288 research outputs found

    Perdagangan Intra – Industri Indonesia Di Pasar Dunia

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    Based on the empirical studies on intra-industry trade, Greenaway and Milner (1989) classified intra-industry trade in three categories: country-specific, industry-specific, and policy-based. This research will be focused for testing industry-specific hypothesis of intra-industry trade in Indonesia. By some reasons of intra-industry trade (IIT), product differentiation as the most important variable (Balassa, 1967; Grubel and Llyod, 1975).Descriptive analysis and econometric model were applied in this study to obtain a general conclusion about intra-industry trade in Indonesia and what the variables influence it. This analysis will be applied on the group of export product in manufacturing industries based on Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) and International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC) in year 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 1996 and 1997.So, by the analysis that was applied in this research could be obtained some conclusions. First, the intensity of intra-industry trade in Indonesia is still low. This study shows that only 12 industries of 23 industries based on ISIC have an IIT more than 40 percent in 1980 - 1997. Secondly, the growth of IIT index and value shows the increasing trend. This condition indicates that Indonesia has a positive chance to more expansive in the future. Third, there are only 30 commodities (18,99 per cent) of 158 commodities that have a high IIT index in period 1980 – 1997. Forth, econometric analysis to intra-industry trade in Indonesia by industry-specific approach obtain the conclusion that product differentiation, scale economies in industry and market structure competitiveness in industry influences the intra-industry trade

    Optimalisasi Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Bina Wicara untuk Mendukung Kemampuan Komunikasi Anak Tunarungu

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    Communication ability of deaf children has not reached maximum result yet generally as their parent'shope although getting the instructional of bina wicara in school. The maximum unreachable ability ofthese deaf-children's communication is influenced by some factors namely The main factor,surely,is onthe children condition themshelves namely the limitation of vocabulary, low control ability of soundperception and rythm, immature of articulation ability, and low mastering in total communication.Second, the teacher's low ability and skill in bina wicara instructional. Third, lack of supporting facilitiesof bina wicara instructional. Fourth, lack of cooperation among teachers in supporting communicationability of deaf children. From some factors that obstacle the communication ability of deaf-children,so, itmust be togather-awareness and to be solved soon. Because of that, the optimalization of bina wacarainstructional implementation becomes a key to support the result and communication ability of deafchildren

    Ketahanan Pangan Indonesia Di Kawasan ASEAN

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    Menjelang diberlakukannya pasar tunggal ASEAN akhir tahun 2015, Indonesia perlu untuk meningkatkan daya tahan perekonomiannya. Salah satu faktor yang menentukan daya tahan perekonomian nasional adalah ketahanan pangan nasional. Masuknya Indonesia di dalam pasar tunggal ASEAN dapat dipandang sebagai peluang sekaligus tantangan untuk meningkatkan ketahanan pangan yang mandiri. Hasil kajian pustaka dan data sekunder menunjukkan bahwa Indonesia mempunyai tingkat ketersediaan pangan yang cukup baik, kondisi akses pangan ekonomi yang sedang, tingkat pemanfaatan pangan yang kurang baik, serta tingkat harga pangan yang tinggi dan kurang stabil dibandingkan dengan negara-negara anggota ASEAN pada umumnya. Agar Indonesia mendapatkan manfaat positif dari masuknya ke dalam pasar tunggal ASEAN, disarankan untuk melaksanakan langkah-langkah strategis sebagai berikut: (1) meningkatkan kemandirian pangan nasional, (2) mengembangkan pangan lokal, (3) meningkatkan akses pasar, dan (4) meningkatkan kerja sama dalam penanganan masalah pangan. Guna melaksanakan langkah-langkah strategis tersebut diperlukan dukungan kebijakan sebagai berikut: (1) melanjutkan upaya peningkatan produksi pangan pokok secara berkelanjutan, (2) mengembangkan industri pangan lokal dari hulu ke hilir, (3) meningkatkan promosi produk pangan lokal di pasar domestik dan pasar Internasional, (4) meningkatkan infrastruktur, sistem logistik, rantai pasok, serta meningkatkan kelembagaan dan sistem informasi pasar, (5) menerapkan standardisasi kualitas dan keamanan pangan, (6) meningkatkan kerja sama dalam penanganan masalah pangan di kawasan, dan (7) memanfaatkan perdagangan pangan kawasan untuk penanganan masalah pangan manakala produksi pangan nasional tidak mencukupi kebutuhan dalam neger

    Penguasaan Kosakata Anak Tunarungu Dalam Pembelajaran Membaca Melalui Penerapan Metode Maternal

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    Mastery of vocabulary is one of the fundamental skills that arecritical to the implementation of the communication process.Communication is both verbal communication or writtencommunication or reading. Persons with hearing impairment to thecondition causing the loss of auditory function process controlupgrades vocabulary can not evolve naturally and result in limitedcommunication capabilities. For that, the increase in vocabularymastery for them must continue to be made and pursued in particular.One effort that can be done to improve the mastery of the vocabularyof children with hearing impairment through reading instructional withmaternal reflective approach. There are two steps in readinginstructional with maternal reflective method, that is ideo-visualreading, and receptive reading. But reading the receptive itself isdivided into two phases, namely reading stage receptive vocabulary,and reading the receptive stage of the structure. Thus to improve themastery of the vocabulary of children with hearing impairmentthrough the maternal method, the ideo-visual literacy, and readingshould be instilled early receptive. This instructional must beimplemented correctly, systemic-systematic, programmed, andsustainable of all the teachers

    Penerapansemanticwebuntukaplikasi Pencarianpadarepositorikoleksipenelitian, Tugas Akhir, Skripsi dan Tesis (Studi Kasus: Ibi Darmajaya)

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    Semantic web based on a network is not only able to understand the meaning of a word and concept, but also a logical relation between the two, the web can produce information so that an appropriate and desirable by the web site visitors. To support research activities on a college can be developed a repository collection of research, where a repository collection of research that is integrated with both could help researchers in search of a reference to do research.This study took a case study on the whole study program to good masters degree , an undergraduate degree and at and research institutes in ibi darmajaya .Saatini , the management of a collection of research to a thesis and tasks of the end is in store in a database, for the thesis is still only on the registration of administrative and documentation in cd form of media, but not dimaksimalkannya data already there. Beside of, lecturer dan students also has not been facilitated by the media that can be used as a means to find and do the comparison to a collection of research that had ever done before or the search for a collection of recent research. See the characteristics of these problems, and repository collection of research can be developed using the structure and tissue ontology semantic of semantic web technologyResearch results from this repository of a collection of research that is equipped with search application semantic web-based program to support the study, a lecturer, and students in accessing a collection of research, good research grants, the journal, the thesis , thesis as well as the duty of the end

    Membangun Kesadaran Bunyi Anak Tunarungu melalui Pembelajaran Bina Persepsi Bunyi dan Irama di Sekolah

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    Loss of function of hearing someone cause their inability to capture information through hearing. Deaf is not just the loss of function hearing someone, but far from it deafness cause functional limitation of understanding and ability to perceive something. Deafness also lead to the ability of a person is not able to speak well. For that to enhance the ability of children with hearing it is necessary to attempt to build awareness of sounds in order for them to follow verbal communication better. The building awareness of these sounds can be provided through community development learning perception of sound and rhythm. Learning is certainly not enough to just be given by a teacher BPBI course, but what about support from fellow teachers at the school in building a sound awareness of this can be done in synergy or coordination. With the correct and appropriate learning, and has the support of all components of the school, then build awareness of sound, especially in the lower classes would be achieved as the destination set as the purpose of BPBI instructional
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