11 research outputs found

    Pengelolaan Tanaman Penutup Tanah untuk Meningkatkan Produksi Jagung Manis Di Lahan Kering Vertisol Lombok

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    One of the obstacles in increasing maize production in Indonesia is the low efficiency of fertilizer use by plants as a result of low levels of organic matter in the soil. Although it only occupies a portion of approximately 2-10%, the role played by organic matter in the soil is very large, both in physical, chemical and biological aspects. One of the practical and efficient alternatives to increase organic matter in the soil is through the management of cover crops (TPT). In this study, individually or after being combined into one, three types of TPT were stocked before the harvest of the predecessor plant (rice). As a comparison, plots without TPT were also provided. Rice litter together with TPT biomass from each TPT treatment was returned to the soil after rice was harvested in a separate plot pattern. In each TPT treatment plot, fertilization treatments were made with a dose of 0 kg/ha NPK, 100 kg/ha NPK, 200 kg/ha NPK and 300 kg/ha NPK. The experimental results showed that TPT biomass had a positive impact on increasing the growth and yield of sweet corn on vertisol soils. Provision of cover crops in the form of a mixture of cowpea, mung bean and krotalaria tended to have a better effect than individual administration. From the results of this experiment, it is also known that the provision of precursor plant biomass combined with TPT biomass can reduce the use of chemical fertilizers by 50-60% of the maximum plant requirement. 

    Respon Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Wortel (Daucus carota L.) di Dataran Rendah pada Berbagai Volume Media dan Dosis Ampas Padat Biogas

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    This study aimed to determine the growth responses and yield of carrot (Daucus carota L.) grown at the lowland at various rates of biogas solid waste and media volumes. The experiment was carried out at Mataram University experimental field in Narmada, West Lombok, NTB with an altitude of 136 m above sea level, from April to July 2019. The experiment was designed according a factorialy Randomized Completed Block Design (RCBD). The first factor consisted of 4 volumes of the media which i.e: 2000 cm3/20 x 20 cm, 4000 cm3/25 x 25 cm, 5000 cm3/30 x 25 cm and 7000 cm3/30 x 30 cm. The second factor consisted of 3 levels of biogas solid waste (bio-slurry) with i.e: 10 tons/ha, 15 tons/ha, and 20 tons/ha. These two factors were combined resulted in 12 treatment combinations. Each treatment was repeated so there was 36 experimental units each with replicate. The results showed that the rates of bio-slurry affected the rate of increase in carrot leaf length and did not significantly affect the other parameters or yield of carrot plants in the lowlands. Rates of 10 tons/ha and 20 tons/ha produced a higher leaf length than 15 tons / ha. The media volumes influenced the rate of increase in leaf length, rate of increase in the number of leaves, plant fresh weight, dry tap root weight and tap root length. The media volume of 5000 cm3 and 7000 cm3 resulted higher growth and yield of carrot plants in the lowlands rates of the media volume of 2000 cm3 and 4000 cm3. There was no interaction between the bio-slurry rates and the media volumes in influencing the growth and yield of carrot plants in the lowlan

    Respon Pertumbuhan Tanaman Cabai Rawit (Capsicum frustescens L.) yang Ditanam di Luar Musim dengan Beberapa Perlakuan Dosis Pupuk Petroganik

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    Budidaya tanaman cabai yang dilakukan serempak pada musim yang sama menyebabkan terjadinya fluktuasi harga cabai yang sangat tinggi. Oleh karena itu, untuk mendapatkan harga lebih tinggi, budidaya tanaman cabai dilakuan di luar musim (off season). Salah satu upaya yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi gagal panen di luar musim adalah pemberian pupuk organik untuk meningkatkan produktivitas tanaman cabai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dosis pupuk Petroganik terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman cabai rawit yang ditanam di luar musim. Percobaan dilaksanakan pada bulan Oktober 2021 hingga bulan Maret 2022 di lahan Unram Farming di Desa Nyurlembang, Kecamatan Narmada, Kabupaten Lombok Barat. Perlakuan terdiri atas dosis pupuk Petroganik dengan 5 perlakuan yaitu Kontrol (Tanpa Petroganik), Pemberian Petroganik 200 g/petak, Pemberian Petroganik 400 g/petak, Pemberian Petroganik 600 gram/petak, dan Pemberian Petroganik 800 gram/petak. Rancangan yang digunakan yaitu Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan 4 ulangan. Data hasil pengamatan di analisis menggunakan deskriptif pada taraf nyata 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pengaruh perlakuan dosis pupuk Petroganik tidak berbeda nyata pada parameter laju pertambahan tinggi tanaman cabai rawit, tetapi tidak memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap diameter batang dan jumlah cabang utama


