3 research outputs found

    Sadržaj Pb, Fe i Zn u zemljištu i plodovima smokve na različitim lokalitetima

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    The fig is an herbaceous plant that is very much represented in the area of Mostar and is found in almost every garden. It is especially interesting to be consumed throughout the year in fresh form as well as processed in dried form. The purpose of this research was to determine the flow of metals from the soil to the fig leaves, and their accumulation in this fruit culture. In the surface horizons of the soil heavy metals of anthropogenic origin can be found. The results showed that certain forms of fig fruits with or without the crust have different contents of the investigated elements, and the present quantities are below the permissible concentrations. All samples of figs with crust show a greater presence of iron.Smokva je biljna kultura koja je veoma zastupljena na području grada Mostara i nalazi se skoro u svakoj bašti, a posebno je interesantno da se konzumira tokom cijele godine, kako sviježa, tako i prerađena u sušenom obliku. Ovo istraživanje imalo je za cilj da se utvrde tokovi metala iz zemljišta u plodove smokve, te njihova akumulacija u ovoj voćnoj kulturi. U površinskim horizontima zemljišta mogu se naći teški metali antropogenog porijekla. Rezultati su pokazali da plodovi smokve, sa i bez kore, imaju različite sadržaje istraživanih elemenata, a prisutne količine su ispod dozvoljenih koncentracija. Svi uzorci smokve sa korom pokazaju veće prisustvo željeza

    Komparativna analiza sadržaja Pb, Fe i Cu u plodovima šipka u zavisnosti od lokaliteta

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    The area of Herzegovina is known for its intensive cultivation of pomegranate, which is placed on the market either as a fruit or as a processed product. Main task of this research is to determine to which degree agricultural land is contaminated with heavy metals and organic pollutants on the wider area of Mostar and to record the amount of heavy metals that is accumulated in a ripe fruit. Determining of the level of lead, iron and copper in the ripe fruit of pomegranate, the clean grain, and the grain with mesocarp. The research is carried out at three different localities, depending from the place of cultivation from highway M17 and local roads. The same heavy metals were determined in the soil at two different depths.Područje Hercegovine poznato je po intenzivnoj proizvodnji šipka, koji se u sirovom ili prerađenom stanju plasira na tržište. Osnovni zadatak ovog istraživanja je utvrditi stepen kontaminiranosti poljoprivrednog zemljišta teškim metalima i organskim zagađivačima na širem području grada Mostara, te evidentirati količinu teških metala koja se akumulira u zrelim plodovima. Određivanje sadržaja olova, željeza i bakra u zrelim polodovima šipka, čisto zrno i zrno sa mezokarpom. Istraživanje je izvedeno na tri različita lokaliteta, zavisno od udaljenosti mesta uzgoja od magistralnog puta M-17 i lokalnih puteva. Isti teški metali su određivani i u zemljištu na dvema različitim dubinama

    Tehnološka svojstva džema od kupine na tržištu grada Mostara

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    The goal of this paper is the control of the blackberry jam quality. Sampling was carried out by randomly. We carried out chemical, microbiological and organoleptic analysis of the sample. By chemical, microbiological and organoleptic analysis, we have obtained a percentage values of certain elements and it was compared to relevant conditions stipulated in the Rulebook on the quality of products. In order to comply with the given goal, we have analysed three different sample of blackberry jam produced by the following manufacturers Vegafruit, Hepok and Vitaminka. The conclusion is that, during the period of the analysis, the samples were in accordance with the provisions of Rulebook on the quality of fruit and vegetables products.Cilj rada je kontrola kvaliteta džema od kupine koji se nalazi u prodaji na tržištu grada Mostara. Uzorkovanje je izvršeno slučajnim odabirom. Urađene su hemijske, mikrobiološke i organoleptičke analize uzoraka. Pomoću hemijskih, mikrobioloških i organoleptičkih analiza dobila se slika procentualnih vrednosti pojedinih elemenata i uporedila sa odgovarajićim uslovima Pravilnika o kvaliteti proizvoda. Da bi se udovoljilo zadanom cilju analizirana su tri uzorka džema od kupine proizvođača Vegafruit, Hepok i Vitaminka. Zaključak je da su uzorci u periodu analize u skladu sa odredbama važećeg Pravilnika o kvaliteti proizvoda od voća i povrća