelenggaraan upaya kesehatan dilaksanakan secaramenyeluruh, terpadu dan berkesinambungan, melalui upaya peningkatan kesehatan, pencegahan penyakit, penyembuhan penyakit dan pemulihan kesehatan serta upaya khusus melalui pelayanan kemanusiaan dan darurat atau krisis. Selanjutnya, pemerataan dan peningkatan mutu pelayanan kesehatan perlu terus menerus diupayakan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memperoleh informasi atau gambaran yang nyata tentang pelaksanaan studi kasus pasien dengan Diabetes Mellitus. Metode yang diterapkan dalam studi kasus dengan pendekatan asuhan keperawatan yang akan dilaksanakan. Studi Kasus desain deskriptif dimana akan menjelaskan tentang kasus yang dialami oleh pasien dengan Diabetes Militus.Subyek Studi Kasus.Subyek dari studi kasus ini adalah pasien Tn.”B” dengan Diabtes Militus yang dirawat di instalasi uni gawatdarurat rumah sakit Labuang Baji Makassar dengan pendekatan asuhan keperawatan yang terdiri dari;pengkajian,penentuan diagnose keperawatan, intervensi,implementasi dan evaluasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Pada pengkajian data yang di temukan pada teori tapi tidak ditemukan dikasus yaitu: poliuria (banyak kencing), Diagnosa yang ditemukan dalam kasus tapi tidak ditemukan diteori adalah kelemahan berhubungan dengan energi metabolik. Sedangkan diagnosa keperawatan yang ditemukan diteori tapi tidak ditemukan dikasus yaitu: kelelahan, ketidakberdayaan, Dalam rencana asuhan keperawatan yang dikemukakan dalam kasus sesuai dengan kebutuhan klien, sedangkan perencanaan asuhan keperawatan dalam teori tetap memperhatikan kondisi dan respon klien, Implementasi asuhan keperawatan mengacu pada masalah keperawatan yang muncul dengan berpedoman pada teori dan tetap memperhatikan keadaan klien, respon klien serta fasilitas yang ada dan kebijakan dari rumah sakit, Pada evaluasi keperawatan, diagnosa keperawatan yang muncul ada tiga. Dari ketiga diagnosa keperawatan tersebut ada satu diagnosa keperawatan yang belum teratasi. Saran klien dan keluarga bagi pasien dengan diabetes mellitus disarankan agar selama dalam masa perawatan, selalu melakukan anjuran dari petugas kesehatan, begitupun setelah keluar dari rumah sakit. Untuk rumah sakit untuk meningkatkan mutu pelayanan keperawatan perlu ditunjang dengan pengadaan fasilitasfasilitas yang memadai seperti : alat-alat instrumen, tempat cuci tangan dan handuk sendiri, celemek dan sarung tangan yang dapat dipakai perawat sebagai pelindung bila merawat penderita diabetes millitus.Untuk penulis,Hendaknya selalu meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan untuk meningkatkan mutu pelayanan agar perawatan yang diberikan membawa hasil yang baik serta memberi kepuasan bagi klien, keluarga dan penulis sendiri

    Politik Media Dalam Transisi Politik: Dari Kontrol Negara Menuju Self-Regulation Mechanism

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    The political transformation in 1998 introduced a new era of Indonesian media which respects the public interest and implements a democratic model. The changing led to a new media-politics that have democratic character. This article will focus on the self regulation mechanism that becomes very popular in democratic mass media system. Those favouring self-regulation mechanism have usually justified it on the grounds that it is less damaging to freedom of expression than legal control. However this mechanism is not a panacea for all ills, because self-regulation can only work if certain pre-conditions are met. The analysis will be done by several conceptual frames, i.e: the concept of media in political transition, concept of media politics, self regulation mechanism, and statutory vs voluntary regulation

    Relasi Media-Negara-Masyarakat dan Pasar dalam Era Reformasi

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    The withdrawal of state domination does not necessarily lead to the institutionalization of market. Freedom of information also requires a new kind of societal conduct. Indonesia currcntly faces tension in settling a triangular relationship between state, market and the societ

    Complexity and Adaptive System of Television Broadcasting: the Reflection of Autopoetic Mechanism of Indonesian Television Broadcasting System

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    This article aims to describe a model of a robust adaptive system which suits the context of situation in Indonesian as an archipelago, as well as developing and democratic values-based country. It mainly focuses on how the autopoetic mechanism in Indonesian television broadcasting system is. Autopoetic mechanism is self-reference orientation. The process in which the system orient to reduce their problem by building the internal structure to cope with it. The research process was done in 2014 until 2016. Methods applied in this research is qualitative research. Several methods that were employed are observation, in-depth interview, and focus group discussion. It would be measured and analysed with three aspects: communication, temporal and differentiation aspect. The findings suggest that building a robust system means establishing a “strong and adaptive” broadcasting system in Indonesia that strengthens each sub-system in the Indonesian broadcasting system in order to capture what the public demands. In this level it takes a comprehensive view of the decision-makers to design a broadcasting system that continues to answer the demanding environment through its communication function, growing temporal through continuous evolution and develop functions through a process of differentiation. If these three functions can work continuously, Indonesian broadcasting system will be stronger and more adaptive with their complex external environment. The main argument of this paper is Indonesian Broadcasting System faces a very complex environment television, however their adaptive and autopoetic mechanism is still weak to cope with the challenges

    Tingkat Cemaran Mikrobia pada Tanaman Biofarmaka Curcuma Domestica Setelah Proses Pengeringan

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    Solar food processing is an emerging technology that provides good quality foods and economist. Traditional medicinal plants product such as turmeric (C. domestica) drying product from local industries on Gunungpati Semarang have not meet its standards quality yet, in terms of microbial contaminants. The purpose of this research is to test the drying product resulted from heating process of simplicia by sunlight and oven. Observations of focusing on microbial contaminant from treatment after 3 month incubation. The research method conducted by drying simplicia of C. domestica at variant a temperature of 300C, 400C, 500C and 600C for 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 24, and 48 hours. The results showed that drying at a temperature of 500C and 600C for 24 hours and 48 hours showed the lowest contamination and still in accordance with ISO standard for simplicia which is number of mold and yeast <1´104 cfu, while the total plate count were <1´107cfu