26 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kualitas Produk Dan Atribut Produk Terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan Pada Susu Cair Uht Frisian Flag (Studi Kasus Pada Pembeli Uht Frisian Flag Usia 20-35 Tahun Di Semarang)

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    To sell and still can carry out its operations. Product quality and productattributes is one of the important factors that could affect the level of customer loyalty inFrisian Flag UHT dairy beverage products. With the presentation of a good qualityproduct and quality and a good and interesting attributes of the product, it will furtherenhance the level of consumer loyalty Frisian Flag UHT milk in making a purchase on anongoing basis.This type of research is explanatory. With a total sample of 100 respondentswere taken in three districts in Semarang. Collecting data using a questionnaire with Likertscale measurement. Data analysis methods used are validity and reliability, the correlationcoefficient (R), a simple linear regression, multiple linear regression, coefficient ofdetermination (R2), F test and t test. The results of this study concluded that the quality ofthe products and product attributes have a strong influence positive and significant impacton customer loyalty, either partially or simultaneously. Product quality and productattributes together have a strong influence on customer loyalty proved by the correlationcoefficient (R) of 0.900

    Pengaruh Harga Dan Kualitas Produk Terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan Shampo Pantene

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    Shampoo is a beauty product used by all the society, Shampoo has an important role in helping to keep your hair healthy and clean. P&G Indonesian Company has produced a Shampoo named Pantene. Pantene has leading the Indonesian market share in 2012 – 2014 regarding Top Brand Index (TBI), however in 2015 Pantene is no longer taken place at the first position and also the percentage of Pantene's user has declining year by year. It caused by the existence of the competitors who offer lower price with higher quality of product hence the society will switch their Shampoo to the competitors.This research aims to discover the influence of price and quality product toward customer loyalty of Pantene's Shampoo. The sampling technique used accidental and purposive sampling. This type of research is explanatory with the help of Questionnaires and Google docs as the tools in collecting data. The amount of the sample used in this research is 100 respondents which consist of female student in Faculty of Social and Political Science, Diponegoro University, Semarang. This research used qualitative and quantitative analysis technique, quantitative analysis technique uses validity test, reliability test, correlation coefficient, coefficient of determination, simple and multiple regression analysis, significance test (t-test and F-test). The result of this research shows that price and product quality severally has significant, strong and positive influence toward customer loyalty. Two variables have been tested gradually or even together show that price (0,795) and product quality (0,753) simultaneously have strong relation with customer loyalty. Amount of the value owned by price is greater than product quality, coefficient of determination value (R²) for price is 63% and product quality is 56,7%. The suggestions in this research is the company allowed to increase the sales price if the economic condition of the society is increasing, but the company is not allowed to increase the price higher than what the competitor has offered. The company also suggested to improve their quality of product related to the suitability of the benefit which printed on the package to the benefit received by the society, the company also suggested to improve the durability of fragrance and package of Pantene Shampo so it could maintain the product quality

    Pengaruh Harga, Kualitas Produk Dan Saluran Distribusi Terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan Surat Kabar Harian Suara Merdeka (Studi Kasus Pada Pelanggan Di Kecamatan Semarang Selatan)

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    This research is motivated by the level of competition in the business field in Indonesia that isgetting strict in this globalization era. One product that has been competed by the manufacturer inthis era is the daily newspapers. Suara Merdeka daily newspaper has the largest market share in thecity, where 45% of the whole production is marketed in the city of Semarang. But sales figures SuaraMerdeka daily newspapers has decreased in the period 2012 to 2014. Increasing competition and theemergence of new competitors is one of the causes of the decline in salesThis research aims is detect the influence of price, product quality, distribution channel forSuara Merdeka daily newspapers customer loyalty. This type of research is explanatory research,with data collection through questionnaires, the study of literature and interviews. The samplingtechnique used purposive sampling technique. The sample in this study amounted to 87 respondentswho are customers daily newspaper Suara Merdeka in the District of South Semarang. This studyused the analytical techniques of qualitative and quantitative analysis. Quantitative analysis using thevalidity, reliability, cross tabulation, correlation coefficient, simple and multiple regression analysis,the coefficient of determination, significance test (t test and F).The results of this research approved that price (X1), product quality (X2) and distributionchannel (X3) simultaneously can influenced customer loyalty(Y). Of the three variables were analyzedsimultaneously, variable coefficient distribution channels greatest influence on customer loyalty adaily newspaper Suara Merdeka, that is equal to 0.338, while the variable quality of the productamounted to 0.276 and the variable price of 0,040. While the coefficient of determination (R2) ofvariable pricing, quality of products and distribution channels to customer loyalty is 53.6%. Thismeans that 53.6% variable customer loyalty can be explained by three variables, while the remaining46.4% is explained by other variables.Based on the results of the study, the researchers suggested that companies pay moreattention certainty in the delivery of the newspapers every day, on time delivery of the newspapersevery day and notice information when there is a delay in delivery of the newspaper so that it canincrease customer loyalty Suara Merdeka daily newspaper