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian Pupuk Super Bionik dengan dosis berbeda terhadap pertumbuhan Gracilaria sp. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di lokasi tambak Dusun Mpol Desa Sekotong Tengah Keeamatan Sekotong Kabupaten Lombok Barat selama 40 hari. Bahan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut : Pupuk Super Bionik,Gracilaria  sp., tali ris, keranjang, bambu, dan tali pengikat. Alat yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut : timbangan analitik, pH meter, termometer, DO meter, refraktometer, ember, gelas ukur, dan pengaduk. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimental menggunakan Raneangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan dosis Pupuk Super Bionik yang berbeda sebagai per­ lakuan, terdiri dari 7 aras (0, 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150 ml/L air) dan dilakukan 4 kali pengulangan. Metode budi­ daya yang digunakan adalah metode lepas dasar yang dilakukan di tambak. Metode pemeliharaan ini dilakukan dengan earn meletakkan bibit tersebut di dasar tambak. Rumput laut Gracilaria sp. di tempatkan dalam keranjang plastik yang ukuran 30 cm x 20 cm. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa, laju pertumbuhan spesifik PI (1,656), P2 (1,929), P3 (2,083), P4 (1,575), P5 (1,338), P6 (1,186) dan P7 (0,788) %1 hari. Berat basah PI (188), P2 (233), P3 (252), P4 (176), P5 (141,75), P6 (121,5) dan P7 (74,75) g. Berat kering PI (56,5), P2 (60,25), P3 (58,5), P4 (50,25), P5 (47), P6 (42,75) dan P7 (39,25). Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan dan pembahasan dalam lingkup penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian Pupuk Super Bionik dengan dosis 50 ml/L adalah dosis terbaik dengan per­ tumbuhan spesifik sebesar 2,038 % dan menghasilkan berat basah sebesar 252 g dan berat kering sebesar 58,5 g

    Improved Marketing of Mandarins for East Nusa Tenggara in Indonesia

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    In the highland areas of West Timor, where the climate is relatively cool, the mandarin variety Keprok Soe is widely grown in the districts of Timor Tengah Selatan (TTS) and Timor Tengah Utara (TTU) in Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) Province. Largely due to its economic value and popularity among local consumers, the Indonesian Government adopted some measures to promote Keprok Soe. Good grades of Keprok Soe fetch a premium price in direct competition to imported mandarins from various countries including China, Pakistan, Israel and Australia. Basically, there are two supply chains for mandarins grown in West Timor. About 90% of the mandarins are sold locally, with only 10% sold to other provinces. In general, there are three methods by which farmers can sell their mandarins: forward-sale by tree, per tree sale at harvest and per kilo sale after harvest. Farmers’ use of different selling methods is often related to the size of their mandarin farm, income, price of mandarins in that year, availability of family labour, farmers’ educational experiences, length of farming experience, and distance from the farm to the local market. Established traders play a key role as channel managers in the supply chain, especially for the inter-island supply chain. Quite exceptionally, traders have motivated farmers to strive for good products, be competitive and become ‘champions’. Hence, the traders have been observed to play a mixed role of channel manager, information supplier, co-investor and extension officer. These activities and alliances suggest that a reciprocal rather than a win–lose relationship exists. Supply-chain constraints include production (cultural production, plant protection), poor infrastructure, and postharvest losses (20%). Potential strategies for chain improvements include horizontal integration at the farmer level, enhancement of the capacity of traders as supply-chain coordinators, and branding of Keprok Soe. In relation to improving the likelihood of implementing these strategies, this Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) project conducted production and marketing workshops, and broadcast information and knowledge by radio

    Respon Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Wortel (Daucus Carota L.) di Dataran Rendah pada Berbagai Volume Media dan Dosis Ampas Padat Biogas

