43 research outputs found

    Integrasi Remediasi Miskonsepsi dalam Pembelajaran dengan Pendekatan Konflik Kognitif pada Materi Tekanan

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    The aims of this research was determine the effect of integrated remediation misconception in learning with cognitive conflict approach to decreasing the number of student misconception on Pressure material in MTs Negeri Bakau. The research used pre-experimental design with one group pre-test post-test design. Diagnostic test which consist of 9 multiple choice question with open reasoning was used as research instrument to asses the number of students misconception. Thirty-five students from VIII B participant in the research as a sample by intact group technique. Based on the result, the decrease of misconception student for each concept is 71,68% and the decrease of misconception for each student equal to 71,22% . The effect size of DQM (The Decreasing of Quantity of the student that Misconceptions) equal to 71,28%. Integrated remediation misconception activities in learning with cognitive conflict approach are expected to be used as an alternative remediation activity in order to overcome misconceptions experienced by students

    Text Analysis and Text Created in Grammar Learning

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    The complain of the lecturers on English students' grammar reflected in their understanding of reading text and their writing product stimulated grammar lecturers to find out the ways to make students use the grammar learned. The paper aims at exploring the learning tasks of text analysis and text created assigned to students of undergraduate level. This activity is the stepping stone to get the rank scale of the clause structure in inductive way. The topics discussed can be in the level of phrase, clause, or clause complex. After comprehending the level of scale structure, the students are directed to identify the rules they have learned by analyzing the text. To use what they have learned, students are assigned to create the text related to the topics. There are various activities that can be done, such as individual, pair-up, or group activities. Practices may be in spoken and written activities. As it was implemented in my grammar class, the result indicates that students were motivated and reflective in using the language. In the low level of structure, such as phrases and simple clause, it worked quite well. It didn't take much time for the students to analyze the text for the rules and created the text assigned. In clause complex structure, however, it took a little longer for them to do the analysis. But the result is good. It is also a challenge for students to create independent activities outside the class, especially for the bright students

    Implementation Ff Midwive-Traditional Birth Attendants Partnership by Midwives in Buton District, Southeast Sulawesi, (a Case Study on Wakaokili Primary Healthcare Center)

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    The limited knowledge on the importance of health workers deliveries, together with someother factors such as economies, social and culture, made traditional birth attendants becamea choice of delivery services. This condition resulted in the increase of Maternal MortalityRate in Buton District. The coverage of health workers deliveries in Wakaokili was still low. Itwas marked by the low rate of traditional birth attendance-midwives' partnership anddeliveries referral to the midwives, as well as high rates of traditional birth attendancedeliveries. This study was a descriptive qualitative study. Data were collected by in depthinterviews on 4 village midwives and 9 traditional birth attendants as the main informants.Data were analyzed by content analysis method. Results showed that the goals and programsuccess indicators were not understood well. Dissemination was only an introduction and thereport was not discussed. There was no coaching or internship program. The attitude tendedto be ambivalent and the resources were not supportive. It is proven that economic, social andpolitical environment influence the program results

    Implementasi Kegiatan Outbound Dalam Upaya Pembentukan Perilaku Sosial Dan Emosional Anak Usia Dini

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    As social beings, egocentrism which is a character of preschoolers needs to be encouraged and guided in order not to hinder their future socialization in their community. In that perspective, this research aims to investigate how to use outbond activity as a means to build social-emotional behaviors of preschoolers. The results show that the social and emotional behaviors of the preschoolers at the kindergarten Sekolah Alam Bandung developed fairly well. Their emotion showed their ability to identify and understand the emotion they were experiencing but not able to control it. The plan and the application were already on the right track. However, there should be improvement. Problems encountered involved teacher\u27s restriction of knowledge, and the skill to serve as a preschool educator as well as the outbond facilitator. It was shown that the outbond activity affected less signifacntly their social and emotional behaviors. Accordingly, it is recommended the significance of enhancing teachers\u27 knowledge and skills in designing, applying and evaluating the outbond activity in order to better build preschoolers\u27 social and emotional behaviors

    Intensitas dan Luas Serangan Beberapa Isolat Fusarium Oxysporum F.sp. Zingiberi pada Jahe Gajah