    Pengaruh Pengalaman Kerja Dan Disiplin Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan CV. Bintang Utama Semarang Bagian Body Repair

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    CV. Bintang Utama Semarang as a company engaged in the service car repair still found some employees lower performance levels as there is still a low quality work, the number of car repair has not yet reached the target, the independence of the employees is still low, and a high level of customer complaints. It is alleged there are work experience due to the employee and employee discipline assessed was still low.This research aims to find out how the influence exerted by work experience and discipline work against employee performance CV. Bintang Utama Semarang. The type of research used is the type of explanation (eksplanatory research). With the number of samples as much as 58 respondents use the sampling approach saturation. Data collection using the questionnaire with likert scale measurements. Methods of data analysis used is test validity and reliability, the correlation coefficient (R), regression test, the coefficient of determination (R2), the significance of the t-test and F-test.The results of this study showed that the variables work discipline and work experience has significant effects, powerful and positive towards the performance of employees. Two variables was tested in stages or together showed results that work experience variables (0.724) and discipline work (0.783) simultaneously have a relationship that is strong against variable employee performance. The magnitude of the contribution that is owned by the variable work discipline is greater than the magnitude 2of donations owned variable work experience, the value of the coefficient of determination (R2) for the variables work experience of 52.5% and 61,4% of work disciplin

    Pengaruh Kualitas Produk dan Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan (Studi Kasus pada Al-zena Skin Care Pati Cabang Winong)

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    Product and service quality are the factors that can influence the high loyalty of Al-Zena Skin Care Pati of Branch Winong\u27s customers. With the good quality products andgood services, it will further increase the loyalty of Al-Zena Skin Care Pati of BranchWinong customers.The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of product and service quality ofAl-Zena Skin Care Pati of Branch Winong\u27s customers. The type of research used isaccidental sampling and explanatory research, with samples of 100 respondents of Al-Zena Skin Care Pati of Branch Winong\u27s customers. The sampling technique used ispurposive sampling with the criteria of respondents aged over 15 years who have amember card and at least they are active in the last 3 months in using products and thebeauty treatment in Al-Zena Skin Care Pati of Branch Winong. Data collection usingquestionnaires with Likert measurement scale. The researcher uses many kinds of dataanalysis such as validity test, reliability test, correlation coefficient (R), and simple linearregression, coefficient of determination (R2), t test and F test by using SPSS program.The results of this study concludes that product and service quality have strong andsignificant influences on customer loyalty, either partially or simultaneously. Product andservice quality together have a positive effect on customer\u27s loyalty, which means productand service quality give influences to the level of customer\u27s loyalty. Product and servicequality have strong influences on customer\u27s loyalty as it is evidenced by the correlationcoefficient (R) of 0.711

    Pengaruh Kepemimpinan dan Kompensasi terhadap Motivasi Kerja Karyawan Public Departement Biro Perjalanan An Tour & Travel

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    Companies engaged in the field of services is the company that every operational activities within the company depends on the human resources of the company. The management of human resources service companies are vital by reason of it can affect the performance of the company as a whole. AN Tour & Travel is one of the service company in the field of tour operator. However, due to a less good leadership and compensation that can not meet the needs of employees, employees motivation level of AN Tour & Travel are decline. The purpose of this research is to determine the influence of leadership and compensation towards employee motivation of Public Department travel agencies AN Tour & Travel employees. This research type is explanatory research. The population in this study i.e., all employees of the Public Department of 44 employees. Sampling using the saturated samples which means the number of samples are every members of the population. The measurement scale using the scale Likert. Methods of analysis used is correlation test, determination of linear regression, simple, multiple linear regression, t-test and F-test with SPSS program version 23. Based on the results of the research it is known that partially, leadership and compensation has positive effect towards the employees motivation which is indicated with the value t calculate more than t table. Significantly, variable leadership and compensation has positive effect towards employee motivation indicated by the value of F test greater than F table. Advice that can be given, namely an increase in the ability of the leadership in providing instruction and leadership capabilities in providing the working motivation for employees. In addition the diversity of types of compensation and the amount of the compensation provided to employees needs to be supplemented in order to meet all the needs of the employees