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    This study aimed to determine the growth responses and yield of carrot (Daucus carota L.) grown at the lowland at various rates of biogas solid waste and media volumes. The experiment was carried out at Mataram University experimental field in Narmada, West Lombok, NTB with an altitude of 136 m above sea level, from April to July 2019. The experiment was designed according a factorialy Randomized Completed Block Design (RCBD). The first factor consisted of 4 volumes of the media which i.e: 2000 cm3/20 x 20 cm, 4000 cm3/25 x 25 cm, 5000 cm3/30 x 25 cm and 7000 cm3/30 x 30 cm. The second factor consisted of 3 levels of biogas solid waste (bio-slurry) with i.e: 10 tons/ha, 15 tons/ha, and 20 tons/ha. These two factors were combined resulted in 12 treatment combinations. Each treatment was repeated so there was 36 experimental units each with replicate. The results showed that the rates of bio-slurry affected the rate of increase in carrot leaf length and did not significantly affect the other parameters or yield of carrot plants in the lowlands. Rates of 10 tons/ha and 20 tons/ha produced a higher leaf length than 15 tons / ha. The media volumes influenced the rate of increase in leaf length, rate of increase in the number of leaves, plant fresh weight, dry tap root weight and tap root length. The media volume of 5000 cm3 and 7000 cm3 resulted higher growth and yield of carrot plants in the lowlands rates of the media volume of 2000 cm3 and 4000 cm3. There was no interaction between the bio-slurry rates and the media volumes in influencing the growth and yield of carrot plants in the lowlan

    Pengelolaan Tanaman Penutup Tanah untuk Meningkatkan Produksi Jagung Manis di Lahan Kering Vertisol Lombok

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    One of the obstacles in increasing maize production in Indonesia is the low efficiency of fertilizer use by plants as a result of low levels of organic matter in the soil. Although it only occupies a portion of approximately 2-10%, the role played by organic matter in the soil is very large, both in physical, chemical and biological aspects. One of the practical and efficient alternatives to increase organic matter in the soil is through the management of cover crops (TPT). In this study, individually or after being combined into one, three types of TPT were stocked before the harvest of the predecessor plant (rice). As a comparison, plots without TPT were also provided. Rice litter together with TPT biomass from each TPT treatment was returned to the soil after rice was harvested in a separate plot pattern. In each TPT treatment plot, fertilization treatments were made with a dose of 0 kg/ha NPK, 100 kg/ha NPK, 200 kg/ha NPK and 300 kg/ha NPK. The experimental results showed that TPT biomass had a positive impact on increasing the growth and yield of sweet corn on vertisol soils. Provision of cover crops in the form of a mixture of cowpea, mung bean and krotalaria tended to have a better effect than individual administration. From the results of this experiment, it is also known that the provision of precursor plant biomass combined with TPT biomass can reduce the use of chemical fertilizers by 50-60% of the maximum plant requirement

    Analysis of Artisanal Small-scale Gold Mining Sector in West Sumbawa Regency, Indonesia

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    Background. The high value of gold reserves in West Sumbawa Regency (WSR) and West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia has resulted in an increase in small-scale gold mining activity in this area. Artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) is an attractive alternative livelihood for rural workers because it has good potential to improve the wealth of a community. Miners need very little training to mine gold and the transition from traditional farming or fishing is easy to make. However, the key environmental consequence of ASGM in West Sumbawa is the extensive use of mercury and its impact on human health. Objectives. The ASGM activity in WSR is quite recent when compared to other ASGM activity in Indonesia. The current study was conducted to better understand the lifestyle, extent of mercury exposure, and the health of people living in WSR, West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. Methods. The present study was designed as a purposive field sampling study conducted in WSR, West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. The subjects were miners and families from three different sites within the WSR: individuals directly exposed to mercury, indirectly exposed individuals and non-exposed individuals. Hair mercury analysis was done with all subjects. Health questionnaires, physical examinations and socio-economic surveys were conducted with exposed subjects. Results. The ASGM sector in the WSR consists of a high number of migrant workers who have a great economic impact on the local area, high mercury use, a great deal of illegal mercury trading, and a high mercury concentration (>13 mg/kg) in their hair. The results suggest that ASGM activities affect the health of exposed and indirectly exposed individuals. Conclusions. The current scale of ASGM activity in the WSR is predicted to rise. ASGM activities in the WSR is an important challenge that needs to be addressed. Competing Interests. The authors declare no competing financial interests. Informed Consent. Obtained Ethical Approval. The protocols and informed consent documents were approved by the Ethics Committee (Medical Faculty) of the University of Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia