9 research outputs found

    Perbandingan Sistem Pembiayaan Kesehatan Sebelum dan Selama Pelaksanaan Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN) di Kabupaten Kuningan Tahun 2014

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    Background: Indonesia implementing health financing system of social insurance starting on January 1, 2014 Health financing policy in this year ensured that all Indonesian society in terms of health insurance. Kuningan Regency Society already registered BPJS approximately 52%. Kuningan district health budget allocation in 2014 reached 4.9% of regional budget. When a policy is launched it will cause a change before or when the policy is launched insluding policy National Health insurance. This study aims to describe the comparison of the health financing system before and during the implementation of the national health insurance (JKN) in the Kuningan District. Methods: This study is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. Subject of research was stakeholders, profesional organization, college. Characteristics of data collected include primary data obtained from interviews using an interview guide, while the secondary data obtained with the document study and the data were analyzed qualitatively. Result: The funds of health financing before JKN was approved from the state budget, provincial budget and the district also levies charges. Currently plus funds from the public (non-PBI). Allocation of health financing before and after JKN has not changed still 4,9% of the budget. Before JKN was approved, health care payment was using fee for service, and currently uses pattern CBG's INA rates. Governance in the region has not changed, the law refers to national legislation for the regulation of only a capitation system. The role of stakeholders or any agency in JKN was as implementers, monitoring and evaluation. The major of management role JKN program, each agency work together in order to all citizens will have become participants BPJS in Kuningan District. Conclusion and recommendation: health financing system in Kuningan district generally has not changed due to the allocation of health funding still does not tend to rise. Expected to increase the allocation of Health funding, and poor people who are not covered can be covered BPJS

    Pengetahuan dan Sikap Stigma Mahasiswa Kebidanan STIKES Kuningan terhadap Orang dengan HIV/AIDS (Odha)

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    Stigma and discrimination against people living with HIV is still a problem in Indonesia and this not only by society but also it can be occurred by the student who studies in health and health care providers who have a comprehensive knowledge about HIV / AIDS. The purpose of this research is to determine the relationship of knowledge about HIV / AIDS with attitudes stigma towards people living with HIV in Midwifery students at Kuningan School of Health Sciences. Cross-sectional study design has been used with a sample of 130 students of midwifery by Proportional Random Sampling technique. Univariate and bivariate analysis methods has been used with the Chi-square statistical test. The results of the research show that, as much as 35% of students have a good knowledge and highest 72.3% of the students have a good stigma against people living with HIV. Results Bivariate analysis shows the level of knowledge (P: 0.037, CI: 0.001 to 0.089). There is a significant relationship between knowledge about HIV / AIDS with the attitude of stigma against people living with HIV. Recommendation from this research is to increase the systematic and comprehensive counseling or education about HIV / AIDS among the students of Kuningan School of Health Sciences to further increase student knowledge

    Kesiapan Tenaga Kesehatan Masyarakat (Sarjana Kesehatan Masyarakat) untuk Bermitra dengan Fasilitas Kesehatan Tingkat Pertama dalam Upaya Promotif dan Preventif

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    Pelayanan kesehatan dalam Pelaksanaan JKN di Indonesia terdiri dari Promotif, Preventif, kuratif dan rehablitiatif, namun pada pelaksanaannya pelayanan promotive dan preventif oleh FKTP belum dilaksanakan secara optimal, salah satunya disebakan karena tidak tersedia Tenaga Kesehatan Masyarakat. Tenaga Kesehatan Masyarakat atau Sarjana Keshatan Masyarakat (SKM) dapat bermitra dengan FKTP untuk melaksanakan upaya promotive dan preventif dengan persyatakan tenaga kesehatan masyarakat harus siap melaksanakan kemitraan sebagai implementasi prakatik kesehatan masyarakat. Sampai dengan saat ini tidak tersedia data tentang kesiapan tenaga kesehatan masyarakat untuk bermitra dengan FKTP. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui gambaran kesiapan Tenaga Kesehatan Masyarakat/SKM yang mandiri untuk bermitra dengan FKTP di Kab. Kuningan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa sebanyak 80% responden tidak memiliki STR, sebanyak 85% belum menjadi anggota IAKMI, 90% tidak memiliki pengalaman bermitra dengan FKTP. Sebanyak 100 persen SKM siap bermita dengan FKTP dan memiliki kepercayaan diri atas kompetensinya. Simpulan bahwa sebagain besar tidak memiliki STR, bukan anggota IAKMI, pengetahuan baik, tidak memiliki pengalaman bermitra dan memiliki kepercayaan diri. Saran diharapkan SKM meningkatkan kompetensi untuk mendapatkan STR dan tergabung dalam orgnisasi profesi IAKMI dan bagi IAKMI dan AIPTKMI harus menyusun panduan praktik kesehatan masyarakat dan kemitraan dengan FKTP sebagai bagian dari praktik mandiri kesehatan masyarakat

    Hubungan Pengetahuan dan Sikap Tentang Gambar Peringatan Kesehatan pada Kemasan Rokok dengan Perilaku Merokok pada Remaja