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    Ginger is one of the spices and medicinal commodities which is cultivated in Indonesia. One of the obstacles encountered in the cultivation of ginger is the rhizome rot disease which is mainly caused by Fusarium oxysporum Schlecht f.sp. zingiberi Trujillo. This study is aimed to know the growth ability and virulence level of the isolates on ginger rhizome and plants. The research was conducted in the laboratory and in the screen house by using Complete Random Design consisted of 10 treatments and 4 replications. The parameters observed were growth ability of F. oxysporum f.sp. zingiberi, rhizome rot disease symptoms, incubation period, extensive decay and weight difference of the rhizomes. The results showed that F. oxysporum f.sp. zingiberi which was stored for 4 years in sterile soil medium was still capable to cause damage to the rhizome and plants. Incubation periods of rhizome decay and plant symptoms were from 3 to 11.5 and 55.5 to 68.5 days, respectively. The most virulent isolate was MSO1 with extensive decay of rhizome and the wilting intensity were 108.95 mm2 dan 33.88%, respectively. IntisariJahe merupakan salah satu komoditas rempah dan obat yang banyak dibudidayakan di Indonesia. Salah satu kendala yang dihadapi dalam budidaya jahe adalah adanya gangguan penyakit busuk rimpang yang disebabkan (terutama) oleh Fusarium oxysporum Schlecht f.sp. zingiberi Trujillo. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menguji daya tumbuh dan virulensi isolat F. oxysporum f.sp. zingiberi pada rimpang dan tanaman jahe gajah. Penelitian dilakukan di laboratorium dan di rumah kasa menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok Lengkap (RAKL) yang masing-masing terdiri dari 10 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan. Parameter yang diamati meliputi daya tumbuh F. oxysporum f.sp. zingiberi, gejala penyakit busuk rimpang, masa inkubasi, luas pembusukan dan selisih bobot basah rimpang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa F. oxysporum f.sp. zingiberi yang telah di simpan 4 tahun dalam medium tanah steril mampu menyebabkan kerusakan pada rimpang dan tanaman jahe. Masa inkubasi gejala busuk pada rimpang serta gejala pada tanaman masing- masing berkisar antara 3–11,5 serta 55,5–68,5 hari. Isolat yang paling virulen adalah MSO1 dengan nilai luas pembusukan pada rimpang dan intensitas penyakit masing-masing sebesar 108,95 mm2 dan 33,88%

    Self-efficacy dan Hasil Belajar Kimia antara Siswa yang Diberikan Immediate dan Delay Feedback di SMA

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    This research aims to investigate the comparison of self-efficacy and learning outcomes of chemistry basic law between students which were given immediate feedback and delay feedback on X MIPA students of SMAN 1 Pontianak. The sample of this research were 35 students from X MIPA 7 as experimental class and 34 students from X MIPA 4 as control class in this quasi-experimental research with nonequivalent control group design. The result showed that the average score of questionnaire in experimental class was 80,11 and the control class was 75,35, while the average score of posttest in experimental class was 56,54 and the control class was 46,21. Based on U-Mann Whitney test by using SPSS 21 for windows, the Asymp.Sig(2-tailed) value for the questionnaires and the posttest were 0,034 and 0,037. This results indicates that immediate feedback and delay feedback influence the self-efficacy and students outcomes in chemistry learning. Effect-size value for the self-efficacy and students outcomes were 0,56 with influence 21,23% and 0,59 with influence 22,24%.Both are categorized medium

    The Using of Spirulina Platensis as Supplement of Single-Celled Protein (SCP) to Mice

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    High protein in Spirulina platensis can be used as a source of  Single-Celled Protein. By using mice (Mus musculus) as a animal laboratory, the objective of this research is to know the influence of Biomass S. platensis to the increase of body weight of mice. The name of species is Mus musculus, strain is Swiss derivate.  Utilized mice were male, 30-50 weighing gram, and 5-7 weeks of age. Treatment group was given by palette and given by biomass of S. Platensis, while control also fed palette but did not give biomass of S. platensis. Yielded biomass was used as food mixed with palette with composition of dry biomass S. platensis with palette was 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, and 50%. Data analysis was conducted by using t-tes and analysis of variance. The results showed that by giving of dry biomass of S. platensis  affected to the increasement of body weight from the first day until twelfth day of observation, and decrease on the thirteenth and fourteenth day. Pursuant to result of statistic, there is a significant difference (p < 0,05) between before giving and after giving of dry biomass S. platensis during 17 day. By giving dry biomass of S. platensis to mice (Mus musculus) at first and second week, it was found the difference of average mice body weight among six concentrations of biomass but did not at the third week. It means that not all concentration of biomass have same effect to the increase of mice body weight as a Single-Celled Protein.&nbsp