267 research outputs found

    Income/Outcome Analysis Of Apparel Companies

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    Guiding a business entity through the waters of the ever-changing global economy requires paying attention to a wide range of activities and issues. Within the financial area alone, the large number of traditional financial ratios that need to be in balance present an impression of the multitude of indicators that must be considered simultaneously.The paper demonstrates the use of a management-training tool, the Game of Income/Outcome, to visually display the financial situation of different apparel companies. The game board is used to simultaneously show cash flow and profitability aspects, and the paper shows how this visual tool enhances financial ratio analysis. In the paper apparel companies are analyzed using traditional financial analysis and displaying the company situations on the game board. Apparel manufacturing and retailing companies are analyzed

    Competitive Analysis With The Income/Outcome Board

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    The paper demonstrates the use of the income/outcomeâ„¢ game board as a competitive analysis tool. Companies in the floor covering industry are displayed and conclusions for competitive strategies are drawn

    Measuring Productivity: Issues Arising From Outsourcing And Merger Activities

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    The paper discusses productivity measurement issues as companies engage in outsourcing and merger activities, and links productivity measures to competitiveness. Need for new productivity approaches is presented

    House of Marketing Quality Using the House of Quality to Develop Marketing Strategies

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    The paper presents a Model for Customer Oriented Marketing Strategies, using the House of Quality Approach. The model is presented with an example of Spinning Machinery Marketing

    Inquiry-Guided Learning In A Management Of Technology Environment

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    Inquiry-guided learning is a teaching technique that encourages active participation of students and, in addition to better retention, such learning is credited with promoting critical thinking, sourcing information, organizing information, promoting self learning and enhancing the life-long learning experience. In applied degree programs where technology and management courses run parallel, different tools must be used to involve students and tie in real life scenarios to prepare students for opportunities in industry, government, and society.  This paper describes how data is sourced, prioritized, organized, and presented in priority and audit tables. It also demonstrates simulation board games as teaching tools in textile management and technology curricula. A simulation board game is used to practice decision making tools and skills in a team environment. Audit tables are used to detect and correct potential sources of quality problems

    Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing Through Total Cost Management

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    Total Cost Management (TCM) is a business paradigm for managing all company resources and the activities that consume those resources with a focus on stimulating and managing improvements. We address the theoretical approach of TCM to environmental sustainability and present a practical case of using costing approaches to evaluate the sustainability of the manufacture of a recycled product.  Decision aids, the QFD matrix, B2B e-commerce, allowable costs, and market-based pricing are employed to demonstrate that companies can apply the TCM model to integrate environmental policy as an essential component of corporate strategy to achieve and maintain competitive superiority

    Effects of Take-Over Requests and Cultural Background on Automation Trust in Highly Automated Driving

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    Appropriate automation trust is a prerequisite for safe, comfortable andefficient use of highly automated driving systems (HADS). Earlier researchindicates that a drivers’ nationality and Take-Over Requests (TOR) due toimperfect system reliability might affect trust, but this has never been investigatedin the context of highly automated driving. A driving simulator study (N = 80)showed that TORs only temporarily lowered trust in HADSs, and revealedsimilarities in trust formation between German and Chinese drivers. Trust wassignificantly higher after experiencing the system than before, both for German andChinese participants. However, Chinese drivers reported significantly higherautomation mistrust than German drivers. Self-report measures of automation trustwere not connected to behavioral measures. The results support a distinctionbetween automation trust and mistrust as separate constructs, short- and long-termeffects of TORs on automation trust, and cultural differences in automation trust

    Trust in automated vehicles:constructs, psychological processes and assessment

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    There is a growing body of research on trust in driving automation systems. In this paper, we seek to clarify the way trust is conceptualized, calibrated and measured taking into account issues related to specific levels of driving automation. We find that: (1) experience plays a vital role in trust calibration; (2) experience should be measured not just in terms of distance traveled, but in terms of the range of situations encountered; (3) system malfunctions and recovery from such malfunctions is a fundamental part of this experience. We summarize our findings in a framework describing the dynamics of trust calibration. We observe that methods used to quantify trust often lack objectivity, reliability, and validity, and propose a set of recommendations for researchers seeking to select suitable trust measures for their studies. In conclusion, we argue that the safe deployment of current and future automated vehicles depends on drivers developing appropriate levels of trust. Given the potentially severe consequences of miscalibrated trust, it is essential that drivers incorporate the possibility of new and unexpected driving situations in their mental models of system capabilities. It is vitally important that we develop methods that contribute to this goal
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