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    Introduction : The prevalence of adolescent male smokers aged 15-19 years in Indonesia increased by 13.3% over the period 1995 to 2013. The aim of the study was to determine the relationship of knowledge and attitudes about the picture of health warnings on packs of cigarettes and smoking behavior in adolescents. Methode : The research was conducted in the village Kadugede with cross-sectional study involving 153 male adolescents aged 15-21 years. Result : The results of the bivariate analysis showed a significant relationship knowledge (p = 0.009, CI 95%) and attitude (p = 0.007, 95% CI) of picture health warnings on packs of cigarettes and smoking behavior. Kadugede village is expected to better utilize the results of this study as an information source for directing teens do behavior clean and healthy

    Faktor Risiko Penularan HIV/AIDS pada Ibu Rumah Tangga Pasangan Migran di Kabupaten Kuningan Tahun 2017

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    HIV / AIDS is a global and national problem of increasing the number of cases in a group of mothers whose households are largely due to risky behavior of husbands who have unprotected sex with risky groups and can transmit HIV infections to their wives. The purpose of this research is to know the risk factor of HIV / AIDS incidence in migrant housewife couple in Kuningan Regency 2017. Quantitative research type with case control design. The subjects of this study were HIV positive and HIV negative housewives in Kuningan District. Samples 56 with a ratio of 1: 1 were 28 cases and 28 sampling controls using acsidental sampling technique with questionnaire instrument and observation sheet with chi square statistical test. (P = 0,592, OR = 1,333), knowledge (p = 0,558, OR = 1,5), condom use (p = 0,000, OR = 0,087). Educational, economic, unrelated knowledge and condom use are associated with HIV / AIDS transmission to migrant housewives. It is expected to increase the mass extension to housewives in Kuningan Regenc

    Distribusi Spasial dan Determinan Kejadian HIV/AIDS di Propinsi Jawa Barat Tahun 2014

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    HIV/AIDS is a health problem in the West Java Province and unknown patterns of spatial detail until now. The objective of this study to determine the spatial Distribution and determinants of HIV/AIDS in West Java. Design cross-sectional study using secondary data from 2010 until 2013 with a sampleof 26 District/cities in West Java at January-Oktober 2015. Analysis used univariate and bivariate with the statistical test used was Chi-square and multivariate (regresi logistik). The result of this research shows the spatial distribution of HIV/AIDS prevalence, The highest prevalence of HIV and AIDS as 7 District/City in West Java and the lowest 19 District/cities in West Java . Statistical analysis showed that determinant of classification of the town ( p-value : 0.018 , 95 % CI : 0.001 to 0.089 ) , the type of highway ( P value : 1.000 , 95 % CI : 0.145 to 9047 ) , characteristics of the region ( p-value : 0.046 , 95 % CI : 0.001 to 1.027 ) and the use of condoms ( P value : 0.046 , 95 % CI : 0.826 to 56.504 ). The Conclusion is spatial distibusi highest HIV incidence in areas with tourist destinations and areas that have national lines ( north coast ) . There is a relationship between the classification of the town , characteristics of the region and the use of condoms with HIV/AIDS is dominant factor and there is no relationship between the type of highway with the HIV/AIDS in West Java

    Hubungan Antara Sumber Informasi Dengan Pengetahuan Remaja Putri Tentang Resiko Pernikahan Dini Terhadap Kesehatan Reproduksi Di Sman 1 Cibingbin Tahun 2020

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    Pernikahan dini pada remaja akan berdampak buruk terhadap kesehatan reproduksi diantaranya abortus, persalinan premature, anemia kehamilan, berat badan lahir rendah, kelainan bawaan, mudah terjadi infeksi dan kematian pada ibu. Data Kementrian Agama Kabupaten Kuningan pada tahun 2019 dari 32 kecamatan jumlah remaja yang melakukan pernikahan di usia kurang dari 19 tahun yaitu 74 orang terdiri dari remaja laki-laki dengan jumlah 31 orang dan remaja putri dengan jumlah 43 orang. Tujuan penelitian ini menganalisis hubungan antara sumber informasi  dengan pengetahuan remaja tentang resiko pernikahan dini terhadap kesehatan reproduksi di SMAN 1 Cibingbin kabupaten kuningan tahun 2020. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian analitik dan rancangan penelitian crossectional. Teknik pengambilan sampling dalam penelitian menggunakan teknik purposive, yaitu remaja putri kelas XII di SMAN 1 Cibingbin yang berjumlah 65 orang. Analsis data menggunakan analisis bivariat dan instrument yang digunakan dengan menggunakan kuesioner on line. Hasil analisis univariat diketahui bahwa dari 65 remaja putri sebagian besar memiliki pengetahuan baik sebanyak 49,23%, sebagian besar remaja putri memiliki mendapatkan informasi langsung melalui guru sebanyak 53,84%, dan sebagian besar memiliki pengetahuan dari sumber informasi tidak langsung internet sebanyak 55,39%. Hasil analisis bivariate terdapat hubungan antara sumber informasi langsung dengan pengetahuan remaja dengan nilai p=0,007 dan tidak ada hubungan antara sumber informasi langsung dengan pengetahuan remaja dengan nilai p=0,624. Saran kepada SMAN 1 Cibingin agar dapat memberikan lebih banyak lagi pengetahuan tentang kesehatan reproduksi sehingga remaja putri lebih paham tentang resiko pernikahan dini terhadap kesehatan reproduksi dan dapat menunda pernikahan diusia mud