13 research outputs found

    Descriptive Topological Spaces for Performing Visual Search

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    Accepted versionThis article presents an approach to performing the task of visual search in the context of descriptive topological spaces. The presented algorithm forms the basis of a descriptive visual search system (DVSS) that is based on the guided search model (GSM) that is motivated by human visual search. This model, in turn, consists of the bottom-up and top-down attention models and is implemented within the DVSS in three distinct stages. First, the bottom-up activation process is used to generate saliency maps and to identify salient objects. Second, perceptual objects, defined in the context of descriptive topological spaces, are identified and associated with feature vectors obtained from a VGG deep learning convolutional neural network. Lastly, the top-down activation process makes decisions on whether the object of interest is present in a given image through the use of descriptive patterns within the context of a descriptive topological space. The presented approach is tested with images from the ImageNet ILSVRC2012 and SIMPLIcity datasets. The contribution of this article is a descriptive pattern-based visual search algorithm."This research has been supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Discovery Grant 418413, and the Faculty of Graduate Studies at the University of Winnipeg."https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-662-58768-3_

    Theories of Learning (Teori Belajar)

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    Judul Asli : Theories Of Learningxii, 542 p. : il.; 26 cm

    Theories of learning ; Teori Belajar / Edisi Ketujuh

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    Ditulis secara gamblang, komprehensif, dan mudah untuk dicerna, buku ini memaparkan secara terperinci berbagai topik esensial dari topik belajar dengan implikasinya bagi praktik pendidikan. Buku yang telah dapat pengakuan sebagai buku teks teori terpelajar terkemuka oleh banyak ahli pendidikan ini membahas defenisi belajar dan menunjukkan bagaimana proses belajar dikaji. Dan apresiasi terhadap tokoh-tokoh dan teori-teori yang telah membentuk penelitian teori belajar selama lebih dari 100 tahun. Buku ini juga menyajikan fitur-fitur dari teori-teori belajar utama dari para pionirnya, E.L.Thorndike, Ivan Pavlov, B.F.Skinner, Clark Hull, Edwin Guthrie, William Estes, psikologi Gestalt, Jean Piaget, E.C.Tolman, Albert Bandura, Donald Hebb, and Robert Bolles. Buku ini sangat penting bagi mereka yang berkecimpung di bidang pendidikan dan pembelajaran

    Witmer, Lightner

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