6 research outputs found

    Recursive Alterations of the Relationship between Simple Membrane Geometry and Insertion of Amphiphilic Motifs

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    The shape and composition of a membrane directly regulate the localization, activity, and signaling properties of membrane associated proteins. Proteins that both sense and generate membrane curvature, e.g., through amphiphilic insertion motifs, potentially engage in recursive binding dynamics, where the recruitment of the protein itself changes the properties of the membrane substrate. Simple geometric models of membrane curvature interactions already provide prediction tools for experimental observations, however these models are treating curvature sensing and generation as separated phenomena. Here, we outline a model that applies both geometric and basic thermodynamic considerations. This model allows us to predict the consequences of recursive properties in such interaction schemes and thereby integrate the membrane as a dynamic substrate. We use this combined model to hypothesize the origin and properties of tubular carrier systems observed in cells. Furthermore, we pinpoint the coupling to a membrane reservoir as a factor that influences the membrane curvature sensing and generation properties of local curvatures in the cell in line with classic determinants such as lipid composition and membrane geometry

    Coding variants identified in patients with diabetes alter PICK1 BAR domain function in insulin granule biogenesis

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    Bin/amphiphysin/Rvs (BAR) domains are positively charged crescent-shaped modules that mediate curvature of negatively charged lipid membranes during remodeling processes. The BAR domain proteins PICK1, ICA69, and the arfaptins have recently been demonstrated to coordinate the budding and formation of immature secretory granules (ISGs) at the trans-Golgi network. Here, we identify 4 coding variants in the PICK1 gene from a whole-exome screening of Danish patients with diabetes that each involve a change in positively charged residues in the PICK1 BAR domain. All 4 coding variants failed to rescue insulin content in INS-1E cells upon knock down of endogenous PICK1. Moreover, 2 variants showed dominant-negative properties. In vitro assays addressing BAR domain function suggested that the coding variants compromised BAR domain function but increased the capacity to cause fission of liposomes. Live confocal microscopy and super-resolution microscopy further revealed that PICK1 resides transiently on ISGs before egress via vesicular budding events. Interestingly, this egress of PICK1 was accelerated in the coding variants. We propose that PICK1 assists in or complements the removal of excess membrane and generic membrane trafficking proteins, and possibly also insulin, from ISGs during the maturation process; and that the coding variants may cause premature budding, possibly explaining their dominant-negative function